one of these new ORGANIC BARIUM COMPOUNDS - C&EN Global

Nov 6, 2010 - New Modification Strategy Gives MOFs Bigger Pores. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs)—hybrid materials that stitch organic linkers and me...
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one of these new

ORGANIC BARIUM COMPOUNDS (never before available)

might be the key to your problem! Barium Phytate

Here are five organic barium salts we believe product-and-process-development researchers will find applicable to a wide range of problems.


Barium Sulfostearate

We chose these . . . after detailed evaluation of dozens of compounds . . . on the basis of economics and potential utility. Our own research leads us to suspect they may be useful:


Barium Benzene Sulfonate

• in solvent-thinned coatings to improve corrosion resistance, hardness, flexibility and anti-skinning

(C6H 5 S03)2Ba

• in latex paints to improve adhesion and hardness

Barium Hydrogen Cyanurate

• in vinyl stabilizers

BaHC3N 3 03 • H2O

• as mold-release agents for polymers • in oils and greases as rust-preventives • in cutting, grinding and metal-working compounds to speed production, prevent burring, reduce grindingwheel wear

Barium Dihydrogen Cyanurate Ba(H 2 C3N303)2 • 2H2O

• in high-temperature wire-drawing lube oils • as flotation agents and oil emulsifiers. . . . and the list doesn't stop there! Laboratory quantities of these five compounds are now available. We'll gladly provide samples for your evaluation and share with you any data we may have relative to your specific areas of interest. Commercial production will be undertaken for any of these (or other new barium chemicals) for which volume use might develop.





FOOD M A C H I N E R Y A N D C H E M I C A L C O R P O R A T I O N M i n e r a l P r o d u c t s Division General Sales Offices: 161 E. -42nd STREET, NEW YORK I T