Optical Anisotropy of Supported Lipid Structures Probed by

Jun 3, 2008 - We would like to make the readers of the article. “Optical Anisotropy of Supported Lipid Structures Probed by Waveguide Spectroscopy a...
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Anal. Chem. 2008, 80, 5276

Correction Optical Anisotropy of Supported Lipid Structures Probed by Waveguide Spectroscopy and Its Application to Study of Supported Lipid Bilayer Formation Kinetics Alireza Mashaghi, Marcus Swann, Jonathan Popplewell, Marcus Textor, and Erik Reimhult* (Anal. Chem. 2008, 80, 3666–3676)

We would like to make the readers of the article “Optical Anisotropy of Supported Lipid Structures Probed by Waveguide Spectroscopy and Its Application to Study of Supported Lipid Bilayer Formation Kinetics” note that two major errors are present in the printed paper. Since these errors might lead to confusion for a reader trying to reproduce the presented results, we would like to add the following corrections: (1)In the Experimental Section on the fourth page of the article, line 33 in the left column, the formula describing the calculation of the isotropic thickness incorrectly has a square root. It should read diso ) (dTM + 2dTE)/3. (2)In Figure 2b, the labels “∆D15 MHz (10-6)” and “Birefringence (nTM–nTE)” mark the wrong axes and should be interchanged. AC800988V 10.1021/ac800988v


Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 80, No. 13, July 1, 2008

10.1021/ac800988v CCC: $40.75  2008 American Chemical Society Published on Web 06/03/2008