Optical rotatory dispersion and circular dichroism in organic chemistry

1 pmd~lrt~. ITmkiog, of thc Forest Prod~~cts L~horatory, Wis- rrmsin, reviews the chemistry and bio- chemistry of ligni~, considered as a poly- mel.iz...
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circular dichroism techniqnes are compared by Crabb6 nnd they are compared to other physical met,hods by Levisalles. The theory of OR11 and CD is covered in several reprint,ed pnpers by Moscawitr: and bv Mason. Woldhve reviews the ill-

formcd by oxidative conpling of naphthalenic systems aud their precursors. Thc structnre determination results from two decades of work by Todd and his collahorators and constit,~rtesa classic in t,he chemistry of imtu1.~1p m d ~ l r t ~ ITmkiog, . Organic applications include studies of of thc Forest P r o d ~ ~ c L~horatory, ts Wissaturated carbonyl compounds (Klyne and rrmsin, reviews the chemistry and bioLehn), unsaturated ketones (Snatzke), chemistry of ligni~,considered as a polyconjugated a systems (Mislow), carboxmel.izntim pntduet of phenol oridatio~i. ylie acids (Sjuberg and Klyne), alcohols, amines. and bvdroxv and amino acids (Erdtmnn, i n 103::, reeilgnized that the (SjAberg), chlorins, lactones, and laetams swyrnntie dehydl.c,genxtion of two molecules of t,he phenol, iwcngonol, was a (Wolf and Klyne), and sulfur containing modrl of the mechanism c l f lignificrrtion.) chromophores (Koriyama). Seven reThe central theme of the book is here printed art.icles by Blout deal with applicadeveloped into n rlcar and nhsorhing actions to polypeptides and proteins. The 811d S ~ ~ I I C ~ I I I P ORD of several types of synthetic high rmtnt of lignin prod~~ction and its iclation to carbohydrate melabpolymers are reviewed by Pino. Solvent dism and to the formation of hnmic acid effects on CD (Rassnt and Moscowitr) and temperature dependence of CD (Snatske) i I o i l . Weinges and Spnnig, Heidelhwg, review the literntwe n n lignans and are reviewed. cyrloligtmns since 1950. Same important recent inorganic appliThis book beautifnlly nrgnniaes a vast cations of ORD and CD to metal coordiamotinb of the recent zdvnnce in a f~un- nabion compounds are covered by Woldbye damenl.nl area of chemistry and bioand by Mason. The Farsday Effect-oprhemisl~yi l l a amvenieut and illuminating tical aebivity induced by s. magnet,ic field-is treated in a brief chapter by Baway. doz. He inelndes discnssion of the backT. C o o ~ r o a ~ ~rnlllld,instl.r~metlt.atinn,and a few inoli Collrgr o j Womlcr gnnie and organic applicntions. Wo'ooste~,Ohio The eprrtributors deal with s wide range of problems encountered in studies of optical activity. These include assignments of nhsolote eonfigwatiotw, eonformational and storeochemicnl problems, and spectroOptical Rotatory Dispersion and Circuscopic assignments of olect,ronic t,ransilar Dichroism in Organic Chemistry tions. The scope and limitations of ORD Including Applications From Inorganic and C1) techniques are clear from the wide Chemistry and Biochemistry caveragc. The book should be valuable to graduate Edited by G . Snatzke, University of students and others who wish to learn Bonn, Germany. Sadtlor Research about these techniques and their applicaLaborntorics Inc., Philadelphia, 1967. tion.;. I t will also be useful as x handy ref416 pp. Figs. and tables. xvi erencc for those working in the field. 17.5 X 24.5 cm. $13.50. BODIEE. I)OUGL.\S This collection of papers presented a t a Unimrsil?, of Piflshu~gh NATO summer school differs from the Pillshwgh, Pa. 15flY ~rsualsymposium volume in that the background is covered sufficiently to make the book useful to readers with little experionce in the field. I t gives reasonable covSelected Readings in Chemical Kierage of the present state of t,he revitalized netics field of applicctt,ionsof optical rotatory dispersion (ORD) and circular dichroism Edited by Margaret H . Back and Keilh (CD) in organic chemistry. I n addition, J . Laidler, both of the University of there are sections dealing with applications Ottawa. Pergamon Press Ltd., New to biochemistry and high polymers and 175 pp. Figs. and York, 1967. viii two brief chapters devoted to applications tables. 13.5 X 20.5 cm. Clothbound, to the study of metal coordination eom$5.50; Paperbound, $4.00. pounds. The papers are writ,ten by outstanding Textbooks serve a. useful purpose in providing an orderly, and sometimes painless, lenders in the field. Many are reprinted articles from jmlrnals and R few are taken introduction to a field, but they can't prolargely from published work. I t will be vide the thrill that comes from reading llseful for readers who are not working in original research papers. This source this field to have these pnpers combined book in chemical kinetics presents a. set of papers which are significant, which are with the new eor~iribntions. Most of the meaningful by themselves without asreprinted papers are very recent. Many of the ot,her.; include references up to snmsociated background, and which present mer 1965, and a few have added 1966 or concepts that are still essentially valid. 1967 (in press) references. As an added bonus aeveral of the papers Chrtpters by Crabhe and Djeraisi proare English translations of papers previde bnckgronnd and introduction t,hrough viously available only in Russian or Gerthe discussion of applications of the teebman. The general theme concerns the ~~iques.Djcrassi reviews the dramatic intheoretical aspects of chemical kinetics and crease in activity during the period concentrates on gas phase reactions. 1955-0% Oplienl rotatury dispersion and Work of the last 30 years on mechanisms







Journal of Chemical Education

of organic and inorganic reactions in sohttion has not been meniioned. The papers reproduced are as follows: On the Laws of Connexion between the Conditions of a Chemical Change and its Amount, by A. V. Hercourt and W. Esson; On the Reaction Velocity of the Inversion of Cane Sugar by Acids, by S. Arrhenius; Studies in Catalysis. Part IX. The Calculation in Absolut,e Measure of Velocity Constants and Eqnilibrium Constants in Gaseons Systems, hy W. C. McC. Lewis; On Simple Gas Reactions, by H. Eyring and RI. Polanyi; The Absolute Rate of Reactions in Condensed Phases, by W. F. K. WynnRTones and Henry Eyring; The Radiation Theory of Chemical Action, hy F. A. Lindemann: On the Theory of Unimolecular Reactions, by C. N. Hinshelwood; Theories of Unimolec~~lar Reaclions a t Low Pressures, by 0 . K. Rice and H. C. Ramsperger; On the Reactions between Hydrogen and Rromine, by J . A. Christ,iansen; The Oxidations of Phosphorus Tapour at, Low Prcssures, by N. Semenoff; The Thermal Decomposition of Organic Camponnds from the Standpoint of Free Iladicals. \'I. The Mechanism of Some Chain Reactions, by F. 0 . Rice and K. F. Herzfeld; On a Single Chain Mechanism for the Thermal Decomposition of Hydrocarbons, hy T'. A. Poltorak and T'. V. T'oevodsky.

JAMES E. FINHOLT Carlela College Norlhjield, Minnesota 55057 Enzyme Kinetics Haluor N . Christensen and Graham A . Palmer, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor. W. B. Sannders 124 p i . Co., Philadelphia, 1967. viii Figs. and tables. 18 X 26 em. Paperbound. $3.50.


This programmed supplement deals with those aspects of enzyme kinet,ics apprapriate t,o an undergraduate course in biochemist,ry. The authors suggest t,hat the scope of ideas presented corresponds to the treatment in the several leading biochemistry textbooks, and represents approximately the material that might be presented in an hour's lect~lre. Only s. modern general chemist,ry background ia assnmed. After the introductiorl of the ~ nt r~~p ~l we wwvpt c,f t1.p e ~ o y n w - ~ ~ t h m ;tntltlirhoeli.-hlrnten equation is derived by means of the sr~;tlly-~latc t r r a t ~ ~ . ~i l t. th origll3l paper