Optical Rotatory Dispersion Studies. I. The Androstane Series1

Wayne University]. Optical Rotatory Dispersion Studies. I. The Androstane Series1. By Carl Djerassi, Eleanor W. Foltz and A. E. Lippman. Received Marc...
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Vol. 77


Optical Rotatory Dispersion Studies. I. The Androstane Series1 BY CARL DJERASSI, ELEANOR \Y.FOLTZ AND


RECEIVED MARCH18, 1955 A general experimental and theoretical introduction t o rotatory dispersion in the steroid field is gireri Detailed data are given for a series of ketones of the androstane series and certain rotatory dispersion features have been correlated with specific structural moieties, TJZ?, saturated 3-ketone and/or 17-ketone, A’- and A4-3,17-diketosie

Introduction Measurements of optical rotatory dispersion have been carried out by various workers since the time of Biot,2 who five years after his discovery of optical activity published some rough measurements of the optical rotation of quartz a t the wave lengths corresponding to the limits between the seven simple colors. Dispersion measurements in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum were first carried out by Soret and Sarasin3 using various spectral lines of a cadmium arc and a fluorescent screen. Subsequent improvements in instrumentation and experimental procedures have been reviewed completely by H e l l e ~ - . ~Detailed rotatory dispersion measurements have been carried out with many simple organic compound^,^ but cursory studies in the steroid series appear to have been limited to c h ~ l e s t e r o l ~and ~ ~ ~some , ? of its derivatives and cortisone acetate.? The development in recent years of photomultiplier tubes has made possible for the first time the construction of a spectropolarimeter capable of operating a t any desired wave length within a certain range, which includes the visible and near ultraviolet regions of the spectrum, the rotation being determined directly without having to resort to photographic plates. This instrument (Rudolph Model 200 S-80) is commercially available* and its construction will be described in detail in another jo~rnal.~ These advances in instrumentation have encouraged us t o undertake a systematic study of the rotatory dispersion of more complex organic structures and we have focused our attention initially on steroids. It was felt that in the steroid serieswhere so many closely related compounds are available and where a fused, polycyclic system with a contiguous chain of five to eight asymmetric car(1) We should like t o acknowledge t h e generous support of t h e S a tional Science Foundation which made possihle t h e participation of one of u s (E.Tl’.F.) as a predoctorate research fellow and which provided funds for t h e purchase of t h e spectropolarimeter. (2) J . B. Biot, J l e m . A c a d . Sei., 2 , 4 1 (1817). ( 3 ) J. L. Soret and E. Sarasin, Cowzpl. v e i z d . , 95, 63G (1882). The use of a photographic plate a t the eye-piece of t h e polarimeter was introduced b y P . Joubin, .4rz?z. china. p h y s . , 16, 7 8 (1889). (4) W. Heller in A. Weissberger’s “Physical Methods of Organic Chemistry,” Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1049, 2nd edit , 1’01. I, P a r t 11, Chapter XXIII (“Polarimetiy”). ( 5 ) ( a ) T. hf. Lowry, “Optical Rotatory Power,” Longmans, Green Levene and .4. Rothen in H. 8; Co , New York, N. Y.. 1935; (b) P Gilman’s “Organic Chemistry,” John ley 8; Sons, Inc., K e w York, X , Y . , 1938, first edit., Vol. 11, chaptei 21 (“Rotatory I h p e r s i o n ” ) . l,indenmayer, .7. p r a h l . C k e i n , [I], 90, 323 (1803); L. Tschu(6) 0. gaeff, Z . p h r s i k . C h e w , 7 6 , 469 (1911); S I . G. T‘avon and B. Jakubowicz, Bzdl. S O L . c h i m . France, [41 5 3 , 581 (1933). ( 7 ) E. Brand, E. Washburn, B. F. Erlanger, E. Ellenbogen, J . Daniel, F . Lippmann and hl. Scheu, THISJ O I . R N A L , 7 6 , 5037 (19.54). (8) 0 . C . Rudolph a n d Sons, Caldwell, N. J. (9) H. Rudolph, J. O p t . SOC.A m . , t o be published.

bon atoms can be found--relatively niinor structural alterations might manifest themselves in observable rotatory dispersion changes. An attempt was made, therefore, to determine whether a correlation between certain features of rotatory dispersion curves and structural characteristics could be accomplished which would make available an additioiial tool for the characterization of these substances. A further reason for choosing steroids was that probably in no other field of organic chemistry has so extensive a correlation been made between structure and ultraviolet absorption’o and such information is often required for the proper interpretation of rotatory dispersion curves. The results in the steroid series also might indicate the feasibility of extending such a systematic study to other classes of complex organic compounds ( e . g . , triterpenes). This first paper is limited to a general introduction of the subject, to a discussion of the experimental procedures employed in this and all subsequent studies from our laboratory, and to our results in the androstane series where the effect of conjugated and non-conjugated carbonyl groups upon rotatory dispersion TYas examined. General Experimental Procedure Instrument.-The RudolphS photoelectric spectropolarimeter model 2005-80consists of four components: Rudolph circular scale high precision polarimeter (model SO), a Beckman quartz monochromator, light sources ( t o be discussed below) and a Photovolt Multiplier Photometer (model 520-2’) with interchangeable photomultiplier tubes for use in the visible ( I I C A IP21) and ultraviolet (RCA IP28) regions. Operation.---A solution of the compound under investigation was made up in purified dioxane” and then introduced into a 1-din. ( 3 . 5 mm. bore, total capacity less than 2 cc.) center-filled polarimeter tube witli cemented-on fused quartz cover glasses (obtained from 0. C . Rudolph*). This arrangement was necessary when working in the ultraviolet in order t o avoid changes in stress birefringence caused by variations in the degree of tightening of the cover glasses of standard polarimeter tubes; furthermore, it eliminatcd any leakage over the course of the whole series of readings. The quartz cover glasses were carefully selected and tested for freedom from birefringence both before and after cementing. The tubes were fitted with a ground glass stopper and measurements always were taken with the tube ______ (10) L. Doifman, Chem. Reo.., 53, 47 (10.53). (11) Since it is essential t h a t t h e same solvent be used for all of t h e compounds, dioxane and chloroform were the obvious choices since most steroids are soluble in them and these solvents do not show appreciable absorption in t h e spectral range studied. Chloroform would have been preferable, since most mulecular rotation difference values in t h e steroid series are reported for this sulvent, b u t considerable experimentation led us t o reject i t in favor of dioxane (purified according t o L. F.Fieser, “Experiments in Organic Chemistry,” D. C. Heath and Co., S e w York, N. T., 1011, 2 n d edit., p . 3 6 8 ) hecause of its higher boiling point. This proved t o be a decided advantage since measurements on t h e same solution had t o be curried out for a period of several hours and t h e rate of evaporation had t o be kept at a minimum.

Aug. 20, 19-55


in the same location in the polarimeter trough (very close t o the polarizer prism). Readings were taken in duplicate by t h e method of s.pmmetrica1 angles4J2and blank readings (with pure dioxane) were performed daily a t 650, 550, 450, and 350 m p . These did not differ significantly from each other and their mean value was subtracted from each sample reading to obtain the reported measurement. The zero point of the empty instrument also was checked daily. The light source used for all experiments reported in this and the following papers wa5 a glass-jacketed Sylvanid K-100 concentrated arc Zirconium lamp. A quartzjacketed Hanovia 10-C-1 Xenon compact arc lamp was employed occasionally, b u t its general use was prevented because of difficulties in our hands with the unsatisfactory light stability of this lamp. Of the two photomultiplier tubes attached to the instrument, the ultraviolet-sensitive tube (RCA IP28) was found to be satisfactory up to 700 mfi and hence was used exclusively throughout the spectral range covered. The diaphragm aperture was set a t 3.0 mm. ( i . e . , slightly smaller than the bore of the polarimeter tube) and the slit VI idth of the Beckman monochromator was 0.1 mm. if this afforded suficiently intense transmitted light. Otherwise, i t was increased stepwise t o 0.2, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 mm. as the transmitted light decreased in intensity. Temperatures were recorded (see experimental results) for each run but no control was instituted, the fluctuations having been those encountered in ordinary room temperature in an isolated room employed only for this polarimetric study. Frequency of Readings.-Typical wave lengths at which measurements were taken: 700, 630, 620, 589 (sodium D line), 580, 820-400 (in 20 mp intervals) and 400-300 mp (in 10 mp intervals). I n the region of “maxima” and ‘‘minima,’’ readings were carried out at 2.5 mp intervals, except for the 320-300 mp region whcre this was done a t 5 mu intervals.

Discussion 0

11, R = R ’ = 0 111, R = Hz; R’ = 0 IT‘, R = 0 ; R’= H 2 0

I 0


/w 1




A brief discussion of optical activity and optically active absorption bands seems necessary a t this time in order to clarify the frame within which the results of this and succeeding papers will be considered. (12) J. Kenyon, Nature, 117, 304 (1926).


The optical activity of a compound is due to the fact that i t contains a chromophore which is so situated in the asymmetric environment of the rest of the molecule t h a t it affects to a different extent the velocity of right and left circularly polarized light. A beam of plane-polarized light may be regarded as being made up of two such coherent components, which after passage through the optically active medium recombine to give again a planepolarized beam. The resulting phase difference between these right and left circularly polarized components causes the plane of polarization to be rotated to an extent depending on the degree of asymmetry of the chromophore and on the proximity, in terms of wave length, of the absorption peak of this chromophore to the wave length of the incident polarized light. The extent of positive or negative rotation, therefore, will increase as measurements are taken from the infrared side of the spectrum to within the neighborhood of an optically active absorption band (which is usually situated in the ultraviolet in the type of steroids now under investigation). When measurements can be continued through the absorption band (e.g., Fig. 3), the rotation will be found to rise rapidly to a sharp peak, then fall rapidly and rise to a similarly sharp peak of opposite sign. Beyond this point the rotation will decrease gradually as the wave length of the incident light recedes from t h a t a t the absorption peak of the chromophore. T h i s absorption peak of the chromophore is situated at the m e a n of the wave lengths at which the positive and negative ,beaks13 of rotation occur. The distance between the positive and negative peaks in terms of rotation can be taken as a measure of the degree of asymmetry of the chromophore in t h a t it indicates the extent to which the latter contributes to the optical activity of the compound. In a molecule as complex as the steroids, the optical activity of the substance is due to more than one optically active chromophore and this is reflected in the shape of many of the rotatory dispersion curves described in this and the following two papers.l4>l5 The rotatory dispersion curve (Fig. 1)16of the completely unsubstituted reference compound, androstane (V), is unspectacular within the spectral range studied, as is to be expected of a saturated hydrocarbon which can have no chromophores except in the inaccessible, far ultraviolet below 200 mp. This curve represents the behavior of the unsubstituted steroid skeleton against the background of which our other results can be interpreted. The introduction of a ketonic function at position 3, as in androstan-3-one (IV), produces a marked change. The dispersion curve (Fig. 1) rises to a sharp peak a t 315 mp ([a]+9lCi0) and on extrapolation would cut the wave length axis (zero rotation) a t about 295-300 mp, which is close to the ob(13) This explains why the terms marima and minima used in ultraviolet absorption culves are unsatisfactory when applied t o rotatory dispersion curves (see ref. 19). (14) E. W.Foltz, A. E. Lippman and C Djerassi, THISJ O U R N A L , 77, 4359 (1955). (15) A. E. Lippman, E. W. Foltz and C . Djerassi, i b i d . , 77, 4364 (1955). (16) The Roman numerals of the curves correspond to those of the structural formulas given in the text of this paper.





Vol. i 7

bered ring ketones.lo-’S The curve (Fig. 1) of androstane-3,l’l-dione (11) appears largely governed by the presence of the 17-keto group since it shows the characteristic peak a t 320 m p intensified somewhat ( [ a ]4-3054’ as compared to +2572O for 111) by the added effect due to the &keto function. The curve of its 5P-isomer, etiocholane-3,17-dione (I), differs little from it, but exhibits generally higher rotation except near its peak. As can be seen from the above four ketones (I-IV), the C-17 keto group shows much greater activity and this might possibly be attributed to its greater proximity to an asym0 metric center (at C-1.3); the asymmetric center (C3 ) closest to the C-3 keto group is two carbon atoms c away. Introduction of one or more double bonds in conjugation with the 3-keto function results in more u complicated rotatory dispersion curves (Figs. 2 , 3) m 1 i in which certain features can be related empirically with structural moieties. Thus A4-androstene-3,17dione (VI) shows a “maximum”19a t 357.5 m p and “minima”s9 a t 367.5 and 355 mp, the position of which can be related conclusively to the A4-3-keto system as is supported amply in subsequent papers on similar compounds in the hormonelj and cholestaneL5series. These “maxima” and “minima” define numerically the optically active absorption band (assigned to the A4-3-keto function) a t 362.3 mp associated with a negative peak a t 367.5 m p and a positive one a t 357.5 mp. The isomeric AI-androstene-3,li-dione (VIII) 300 exhibits a similar (though shifted) feature (Fig. 2) Fig. 1.-Rotatory dispersion curves of: etiocholane-3,li- with a negative peak a t 3192.5 mp and a positive peak a t 370 nip, correspoiiding to an optically active dione (I), androstane-3,17-dione (II), androstan-17-one band (due to the ilY3-keto system) a t : 3 i A n i p . The (111). androstan-3-one (17’) and androstane (V). characteristic shape for this structural feature (comserved” ultraviolet absorption maximum a t 28.1- pare cholestarie seriess5)is defined by the “maxi287 mp. The shape of the curve indicates that i t mum” a t 3 i 0 mb and the “minima” a t .‘3S2.5 and represents the passage through an optically active 367.5 nip. The peak of rotation a t 320 m p , found in absorption band which must be ascribed to the 3- both compounds VI and 1’111, and which is ascribed keto function. If measurements could have been to the 17-keto chromophore (see above) is sornecarried out below 300 mp, it would have been ex- what stronger in the present cases ( [ a ]+81i50° and pected that a similar negative peak would have +381G’) than in the saturated androstane-::, 17been reached a t ca. 280 mp. dione (11) ([a]+3054”). Three possibilities offer The introduction of a single keto group in the themselves as likely answers: (a) there remains a five-membered ring as in androstan-17-one (111) rotatory contribution a t that wave length associcauses a similar peak to occur in the dispersion ated with the saturated 3-keto group; (b) the incurve (Fig. l), which, however, is shifted toward troduction of the conjugated double bond increases longer wave length (320 mp) and which is much the asymmetry of the 17-keto group; (c) another more intense ( [ a ]+2572‘) than the corresponding and as yet unidentified factor enters into play. Our one in androstan-3-one (IV) . The curve intersects results with steroids which possess no additional the zero line a t 303 mp which again is in reasonable keto group (testosterone,14 ~4-cholesten-~3-one’~i~ agreement with the observe~l’~ ultraviolet absorp- seem to support the third hypothesis. tion maximum a t 294-297 mp. l y e consider this (18) G . Forster, R . Skrabal and J . \ T a p e r Z.E/eb(vodzem., 4 3 , 290 small shift (315 mp us. 320 mp) toward longer (1937). As pointed out earlier (ref. 13), t h e use of t h e terms maxiiiln wave length more significant than any exact cor- and(19) mi%i?na appears undesirable in rotatory dispersion curves. When respondence between the value obtained by ex- used in quotation marks in this and subsequent papers, this is simply trapolation and that measured experimentally with done for t h e sakeof convenience in order t o define numerically the shape the ultraviolet spectrophotometer, since the low in- of t h e curve, since t h e latter is of striking importance and reproducibility in t h e empirical correlation of structure a n d s h n p e of dispersion tensity absorption spectra in this region are ill de- curve. “Maxima” and “minima” should not necessarily be considered fined, with absorption maxima being only vaguely synonymous with negative and positive peaks corresponding t o a n opoutlined against a background of general absorp- tically active absorption band. For instance, t h e broad “maximum” a t 38.5 mp (Fig. 2) of A~-androstene-3,17-dione (VI) is notrelatedto t h e tion. Qualitatively, the bathochromic shift is general for going from six-membered to five-inem- positive peak of a n optically active ahsorption band. Rather, i t repreI








(17) We have measuied t h e low-intensity ultraviolet absorption of all of t h e ketones in dioxane solution in t h e region 280-370 m s and t h e d a t a are recorded in t h e Experimental section

sents t h e positive partial rotation over t h e 400-700 m e region now falling under t h e influence of a stronger negative partial rotation due t o entry into t h e optically active absorption hand a t 3 6 2 . 5 me, t h e first peak of which is negative.

rlug. 20, 1955






Fig. 2.-Rotatory dispersion curves of: A4-androstene3,17-dione (VI), A1~4-androstadiene-3,17-dione ( V I I ) and A1-androstene-3,17-dione (VIII). )

The dispersion curve (Fig. 2 ) of A1s4-androstadiWAVE LENGTH (mp). ene-3,17-dione (VII) is not the arithmetic mean of Fig. 3.-Rotatory dispersion curves of: A4%mdrostadithat of AI- and A4-androstene-3,17-dione; the irregene-3,17-dione ( I X ) and A1.4*6-androstatriene-3,17-dione ular nature in the 420-360 mp region suggests that it represents the superimposition of several effects. (X). The peak rotation ( [ a ]+3087’) at 320 mp is nearly which occurs a t 373 mp (positive peak a t 405 mk, identical with that of the saturated androstane- negative peak a t 345 mp). 3,17-dione (11),i.e., appreciably lower than the unIn summary, it can be stated that characteristic saturated diketones VI and VIII. features in the dispersion curves can be assigned to Of considerable interest are the dispersion curves isolated ketone functions (300-320 mp region) and (Fig. 3) of A4z6-androstadiene-3,17-dione (IX) and especially to unsaturated ketones where the 350of A1~4~6-androstatriene-3,17-dione (X), since they 420,mp region is particularly important since it inillustrate well the shape of a rotatory dispersion cludes typical features for each moiety. curve on passage through an optically active abMathematical Results sorption band ; the very characteristic “maxima” and “minima” are listed in the experimental porThe relationship between optical rotation and tion and both compounds exhibit two optically ac- wave length outside the region of an optically active tive absorption bands. The low intensity absorp- absorption band2u can be expressed by a Drude tion spectral; of these two compounds are quite equation.: The first term, [MJ = k!(X2 - A,”) excomplicated; the A 4 6-diene-dione IX has a broad presses the contribution to the total molecular maximum a t 33G-316 nip and the A1~4~6-triene-dione ([MI) rotation (at any particular wave length A) X a maximum a t 346-348 mp, but in addition there of a given optically active chromophore which has are numerous shoulders and inflections in the region an absorption peak a t wave length An. Where a 370-390 mp in the spectra of both substances. No second term appears, this must be taken to encomobvious correlation between the absorption spectra pass all the remaining rotatory contributions due to and the rotatory dispersion curves of these two optically active bands situated further in the ultracompounds can be made a t this time other than to violet. The constant XO usually does not coincide point out that the main optically active absorption exactly with the measured peak of light absorption band of the AAb-derivativeIX is a t a lower wave (20) From our standpoint-correlation of structure with shape of length, 363 mp (positive peak a t 390 my, negative rotatory dispersion curve-this is t h e least significant region (usually peak a t 340 inp) than that of the A1s4z6-trieneX ca. 700-400 mp).



and even in simple compounds it is generally displaced by about 5 mp toward longer wave length.6a I n the case of the more complicated steroid molecule, such discrepancies will be expected to be more serious, especially if several strong optically active chomophores are present and this was found indeed to be the case. It was attempted to fit both one-term and twoterm Drude equations to our experimental data by computation methods which are discussed in detail in the third paper15 of this series. Such equations could be fitted satisfactorily t o eight out of the ten compounds over a spectral range which in each case is indicated in the experiniental section, a deviation of less than 37, between the calculated and experimental value usually being considered acceptable. It is pertinent t o note t h a t in three cases (VI, VII, IX) where experimental results were obtained a t two concentrations (c = 1 or O . l ) , the results obtained from the higher concentration could be made to fit a Drude equation while the others could not.21 Of the two compounds (VIII, X) for which no satisfactory equation could be derived, Al-androstene3,17-dione (17111) has been measured only at the lower concentration. The reason in this and similar instances was that light absorption of the sample in c = 1 concentration prevented measurements to be carried out to sufficiently short wave lengths in order to define the rotation peak near 320 mp. I n the case of the other compound, A1,4.6-androstatriene3,17-dione (X), only a very small portion of the measured spectrum (Fig. 3) lies outside the region of optically active absorption, within which the Drude equation is not applicable. On both these grounds, androstane (V) , measured at the higher concentration and transparent throughout the spectral range studied (Fig. l ) , would be expected to be fitted easily to a suitable equation. On the basis of the criteria set up in our computation^'^ the agreement is the poorest in this series, with some of the smaller values deviating as much as 50%. This must be due t o the extreme smallness of the readings, with resulting lesser accuracy; a deviation of the calculated molecular rotation from the observed value of the order of only 1-2’ can amount here to a 50yodeviation. I n the Experimental section, in addition to the Drude equation, the calculated value of XO also is given in each instance. As pointed out above, in as complicated a molecule as a substituted steroid, this value of XO will not necessarily agree with the observed ultraviolet absorption maximum. Thus, the fact that the calculated value (250 mp) of XO for A4-androstene-3,17-dione (VI) is reasonably close to the observedi0 ultraviolet absorption maximum (ca. 240 mp) of the A4-3-keto grouping does not necessarily demonstrate conclusively that this particular chromophore is responsible for the observed rotation of the substance in the oisible spectrum. However, it is quite likely that this is the case and that the strong chromophore (corresponding to the 240 mp maximum) associated with the A4-3-keto system is ( 2 1 ) This must be d u e t o t h e fact t h a t t h e lesser percentage accuracy iiiherent in measurements obtained a t t h e l o n e r concentration (when t h c rotation is small) makes i t much more diilicult t o obtaiu n Drude equation which would fit closely enough t o meet t h e requirement which we consider desirable (see ref. 15).

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optically active as was shown to be the case for the low intensity, long wave length, carbonyl chromophore (max. a t ,304 mp) by the more direct procedure of extrapolation through the zero rotation line bide supra). It should be noted that the unambiguous and direct method of actually following the dispersion curve through the active absorption band (in the 2-10-250 m p region i is unlikely to be feasible experinientally with such strongly absorbing chromophores as the A’-:bl;eto grouping, even in the absence of limitations imposed by the nature of the light source and the light transmitting properties of the solvent. The calculated XO values (%SO and 408 m p , respectively) of the conjugated L I ~ > ~ - ( V and I I )A4,6-(IX) diene-diones are removed much further from their respective absorption inaxinial” (214 and 282 nip). The changes in Xo are in the right direction, increasing with increased absorption, but the value for the A4mF-dieiieIX appears to be unreasonably high. ’The results with the four unconjugated ketones of this series (I-IT) confirm what had already been established by the graphic extrapolation method through the zero rotation axis, namely, that the ketonic absorption band is optically active in all four compounds. The range (306-314 m p j of the culculated Xo value falls close to the observed position (2%-297 nip) of the lom intensity absorption band of the isolated carbonyl group. Experimental Results General Comments.-\Ikxe the source of the substance is iiot giveii, it represents inaterial of aiialytical purity from the collection of one of the authors ( C . D . ) . Samples obtained from Sj-rites, S.A., Mesico City, were checked for puritl- b y paper chromatographic assays through the courtesy of l ) r . A . %:tffaroni. t-ltraviolet absorption spectra were nieasurecl in dioxaiie solution with ail autom:ltically recording Il’arren Spectracord attached t o a Beckman D L ultraviolet spectrophotometer. Rotatory dispersion (R.D.) values are given for the upper aiid lower limit of the spectral range covered, for 589 mp (sodium D line) and for all “maxima” and ‘‘minima” (see ref. 19). Observed rotations a t any wave length represent the average of duplicate readings agreeing generally within =tt0.0iU0 except at the loircr wave lengths where larger dcYiutioIis were encouutcred and ivhereupoil more than tlvo rwdings wcrc taketi. Furtlierniorc, each compound was I - u t i iii tluplicatc ( i i e ~ solutions . made u p ) and the recorded specific rotatioils represent the average of t w o values agrceing ~rithiii3‘ (, . Coiicciitrations are given as either c = 1.00 (50 mg. in 5 c c . 1 or 2 = 0.10 (10 mg. in 10 cc.). The temperature given refers to the range over the entire series of readings. Whenever :L Drucle equation could be obtained for :t given compound, this is listed together with the calculated value of A,,. The wave length range over wliic11 the equation fits together with the average r; deviatioti also is given xntl it should be noticed that all rotations in the Drucle equations :ire expressed as moleczdar rotatioizs ( [hl] rather than spccific rotations ( ~ ( Y ),] which are used tliroughout the rest of this \vork. Actual readings at eacli 11aye ler~gtllaud the correspoiitleiice a t each point between the observed and calculnted values are listed in detail ill t h e Ph.11. thesis (1955) of Eleanor IT.Foltz arid may be obtaii~edon interlibrary loall from thc IYa)-iic Cniversity Library. Etiocholane-3 ,l’l-dione (I), 1n.p. 120-123 ”; A,,,:,,, 292 2 9 7 0 m ~log , E 1.64. R.D. (F 150 , [ c ? J 3 “ 5 1201”, “Illas temp. 23-24”, Drude equ 0.0934) 49.4/A2; A0 306 [hI],,5icd: &l.7f-i, 650-370 11 Androstane-3,l’l-dione (II),m.p. 120-13U”; A,,,,, 2S!l-!%4 m p , log E 2.02; from Syutes, S. A . R.1). (Fig. 1): [ ~ l ] %’, ~ ~ ~ [ a ] 5 s s 94’, [ C Y ] W ~ t 10G!)”, “inax.” [ a l ~ ~





Aug. 20, 1955

-/-3054”; c = 0.10; temp. 30.5-31”. Drude equation: [MI = 115/(X2 - 0.0868) - 55.7/X2; XO 294 mfi; yo deviation [Mlobsd - [M]onlod: &2.2%, 550-355 mp. Androstan-17-one (111), m.p. 119-120’; Amax. 294-297 mp, log E 1.83; supplied by Syntex, S. A . R. D . (Fig. 1): [ a 1 7 0 0 A- 44’, [ a ] m 82”, - 250”, “max.” [alszo 2572; c = 0.10; temp. 29-31 . Drude equation: [MI = 69.7/(X2 - 0.0942) - 17.3/Xz; Xo 307 mp; % deviation [ h f l o b s d - [M]ce~cd: =t1.7%, 589-340 mp f 2 . 7 % , 589-325 m w . Androstan-3-one (IV), m.p. 99.2-99.8’; A,,. 284-287 mp, log E 1.67; supplied by Dr. H. B . iMacPhillamy, Ciba Pharmaceutical Products, Inc. R . D . (Fig. 1): [a]700 17.0”, [ a ] s ~ 9 25.0”, [ a 1 3 0 0 212O, “max.” [ a ] ~ , 916”; c = 1.00 from 700-320 m p , c = 0.10 from 360-300 m p ; temp. 24’. Drude equation: [MI = 17.1/(Xz - 0.0987); Xo 314 mp; deviation [Mlabsd - [M]ea~od:*2.2%, 650-360 mp. Androstane ( V ) , m.p. 40-43”. R . D . (Fig. 1): O.to, [ o l ] 5 6 g 0.7”,[ a 1 3 3 0 11.8”; c = 1.00; temp. 2829 . Drude equation: [MI = 2.53/(X2 - 0.0550) 1.75/X2; XO 231 mp; ‘c deviation [Mjobsd - [MIcslcd 3 ~ 1 . 0(18.9 ~ - 0.3%), 520-330 mp, =t1.So (63.0-0.3%), 700-330 m p ; see comments in Discussion section concerning this deviation. A4-Androstene-3,17-dione(VI), m.p. 178-179’, Xmx. 304 mu. log e 1.79. shoulders 297. 313, 327-332 mu. log e 1.76, 1176r1.65; inflections 340; 346; 356, 360 m i , log e 1.56, 1.51, 1023, 1.13; from Syntex, S.A. R . D . (Fig. 2 ) : [a1700 1:‘1 , [ ~ I B Q 176” [:I310 +26!?’, “max.”[al385 546 , min. [ a ] g 7 . 5 408 , “max. [ a ~ ; ~ ~ 55Z0, . ~ “min.”[a]3~ 520 , “max.”[a]320 3650 ; c = 0.10; temp. 24-25’; R . D . : [a1700 122.7’, [ a ] 6 t i g +184.6”, [7]400+516.2 ; c = 1.00; temp. 24-25’. Drude equation: [XI = 151/(X2 - 0.0627), from c = 1.00 data; XO 250 mp; % deviation [ M ] ’ l l o ~ s d- [hflcalcd: fO.770, 700-425 mp.




+ 6

+ +














A1,4-Androstadiene-3,17-dione (VII), m.p. 140-143”; 347-348, 336-337 mp, log E 1.36, 1.41; inflections 364, 357, 303, 293 mp, log e 1.16, 1.24, 1.75, 1.81; from Syntex, S.A. R . D . (Fig. 2): [ a 1 7 0 0 +78”, [?I5s9 +l;l;; [ a 1 3 0 5 +1294”, slight “ r n a x . ” [ ~ ~ ] ~345”, ~ ~ . ~slight “min. [~Y]365 337”, “ m a x . ” [ ~ ~ ] ~3087’; ~~ c = 0.10; temp. 23.5-24.5’. R.D.: [a1700 68.2”, [0l]5s9 103.8’, [7]400+328.6”; c = 1.00; temp. 24-25’. Drude equation: [MI = 80.9/(Xz - 0.0784), from c = 1.00 data; Ail 280 m p ; % deviation [Mlobsd - [MIoalod: f 2 . 2 % , 700425 mp. AI-Androstened , 17-dione (VIII), m .p . 141-142 ’; A,,, 294-304 mp, log e 1.98, shoulder 332-340 mp, log E 1.70. R.D. (Fig. 2): [ C Y ] ~ O , O +83”, [ a 1 5 6 9 128”; [a)jos +1907’, “max.”[a141~. +286 , “ m i n . ” [ ~ ~ ] ~4-53 ~ ~ . 6, m a ~ . ” [ a ] ~ ~ ~ 4- 296”, “min.”[a]~~7.t,f 288”, “rnax.”[cu]rn~ 3816”; c = 0.10; temp. 2526.5’. A4,6-Androstadiene-3,17-dione(IX), m.p. 168-169.5” ; X,, 336-346 mp, log e 1.87; inflection 362, 371, 377, 390 mu. log e 1.76. 1.63. 1.53. 1.13. R . D . IFig. 3): CY^,,,,, +7’3’, - 1 c y 1 ~ 9 +i3g0, ’[a]315 + ~ x o , ~ ~ m a x . ~ ~ [ a+1&.iS; ~pO~.~ “min. ” [ a ]403.5 1533”, “max. ” [a]390 1795”, “min. ” [ a 1 3 ( 0 -1030”; c = 0.10; temp. 24$?5’. R . D . : [a],O0 +73.8”, 1.1589 138.6., [ a 3 4 2 6 971.4 ; c = 1.00; temp. 24-25’. Drude equation: [MI = 70.1/(X2 . . - 0.167): XO 408 mu; % deviation [M]obsd’- [MIcslcd: &1.3%, 675525 mp; f3.3Y0 700-500 mp. A1,4,6-Androstatriene-3,17-dione(X), m.p. 165-168”; A,,=,. 346-348 mp, log E 1.98, shoulder 360 m p , log E 1.93; inflections 370, 377, 382,388 m p , log e 1.83, 1.77, 1.70, 1.54. o [01]6ti9 +71”, [ c x I ~ ~ o- 137”, R.D. (Fig. 3 ) : [ ~ I ~ o+32”, “ m a x . ” [ a 1 4 ~ ~ 2072”, “ m i n . ” [ ~ ~ ] 3 ~ ~1565O, [ ~ / ] ~ ~ i . ~ +1572O, “ m i n . ” [ o i ] ~- 1446’; c = 0.10; temp. 26-28”. R.D.: I a I i o o f 27.5’, [ ~ ] 6 s g 67.8”, [01]42j 959.2’; c = 1.00; temp. 24-25’. DETROIT,MICHIGAN A,.,
















Optical Rotatory Dispersion Studies. 11.

Steroid H o r r n o n e ~ * ~ ~

BY ELEANOR W. FOLTZ, A. E. LIPPMAN AND CARLDJERASSI RECEIVEDMARCH16, 1955 The rotatory dispersion curves of testosterone, progesterone and of all the important estrogenic and cortical hormones are given, emphasis being placed on the correlation of certain structural features with the shapes of the dispersion curves.

The ultimate aim of this series of investigations is to provide an additional tool for the identification of certain structural features in the steroid series and the present paper is concerned with an examination of the rotatory dispersion curves of the most important, physiologically active, steroid hormones. The estrogenic hormones differ from all other naturally occurring steroids in possessing an aromatic ring A with consequent absence of the C-19 angular methyl group. The aromatic nature of ring A causes intense absorption near 280 mp4 but it was nevertheless possible in several instances to carry dispersion measurements to the neighborhood of 305 mp. Estradiol (IV) represents the basic compound in this series since the phenolic ring is the only important chromophore and its rotatory dispersion curve (1) Paper I, C. Djerassi, E. W. Foltz a n d A. E. Lippman, THIS 7 7 , 4354 (1956).


(2) Presented in part a t t h e December 1954 Meeting of t h e American Association f o r t h e Advancement of Science in Berkeley, California. (3) Supported by a research grant from t h e Damon Runyon hIemoria1 F u n d for Cancer Research (4) CY. L. Dorfman. Chein. Rers., 5 3 , 47 (1953).