Optical Society of America - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Anal. Chem. , 1950, 22 (4), pp 623–625. DOI: 10.1021/ac60040a044. Publication Date: April 1950. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of an abstract, th...
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V O L U M E 22, NO. 4, A P R I L 1 9 5 0 scriptive, a more thorough introduction is needed to the terniinology and principles involved. The many inaccuracies (or possibly typographical errors) also detract from the book. References t o German architectural and engineering periodicals are liberally sprinkled throughout the test. HESRY FREISER

Analytical Chemistry of Industrial Poisons, Hazards, and Solvents. M o r r i s B . Jacobs. sviii 768 pages. Second edition, revised and enlarged. Interscience Publishers, Inc., 215 Fourth Ave., Kew York 3, S . T..1949. Price, $8.50.


This revised and enlarged second edition contains about 100 additional pages of new material developed since the last revision in 1944. Recent progress in the field of analytical chemistry applicable to industrial hygiene appears to have been well covered. S e w industrial poisons are discussed, including recently developed :tnalytical procedures pertaining thereto. The book contains 18 chapters dealing u-ith such subjects ai: the sampling and measurement of gases, vapors, mists, and dusts: absorbers and absorbents: chemical and microscopic examination

623 of various dusts; lead, arsenic; mercury, and metallic niaterials : sulfur, phosphorus, nitrogen, oxygen, ozone, halogens, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, cyanides, nitriles, paraffin and unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbons, alcohols, glycols, ethers, acid., esters, aldehydes, ketones, aniline, and other organic nitrogen compounds knotvn t o possess harmful properties. The appendises comprise tables relative to such subjects aq limits of flammability of gases and vapors, toxicity and probable safe concentration limits of exposure for tosic gases, vapors, dusts, fumes, and mists, and conversion tables for gases and vapors. An excellent review of t,he literature has been made in the preparation of this revised edition; however, t,he author has made no particular effort to appraise the relative importance of accuracy of the numerous analytical methods described. The 132 figures accompanying the test enhance its value. The size and style of type used and the general arrangement of the material presented are good. h few errors were found in the references. This book should be found useful in niany fields of analytical chemistry, and especially to those interested in problems pertaining to the general subject of industrial hygiene. C;. \I-.JOSES

Optical Society of America HE winter meeting of the Optical Society of Anierica was rheld in Xew York, K. Y., March 9 to 11, 1950. .ibstracts of the papers that are believed to be of special interest to 4naIytical chemists are reproduced here. The Infrared Spectrum of CH2ClF. EARLE I