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Removal of Nitrogen from Argon with Titanium-Metal Sponge. Rate of reaction of titanium-metal sponge with nitrogen in argon nitrogen gas mixtures was studied a t 900' C . Relationships were developed to describe the reaction kinetics and permit estimation of the required size and useful lifetimes of gettering beds.

Martin L. Kyle, R. Dean Pierce, Lester F. Coleman, and John D. Amtren, Argonne National Laboratory

Ms. 67-498 26pages (7figures, 2 tables)

Subscribers $3.00 Nonsubscribers 86.00

A Steady State Method for the Measurement of Ternary liquid Diffusion. An apparatus for the absolute measurement of ternary diffusion in liquids is described. Steady state fluxes and composition profiles are measured by spectrophotometry in situ. Results are given for the benzene-2-propanol-carbon tetrachloride system a t 20.0° C.



for obtaining precise derivatives, and for performing integrations to derive thermal properties. Arthur S. Holmes and Walter G. Braun, Pennsylvania Slate University

MS.67-55? 33pages (Sfigures, 4 tables)

Subscribers $4.00 Nonsubscribers $8.00

Kinetics of Thermal Cracking of High Molecular Weight Normal Paraffins. T h e reaction can be approximately described in terms of 1.3 order kinetics over a broad range of conditions using the digital simulation technique, a n extremely powerful tool which may prove valuable in solving a number of commercially important kinetics problems.

S. C. Woinsky, C. F. Braun & Company Ms. 67-557 44pages (Qjigures, 5 tables)

Subscribers $5.00 Nomu bscribers t 10.00

Robert A. Gruff and Thomas B. Drew, Columbia University

Ms. 67-527 3 1 pages (70fgures)

Subscribers $4.00 Nonsubscribers $8.00

The Use of a Dilute Gas-Solid Suspension as the Working Fluid in o Single loop Brayfon Space Power Generation Cycle. Development and method of solution for a combination cycle analysis and radiator model to determine preliminary geometric characteristics of radiator designs. Effects of pertinent variables, and properties of pure gas or gas-solid suspension on radiator design are determined and compared.

Robert Pfeffer and Salvatore Rossetti, City University of New York, and Seymour Lieblein, N A S A Lewis Research Center

Ms. 67-545 58 pages (15jigures)

Subscribers $6.00 Nonsubscribers $12.00

The Thermodynamic Properties of Transition-Metal Alloys. Low- and high-temperature properties are reviewed to indicate current experimental techniques and progress in interpretation of results. Selected sets of data are included to show the impact of thermodynamic results on the theory of alloys.

J . B. Darby, Jr., Argonne National Laboratory Ms. 67-558 58 pages ( 7 7 jigures)

Subscribers $6.00 Nonsubscribers 812.00

Oxidation of Tetryl, Analogs of Tetryl, and Related Intermediates with Chromic Acid. Attempted oxidation in concentrated sulfuric acid led, in every case, to isolation of carbonyl compounds corresponding to the N-alkyl group identified as 2,4dinitrophenyl-hydrazone. Intermediates in the oxidation reaction appear to be 2,4-dinitroaniline or picramine.

Ahmed Mustafa and Ahmed Anwar Zahran, Cairo University, Egypt Liquid Phase Hydration of Propylene Oxide. Concerns liquid phase kinetic rate data for hydration of propylene oxide using an ion exchange resin as catalyst. A fast and accurate method of analyzing the propylene oxide-water-propylene glycol system was devised.

Thomas E. Corrigan, Stanley A. Metelko, Ohio State University, and Michael J . Dean, Mobil Chemical Company

Ms. 67-550 13pages (djgures, I table)

Subscribers $2.00 Nonsubscribers $4.00

An Analytical Form of the Extended Theorem of Corresponding States. 1. The Model and Its Analytical Representation. Develops a n analytical form of the Pitzer tabular equation of state which is better suited for electronic computer application,



Ms. 67-559

7 pages ( 2 tables)

Subscribers $1.00 Nonsubscribers $2.00

Mass Transport of Binary Electrolytes in Membranes: Concentration Dependence for NaCl Transport in Cellulose Acetate. Equations describing diffusive flow of water and a binary salt through a semipermeable membrane are presented and tested experimentally. T h e binary interaction coefficients are calculated from observed transport parameters using a new calculation procedure.

Douglas N . Bennion and Byung Woo Rhee, University sf California MS. 67-560 34 pages (24jigures, 4 tables)

Subscribers $4.00 Nonsubscribers 88-00

On Aspects of the Forward Dynamic Programming Algorithm. Discusses computational features as applied to a nonautonomous optical control problem, and presents a detailed numerical example. Considers effective ways to reduce the computer storage problem. Indicates how computation time may vary significantly between use of forward and backward algorithms.

J . H. Seinfeld and L. Lapidur, Princeton University

Ms. 67-567

Subsnibers $2.00 Nonsubscribers 84.00

78 pages (ZJgures, 1 table)

Opfimal Control of a Class of Distributed-Parameter Processes with Integral Square-Error Performance Index. T h e problem is transformed into the tracking problem of a related lumpedparameter system, and computational difficulty is circumvented. Application of the method to practical processes is discussed.

HAWS has a solution for accidents...

Yen-Ping Shih, Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, China

MS. 67-562

Subscribers $2.00

17 pages (4$gures)

Nonsubsnibers $4.00

Generalized Integral Forms for Heterogeneous Reacting Syrterns. Develops theory for treatment of any two-phase reaction where chemical conversion is occurring d u e to the second phase (catalyst). Methods are intended to give a unity to treatment of heterogeneous and homogeneous reactions and to apply to any reacting system.

E. J . Hoffman, University of Wyominc Subscribers 82.00

Ms. 67-567

Nonsubsmibers 84.00


A Strategy for Estimation of Rate Constants from Isothermal Reaction Data, A two-step computational strategy is proposed. Speed of convergence and accuracy of estimates are discussed. T h e method is effectively applied to a simulated homogeneous reaction problem.

James M . Eakman, Ashland Chemical Company

Ms. 67-568

Subsnibers 83.00

25pages (5 tables)

Nonsubscribers $6.00

Modifled Jef Pumping of Solid Spheres. Procedure is useful in removing individual layers of balls from surface of an ordered packed bed without disturbing the remaining packing. A mechanism for the process is postulated and a correlation determined.

Herbert Susskind, Robert Odette, and Walter Becker, Brookhaven N a tional Laboratory

MS. 67-569

Subscribm $5.00

47pages (72JSgures, 7 table)

Nonsubscribers $70.00

Radiation-Cured Castable Elastomers: 1. Polyurethanes. Castings were prepared by C060 irradiation of liquid unsaturated polyurethanes, prepared from 15 unsaturated diols, two diisocyanates, and two polymeric saturated diols. Formulations, preparative conditions, mechanical properties, and efficiency of utilization of radiation are discussed.

InstantWater Contaminated eyes call for first aid in a hurry., ,and Haws provides water in abundance t o flood away contaminating chemicals and irritants. Haws emergency drench showers and eye/face-wash fountains offer instant first aid.. ,in the model t o suit your safety requirements. Write for Haws “First Aid on Tap!” catalog today. Haws Drinking Faucet Co., 1443 Fourth Street, Berkeley,

M . A. Klotz, J . P. Kispersky, L. T. Carleton, and E. Mishuck, AerojetGeneral Corporation Ms. 67-571

Subscribers $2.00

79 pages (9 tables)

Nonsubscribers 84.00

Radiation-Cured Castable Elastomerr: II. Polythioetherr. Strong elastomeric castings were prepared by reaction of longchain dithiols with long-chain diolefins, using triolefins or longchain trithiols as crosslinking agents, and initiating with Cos0 radiation. Compositions, mechanical properties, kinetics, and reaction mechanism are discussed.

M . A . Klotz, J.P. Kispersky, L. T . Carleton, C. W. Saltonstall, R. E. Phillips, V. Grakauskas, and E. Mishuck, Aerojet-General Corporation Subscribers 82.00

Ms. 67-572 13pages (2Jigures, 4 tables)

Nonsubscribers $4.00

(Continued on p a g e 92) Circle NO. 4 on Readers’ Service Card

VOL. 6 0

NO. 3

MARCH 1968


RESEARCH RESULTS The Estimation of the Morse Potential Parameters from the Critical Constants and the Acentric Factor. An alternate method of estimating most likely Morse potentials from three critical constants is also developed. T h e estimated potentials are almost as reliable as “most likely” Morse potentials in reproducing experimental values of both viscosities and second virial coefficients.

A Flowmeter Calibrated for Any Gas in the Range 1 to 500 I/h. Very small conical entrance jewel orifices are particularly suitable when relative predictions are required. Procedures for pure gas and gas mixtures involve only a simple density correction of the calibration obtained on a single gas.

Stuart B . Reed and Michael P. @range, The Gas Councrl, London; England

Daniel D . Konowalow and Steuen L. Guberman, State Uniuersity of New York at Binghamton

Ms. 68-2

MS. 67-573

22 pages (2figures)

Subscribers $2.00

15pages ( 7 table)

Nonsubscribers $4.00

Subscribers 63.00 Nonsubscribers 86.00

Oxidation and Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Ethane and Propane. A novel reactor in which particulate solids “rain” through the reaction zone to control the highly exothermic reaction was used for simultaneous study of independent process variables and surface effects on the oxidation reaction. Comparisons are made with industrial pyrolysis reactions.

Generalized Determination of Equilibrium Holdup in an N Stage Process. An equation was developed which can be used either to predict holdup distribution for in-line stage processes or to state the necessary equipment design. A predictable pattern or progressive nesting of components was developed so that writing the terms is tractable.

Jennings H. Jones, Thomas E. Daubert, and Merrell R . Fenskc, Penmylvania State Universify

Raymond C. Hall, Kansas State University

M s . 68-4

Ms. 67-575

Subscribers $3.00

24pages (8figures, 4 tables)

Subscribers 84.00

34 pages (13figures)

Nomu bscribers 88.00

Nonsubscribers 86.00

Effect of Crystal Breakage on Crystal Size Distribution in a Mixed Suspension Crystallizer. A mathematical study, with an analysis of the problem of distinguishing dominant factors in producing skewness of crystal size distribution in a given crystallizer.

Performance and Characteristics of a Thermal Radiation Cap. sule Furnace. A design emphasizing benefits from nonlinear radiative heat transfer is simple in construction and mode of control. With no controller producing a variation in input power, temperatures do not oscillate.

Alan D . Randolph, University of Florida

J . C. Biery and C. R . Gushing, University of California

MS. 68-7

Subscribers $2.00

19 pages (5figures)

M s . 68-5

Nonsubscribers $4.00

Subscribers 82.00

74pages (djgfigures,4 tables)

Nomubscribers $4.00


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