Optimization of selectivity in liquid chromatography - Analytical

Optimization of selectivity in high-performance liquid chromatography using desirability .... for selection of the mobile phase search area in optimis...
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J. L. Glajch J. J. Kirkland E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company Central Research and Development Department Experimental Station Wilmington, Del. ‘19898

Optimizationof Selectivity in Liquid Chromatography Mobile phase, stationary phase, and pH and other ionic effects are most useful in optimizing an LC separation Use of modern liquid chromatography (LC) has increased so dramatically in the past decade that in many laboratories it is now a routine method for solving many practical analytical and preparative problems. Along with this surge in application, advances have been made in the fundamental understanding of various LC separation mechanisms. Despite this, most routine LC analyses are still being developed in a nonisystematic manner, and very often the results are not as good as might be expected from this powerful technique. Optimizing the separation is an especially important goal for any routine LC method. Although one should , not attempt to optimize all separations-such as one-time-only samples or separations that are trivial to perform-the advantages of an optimum separation for quality control or other repetitive analyses are dear. Increased accuracy and precision, as well as savings in analysis time, often justify the effort spent in dcveloping optimum LC separating conditions. In LC, as with any technique, the primary question is, What should be optimized? Generally, separation quality is the most useful criterion for all components in a mixture or for certain components of interest in the sample. Often of interest is a related 0003-2700/83/0351-319A$O1.50/0 0 1983 American Chemical Society

optimization factor-separation time-especially when a large number of samples is to be analyzed. Sampleloading capacity for the system also can be important in preparative work, and detectability is especially crucial in trace analysis. However, these latter two factors are of less general interest and, therefore, will not be discussed in this treatment.

Effects Influencing Separation

There are two major effects that influence the LC separation mechanism: physical and chemical. Physical effects relate to factors such as column efficiency, generally measured by plate count, N , and column capacity, described by the capacity factor, k’(I). The well-known resolution equation describes these effects:


R, = 3 B. 4 1+k’

(a- 1)

the retention time of the solute peak, and t o is the retention time of an unretained peak. Both the efficiency and capacity factors of the resolution expression in Equation 1 are well understood from a theoretical standpoint (1).With respect to physical effects, well-packed, small-particle (3-10 pm) columns operated to give solute h’ Values of about 1-10 ( I ) provide excellent resolution. Chemical effects, as described by a, the selectivity factor in Equation 1, are not as well understood, nor are they as predictable as physical effects. It is usually not possible from basic principles to predict the influence of mobile-phase composition or temperature on the relative retention characteristics of different compounds. However, changes in chemical selectivity are the single most important variable leading to adequate separations, as predicted in Equation 1.


efficiency capacity selectivity factor factor factor where, N is the column plate count calculated by ( t ~ / a k’ ) ~is, the capacity factor calculated by ( t -~t o ) / t o , CY = k’z/k’l for peaks 1 and 2, a is the standard deviation of the peak, t R is

Chemical Selectivity Effects

A large number of operating variables can be used to change the chemical selectivity in an LC system. Although not inclusive, the five most useful variables are mobile-phase composition, stationary-phase composition, temperature, pH or other ionic effects, and secondary chemical equi-



(b) 8


PH 7



X 30




(0.333.0.333, 0.333)


2 (0. I . 0)


( 0 . 0 . 1)

" 35






(0.5.0. 0.5)

Figure 1. (a)Mixture design experiments used in mobilaphase optimization strategy. (b) Factorial design experiments used for examining temperature and pH effects libria. These five factors are listed roughly in the order of general applicability to all LC systems. although in certain specific instances the latter two parameters can be the most imDortant in Droducinn- the desired separation. Effects of mobile phase on chemical selectivity have been well documented for reversed-phase ( 2 4normal bonded-phase ( 6 ) ,and adsorption (7, 8 ) chromatographic systems. The solvophobic theory of Horvath ( 9 ) strongly suggests that mobile-phase effects are the most important in the separation mechanism of reversedphase chromatography. The systematic approaches initiated by the solvent selectivity triangle concept (IO)have

been instrumental in the development of optimization strategies based on mobile-phase composition. Stationary-phase effects are also important in 1.C separation selectivity, as exhibited by the development of bonded-phase packings with a variety of functional groups. especially for reversed-phase separations. Recent studies ( 1 1 , 1 2 ) have adequately demonstrated these stationary-phase effects. However, the number of stationary phases needed in 1.C is relatively small compared t u those used in gas chromatography, due in part to the fact that selectivity effects provided by changing the mobile phase are not significant in gas chromatography. Changes in temperature have not

been used extensively to change selectivity in LC. However, Snyder (13) and others ( 1 4 ) have pointed out the potential for changing separation selectivity by varying temperature. primarily because of effects on the extent of ionization with certain molecules. Optimization uf pH and other ionic effects has also been carried out by simple statistical approaches and shown to be quite useful in specific analyses ( 1 5 ) . Secondary chemical equilibrium effects have also received increased attention (16).This approach usually involves addition of a small amount of a particular selective agent into the mobile phase to alter the chemical equilibria that exist for solutes in the mobile and stationary phases.

Prulon Acceptw


Proton m o r




Dipole lnleractwn RweMPha NDTmal P h w

pure 3. Preferred modifying solvents lor use in reversedand normal-phase LC optimization. X.. X,. and X. are seleclivity effectsfor proton acceptor, proton donor, and dipole interaction. respectively. Adapted from Reference 5. with per-

mission 320 A


m re 4 PlUl Switches LC columns without wrenct I




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Optimization Strategies 1-2











lure 4. Resolution maps for all eight peak pairs in a mixture of substituted naphilenes. White areas represent solvent mixtures that will result in R. > 1.5. Rented with permission from Reference 5




Figure 5. Overlapping resolution map (ORM) obtained from resolution maps in Figure 4 322A


To optimize any LC system, three factors must first he specified 1)the type of variables important in effecting the separation, 2) the optimization strategy that is the most appropriate to those variables, and 3) an accurate method to measure the performance of the separation for the quantitative comparison of different separation approaches. The chemical parameters described above that are the most important in LC can be conveniently grouped into two categoriesrelated variables and discrete variables. Related variables are those that by their nature directly affect each other. For example, mobile-phase composition must total 100%for all components at all times, so individual mobile-phase solvents are related variables. A similar situation exists for stationary-phase composition. By contrast, temperature, pH, and secondary equilibrium effects can he considered discrete variables since they have little direct effect on each other or on the other mobile-phase or stationary-phase components. It is possible, for example, to carry out LC separations in a temperature range of 30-70° C and an apparent pH range of 3-8, with all possible combinations of these two variahles. On the other hand, it is not possible to carry out separations with methanol ranging from 0-100% with acetonitrile also siniultaneously ranging from 0-100% in the mobile phase. Definition of these two types of variables provides two distinct optimization strategies of experimental design. The mixture design statistical approach for mobile-phase optimization is illustrated in Figure la. This approach is well-known in the statistical literature (1 7). Seven experimenta are employed to fit experimental retention (k') data to a second-order polynomial equation with respect to the three mobile-phase modifiers. In the case of reversed-phase LC, the mobile-phase carrier, water, is modified with methanol, acetonitrile, and tetrahydrofuran (5).Figure l b illustrates a factorial design for combined temperature and pH effects in LC that employs nine experiments to fit the h' data to an equivalent secondorder equation. It is also possible to combine the mixture design and factorial approaches for both related and discrete variables such as mohilephase composition, pH, and secondary equilibrium effects. However, in many cases. adequate separation selectivity can he obtained hy utilizing only organic mobile-phase modifier effects. This approach is usually simpler and more easily predicted than the other chemical effects altering selectivity.

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Optimization in LC differs from approaches used for other analytical methods in that data are taken a t specified values of the key variables, fitted to a polynomial equation (generally second-order), and interpolated to search for an optimum response region. Such a simple method is feasible since the response of LC separations to variable changes is usually continuous and regular. Other analytical techniques (e.g., atomic spectroscopy) rely on different optimization routines (e.g., simplex algorithms) to handle

data that are less regular in form. Perhaps the most crucial step in optimization is deciding upon a measure of system performance. Various methods have been proposed to assign a single value of separation quality to a chromatogram (18).However, these methods have the inherent disadvantage that much of the chromatographic information is either lost or ohscured. An extension of the “windowdiagram’’ approach (19) based on minimum separation factor plots has been used (20-22) to provide information

Figure 6. Experimental design for combined mobiikphase and stationary-pha& Optimization

on separation performance. However, this approach can be limited since iuformation based on a (at constant column plate count) does not take into account the important influence of the capacity factor k’ values. We prefer to use the resolution function (Rs)as a separation performance criterion, since this is directly .related .to the actual separation required. A representation of the difference in performance information provided by a and Rs is shown in Figure 2. A column of plate count = 10 000 and a = 1.04 for two components would give an R8 = 1.8 at k’ = 10. However, the same a value would provide only R, = 1.0 at k‘ = 1.Thus, practical separation performance is inadequately described by a values alone, since the ability to separate one component from another is a function of how long these compounds are retained on the column as measured by capacity factor k‘ values, and peak sharpness as measured by column plate count values, N . Previous use of a values to measure separation quality is probably due, in part, to the simplicity of having to measure only k’ (or corrected retention time) values, rather than having to determine both the retention time and peak widths that are required for calculating accurate resolution values (see Equation 1). However. measurement of Ra can be simplified by using the expression (23)

Re = [N1’2/2][(kz- ki)/ (2 + ki

+ kz)l


Equation 2 can be rigorously derived from the fundamental resolution expression (Equation 1)by making the reasonable first-order assumption of constant plate count for all peaks in an LC chromatogram (I ). We currently use Equation 2 for all our isocratic mobile-phase optimization calculations. Once the separation variables, optimization strategy, and system performance criteria have been selected, one can quickly define the proper set of experimental conditions necessary for an optimum separation. Examples of various LC optimization approaches will now be described to illustrate the potential for each method.

Time (min)

Figure 7. lsocratic separation of 20 PTKamino acids. Experimental details in Reference 26 926A


Mobile-Phase Effects Several studies have shown that optimization of mobile-phase selectivity is prohably the single most useful effect in LC. One of the first systematic studies of mobile-phase optimization was illustrated by the reversed-phase separation of nine substituted naphthalenes on a C-8 hydrocarbon bonded-phase column (5).To obtain

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useful selectivity changes leading to improved resolution, modifiers of the carrier mobile-phase solvent were selected using the Snyder solvent selectivity triangle approach (IO). This organization of solvent selectivity describes the major effects of proton acceptor, proton donor, and dipole interactions of solvents with compounds to be separated. Preferred modifying solvents for both reversed- and normal handed-phase systems are shown in Figure 3. In reversed-phase LC, the carrier solvent is water, while n-hexane or 1,1,2-trifluorotrichloroethane (FC-113) (24) is the preferred carrier solvent in normal-phase systems. Methanol, acetonitrile, and tetrahydrofuran are effective proton acceptor, proton donor, and dipole solvents, respectively, for reversed-phase separations, while methyl tert-butyl ether, chloroform, and methylene chloride are effective counterparts in normal handed-phase LC. The experimental design used to select the optimum solvent system (Figure la) is based on the report of Snee (25).Retention (k') values are measured for each compound in the mixture using the seven mobile-phase solvent mixtures depicted in Figure la. These data are then fitted to a secondorder polynomial to obtain retention or k' value maps for each solute. Usii Equation 2, the resolution of each peak pair in the system also can he mapped in this way. Once the resolution maps are obtained, the solvent compositions that allow a certain minimum resolution can be determined for each peak pair. Figure 4 shows this for eight peak pairs of Reference 5, where the white areas in each small triangle represent solvent compositions that will resolve the particular peak pair to a resolution of at least 1.50. These resolution maps of all constraining peak pairs are then overlaid and the resulting overlapping resolution map (ORM) can he used to define the optimum solvent mixture (or solvent mixture region) to obtain a certain minimum resolution for all peak pairs in the mixture, as shown in Figure 5. In this case, the optimum mobile phase corresponding to the x in the figure is 32% acetonitrile, 16%tetrahydrofuran, and 52% water. This produces a minimum resolution of 2.5 for all peaks in the mixture. Stationary-Phase Effects

Optimization of bonded stationary phases in LC can he carried out in a manner similar to that for mobile phases, since both phases involve related or dependent variables (Le., the sum of all components of a stationaryphase system must also total 100%). Differences in selectivity are usually 328A


Phenylacetic Acid



Cinnamic Acid


Figure 8. Retention lime maps lor phenylacetic acid and cinnamic acid as a function of pH and Ion-interaction reagent IIIR). Adapted from Reference 21. with permission

not as great for the common chemicalIy bonded stationary phases as for mobile phases. However, the experimental design just described can he used as well for stationary phases in LC columns to provide selectivity changes over and above those possible with only mobile-phase optimization. An example of this approach involves the use of both mobile- and stationaryphase effects for optimizing the iso. cratic separation of the 20 common phenylthiohydantoin (PTH) derivatives of amino acids (26). The experimental design uses the strategy shown


in Figure 6 to examine the selectivity effects of three mobile-phase modifiers in an acidic (pH = 2) aqueous solution together with three different stationary bonded phases. A total of 21 experiments (seven mobile phases for each of the three stationary phases) is required. The calculated optimum column and mohile-phase composition predicted by the ORM technique produced the chromatogram in Figure 7. This separation was completed in 22 min with a minimum resolution of 1.1 for all components, using a single mobile phase. This separation time com-


The ChromiumMechaylism Thefirst comprehensive explanation of electrochemical activity during the plating of chromium has recently been formulated at the General Motm Research Laboratories. This understanding has aided in transformingchromium plating into a highly e f i e n t high-speed operation.

Complex Concentration


0 f








8 7



OR MANY industrial applications, chromium coatings of more than 0.2 mil thickness are required for wear and corrosion resistance. But the conventional method of plating chromium is neither fast nor efficient. Nor, until the recent work of a GM researcher, had the steps involved in the century-old plating process been explained in detail. Through a combination of theory and experiment, Dr. James Hoare has devised the first comprehensive mechanism for chromium plating. This increased understanding has helped electrochemists at the General Motors Research Laboratories develop a system that plates chromium sixty times faster than the conventional method, while improving energy-efficiency by a factor of three. The electrolyte for plating is

a chromic acid solution which contains various chromate ions: chromate, dichromate and trichromate. From a series of steady-state polarization experiments, Dr. Hoare concluded that trichromate is the ion important in chromium deposition. Sulfuric acid has been recog nized as essential to chromium plating and has been assumed by some to be a catalyst for the process. In this strongly acidic solution, sulfate should be mostly present asthe bisulfate ion (HSOJ. Dr. Hoare found, contrary to expectations, that the addition of sulfuric acid to the plating bath decreased the conductivity of the solution. Combining these findings with the results of previous investigations, Dr. Hoare concluded that the electroactive species was a trichromate-bisulfatecomplex (see Figure 1). From equilibrium considerations, he theorized that the maximum concentration of this species occurred at a 100-to-1chromic acid/sulfuric acid ratio. The observation that the maximum rate of chromium deposition also occurred at this ratio supports the conclusion that this trichromatebisulfate complex is the electroactive species. During the plating process, the complex diffuses from the bulk solution toward the cathode (see Figure 2). Electron transport takes place by quantum mechanical tunneling through the potential energy barrier of the Helmholtz double layer and the unprotected chromium in the complex (Cr atom

on the left in Figure 1) loses electons by successive steps, going from Cr+6to Cr+? Decomposition of the resulting chromous dichromate complex takes place by acid hydrolysis to form a chromousoxybisulfate complex: 0 ‘Cr-0-H-0-S-0-



The positive end of this complex is adsorbed onto the cathode surface. Electrons are transferred from the cathode to the adsorbed chromium ion, forming metallic chromium and regenerating the (HS04)- ion. Thus, Dr. Hoare’s mechanism explains how sulfuric acid, in the form of the bisulfate ion, participates in the plating process.


shortening the diffusion path increases the speed of chromium deposition. A high rate of relative motion between the electrolyte and the cathode will shorten the path. This can be accomplished by rapid flow or by agitation of the electrolyte. Dr. Hoare found that the rate of chromium deposition increased with electrolyte flow until the process was no longer diffusion-controlled. He also found that the use of dilute electrolyte significantly increased plating efficiency. “This project is an excellent example,”says Dr. Hoare, “of how basic research and engineering principles can be combined to develop a new, successful process. Now, we’d like to take on the challenge of plating successfully from Cr ‘3, which would be an even more efficient way to provide corrosion and wear resistance.”

THAS long been known that

chromium cannot be plated from a solution when initially present as Cr+3because of the formation of the stable aquo complex, [Cr(H20)J+4Yet chromium can be plated when initially present as Cr+6 even though it must pass through the Cr +%tatebefore being deposited. Dr. Hoare’s mechanism handles this paradox by explaining that the chromium ion being deposited (on the left in Figure 1)is protected by the rest of the complex as it passes through the Cr + 3 state, so that the stable aquo complex cannot form. The diffusion of the electroactive complex apparently controls the rate of the process, so that

THE MAN BEHIND THE WORK Dr. James Hoare is a Research Fellow a t t h e General Motors Research Laboratories. He is a member of the Electrochemistry Department. Dr. Hoare served as an electronics technician in the US. Navy during the Second World War. In 1949, he received his Ph.D. in physical chemistry from the Catholic University of America. After an assistant professorship at Trinity College in Washington, D.C., he joined theUS Naval Research L a b oratory as a physical chemist. He became a staff member at General Motors in 1960. Dr. Hoare’s sustaining interest has been in electrochemical kinetics and the mechanisms of electrode processes. He is best known to the scientific community for his basic studies of hydrogen and oxygen electrode mechanisms. His book, The Elecfrochanistty of Oxygen, published in 1968, is considered a work of primary importance to the field. In addition to his work on chromium plating, he is responsible for the fundamental research that helped make electrochemical machining a precision process. ~~~~~~~~~~



pares favorably with current gradient elution analysis methodology; however, resolution by the optimized isocratic system is superior. There are many other advantages of an isocratic separation relative to gradient elution, such as simpler equipment, improved quantitation, and the lack of need for reequilibrating the column with the initial mobile phase.

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pH and Ionic Effects The use of pH and other ionic effects can be quite helpful in modifying separation selectivity, particularly in reversed-phase systems. Optimized separation of a nine-component mixture of weak acids, weak bases, and zwitterionic compounds bas been demonstrated by this approach (21). In this case, the pH and concentration of octylamine hydrochloride ion-interaction agent were used as discrete variables, and a four-level two-factor (42) experimental design was employed to specify 16 mobile-phase compositions. These consisted of all combinations of four pH values (3.6, 4.4,5.2, and 6.0) and four concentrations of octylamine hydrochloride (0, 1.5,3.0. and 5.0 mM). From separations with these mobile phases, retention time maps were obtained for all nine species as a function of both pH and concentration of octylamine hydrochloride. Two of these maps are shown in Figure 8. A window diagram was used to determine the optimum set of experimental conditions. The resulting optimum mobile phase separated all nine components in 45 min a t pH 3.7 and 0.75 mM octylamine hydrochloride. A similar experimental design has been used to examine the effects of mobile-phase strength, pH. concentration of a phosphate buffer, End concentration of camphorsulfonic acid ion-pairing agent for the separation of four alkaloids ( 1 5 ) . Other Effects Although not as generally applicable, changes in temperature also have been used to achieve selectivity optimization (13).Changes in relative retention values are often observed for ionizable compounds. Temperature optimization also can be combined with other effects, such as mobilephase and stationary-phase characteristics as well as pH effects, for more comprehensive optimization possibilities. Use of secondary chemical equilibrium (16) to affect selectivity could also be utilized in optimization schemes.


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Conclusion Optimization in LC can be very powerful if care is taken to choose the proper parameters for change, and if a valid experimental design is selected. (continued on p. 336 A )


332 A


NO. 2. FEBRUARY 1983


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With the'BAKER-loTMExtraction System, you prepare your samples 6 times faster than tradit liquid-liquid techniques!

Solid-Phase Extraction Makes it Faster Using a solid-phase extraction technique, sample solutions are drawn through prepacked columns which selectively extract compounds of interest. Elution is accomplished with