Order—Disorder Transitions and Thermochromism of Polysilylenes in

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Order-Disorder Transitions and Thermochromism of Polysilylenes in Solution Theory and Experiment Kenneth S. Schweizer, Larry A. Harrah1, and John M. Zeigler2 Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM 87185

The thermochromic and order-disorder transition behaviors of sym­ metrical and unsymmetrical alkyl-substituted polysilylenes in dilute solution are reported. The dependence of these phenomena on sol­ vent, substituent structure, and degree of polymerization were sys­ tematically investigated. A microscopic statistical mechanical theory of order-disorder transitions of flexible conjugated polymers in so­ lution proposed by Schweizer was used to interpret the experimental results. The theory predicts that the conformational transition is induced by attractive dispersion interactions between the delocalized electrons of the polymer backbone and the surrounding polarizable medium. Nearly quantitative agreement between the numerous theo­ retical predictions and the observations is found. The results lend significant support to both the single-chain mechanism of solution thermochromic transition and the role of conformation-dependent polymer-solvent dispersion interactions as the primary physical driv­ ing force. The corresponding solid-state phase transitions and a sim­ ple model to estimate rotational defect formation energies are discussed briefly.


have been the subject of increasing sci­ entific and technological interest over the past decade. Both soluble ττconjugated (I, 2) (polydiacetylenes and polythiophenes) and σ-conjugated Current address: PDA Engineering, 3754 Hawkins Street, Albuquerque, NM 87109 ^Current address: 2208 Lester Drive, NE, Number 421, Albuquerque, NM 87112 0065-2393/9070224-0379$06.00/0 © 1990 American Chemical Society

Zeigler and Fearon; Silicon-Based Polymer Science Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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(3, 4) (polysilylenes and polygermanes) polymers have been synthesized. The combination of extensive, one-dimensional electron derealization along the conjugated-polymer backbone and inherent chain flexibility results in an unusually strong electronic-çonformational coupling. This coupling is at the heart of a variety of fascinating phenomena, such as electronic thermochromism, solvatochromism, and coupled electronic-conformational order-disorder phase transitions. Despite the many detailed structural differences between the various flexible conjugated polymers, their electronic properties and the phenomena they exhibit are strikingly similar, both in dilute solution and in the solid state. Order-disorder, or "rod-to-coil", transitions in dilute solution have been reported for polydiacetylenes (2, 5-11), polysilylenes (12-15), and alkylsubstituted polythiophenes (16). The interpretation of the experimental observations has been the subject of considerable controversy with respect to whether the observations represent a single-polymer-molecule phenomenon or a many-chain aggregation or precipitation process (3-16). Our own experimental evidence (12, 13) and that of others (5-8, 10, 16) weigh heavily in favor of the single-chain interpretation. In our theoretical interpretation, we will assume that the order-disorder transitions observed in dilute polysilylene solutions represent equilibrium, single-chain phenomena. The fundamental questions are: What is the microscopic mechanism or driving force for the transition, and what physical factors are important? Two distinct possibilities have been advanced: side-chain crystallization (5, 6, 17-19), which is postulated to induce polymer backbone ordering, and conformation-dependent polymer-solvent interactions that arise explicitly from electron derealization and that stabilize an ordered rodlike conformation (20-24). Side-chain crystallization remains a qualitative suggestion that has not been developed to the point where it has predictive power and can be critically tested. However, in the solid state, the enhanced importance of packing effects makes such a mechanism more plausible (18, 19). In this chapter, the theory of conformation-dependent polymer-solvent interactions, which was developed in detail by Schweizer (20-22) for soluble ττ-conjugated polymers, will be used to explain both qualitatively and quan­ titatively a large body of observations on the polysilylenes (23, 24). The same theory has been used recently to interpret qualitatively order-disorder phe­ nomena and the electronic thermochromism of ir-conjugated-polymer so­ lutions and films (25, 26). The study presented in this chapter represents part of an ongoing effort to understand in a unified fashion both the optical properties (27-30) and order-disorder transitions (20-24) of flexible, con­ jugated-polymer solutions.

Theory The statistical mechanical theory of Schweizer (20-24) has been presented in detail elsewhere. In this section, the applicability of the theory to the σ-

Zeigler and Fearon; Silicon-Based Polymer Science Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.




Transitions and Thermochromism


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conjugated polysilylenes, the relevant molecular parameters, and the set of experimentally testable theoretical predictions are discussed. General Formulation. The remarkable qualitative similarity of the order-disorder transition phenomena of different soluble ττ- and σ-conjugated polymers in dilute solution suggests an underlying universal physical mechanism (20-24). This possibility motivated the construction of a simple, zeroth-order statistical mechanical model that contains only the most generic aspects of a monodisperse, nonpolar, conjugated-polymer solution. Two basic aspects are included: the configurational statistics of a single chain described at the level of a three-state (trans, gauche +, and gauche-) rotational isomeric state (RIS) model (31) and conformation-dependent attractive interactions (modeled as simple induced-dipole London dispersion or van der Waals forces) between the delocalized electrons of the polymer backbone and the surrounding medium, which includes both the solvent molecules and the electronically decoupled side groups. The non-trans ("defect") conformers are assumed to be noninteracting, require a local free energy € to be created, and correspond to a ± φ 0 dihedral-angle rotation. Mathematical solution of this model (20-22) at the mean-field level results in an effective free-energy surface that is a function of only one "order parameter": the number of rotational defects, Ν , or, equivalently, the mean conjugation length ξ Μ (ξΜ = Ν/[Ν + 1], in which Ν is the number of backbone atoms). Ό


The simple theory is completely characterized by two dimensionless parameters: β € and V D / e . β is (k T)~ , in which Τ is absolute temperature and fcB is the Boltzmann constant. V D is defined as the backbone delocalizedelectron contribution to the attractive polymer-solvent dispersion interac­ tion per site when the polymer is in the fully ordered dll-trans (rod) con­ formation. The ratio V D / € (in which e is the mean free energy of defect formation), referred to as the coupling constant, is both a polymer- and a solvent-dependent quantity and plays a special role in the theory. The theory yields numerical predictions upon the adoption of a specific model for rotational defects and the electronic structure of the delocalized electrons. For mathematical simplicity, previous work (20-24) used φ 0 = ± 9 0 ° for defects associated with rotations about the carbon single bonds of a polyene. Such defects are modeled as interruptions that completely break the π conjugation and reduce the polymer to a sequence of electronically decoupled, all-frans ττ-electron segments. By using either the Huckel theory or the Parr-Pople-Pariser valence bond results (32), the dependence of the polymer backbone polarizability on the order parameter ξ Μ can be computed (27) and is found to be a strongly decreasing function of the number of defects Ν . This trend will remain qualitatively valid for any type of bond rotational defect that interrupts the conjugation and introduces electronic disorder. The theory predicts that the enhanced solvation energy of the backbone in the rod conformation is the physical driving force for an order-disorder transition. B



Zeigler and Fearon; Silicon-Based Polymer Science Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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Our inadequate understanding of rotational defects and electronicconformational coupling in polysilylenes has precluded a quantitative for­ mulation of the theory for σ-conjugated polymers. However, recent theo­ retical studies (33-36) and spectroscopic measurements (3, 4, 34, 37, 38) have repeatedly documented the similarities in the electronic behaviors of polysilylenes and ir-conjugated systems. For example, the oscillator strength per bond for the low-lying σ - » σ * transition (39, 40) in polysilylenes is very close to the polyene value of 0.12. Quantum chemical calculations (41) reveal an extremely polarizable silicon backbone, which is surprisingly even more polarizable than the polyene backbone. Both spectroscopic measurements (3, 4, 34, 37, 38) and quantum chemical calculations (34, 35, 41, 42) suggest that the electronic energy levels and polarizability depend strongly on con­ formation, gauche-like defects result in larger excitation energies and smaller backbone polarizability and appear to interrupt almost completely the σconjugation via 1-4 hyperconjugative-type interactions (35, 39) and/or con­ formation-dependent silicon valence angles (29). Taken as a whole, the avail­ able experimental and theoretical results strongly suggest that the situation for polysilylenes is qualitatively very similar to that of the flexible ττ-conjugated polymers and that the polysilylenes can be modeled by the zerothorder theory. Consequently, this theory (20-24) was applied to polysilylenes, with the obvious caveat that strict quantitative accuracy cannot be expected because of the simplicity of the polyene-based statistical mechanical model and the possible quantitative differences between IT- and σ-conjugated poly­ mers.

Theoretical Predictions and Molecular Parameters.

As previ­

ously emphasized (21, 22), a major and unique virtue of the simple zerothorder theory is that it makes many experimentally testable predictions. More-sophisticated versions of the theory, which include physical effects such as rotational defect interactions, solvent-induced polymer swelling, and polydispersity, have been constructed (21). However, the basic features of the theory are not very sensitive to these complications (21, 22). This en­ courages us to believe that the predictions extracted from the simplest ver­ sion of the theory may have wide validity. In this section, we explicitly enumerate and illustrate, with our polysilylene results, the various predic­ tions. General Phase Behavior. The most general prediction of the theory is that the qualitative phase behavior and thermochromism in solution are controlled by the magnitude of the coupling constant V /e. Numerical re­ sults (22) for the most probable conjugation length as a function of temper­ ature are shown in Figure 1 for a 1000-carbon polyene model. Two fundamentally distinct situations are found. For V D / e < (V /e) , in which (y D /e) c is the critical or cutoff value of the coupling constant, only unimodal O



Zeigler and Fearon; Silicon-Based Polymer Science Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.



Transitions and Thermochromism


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Τ/€ Figure 1. Most probable conjugation length and its inverse for a 1000-carbon polyene model as a function of scaled temperature and for several values of the coupling constant.

Zeigler and Fearon; Silicon-Based Polymer Science Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.



free-energy surfaces occur at all temperatures. (V D /e) c is —0.37 and is poly­ mer and model dependent. Physically, a subcritical value of the coupling constant can be due to either a very stiff polymer backbone (large e) or a weak, delocalized elec­ tron-solvent interaction (small V arising, for example, from a relatively small conjugated-backbone polarizability). For coupling constants greater than the critical value, bimodal free-energy surfaces are found, and a pseudofirst-order phase transition occurs with a transition temperature, T c , sig­ naling a conformational change from a relatively disordered (smaller ξ Μ ) structure to a relatively ordered backbone. Crude but realistic estimates (21) of V D /e for polyacetylene, polydiacetylene, and polysilylene molecules yield coupling constants of order unity and realistic transition temperatures. Even below the critical value of V D / e , quantitatively different types of behavior can occur (21, 22). The first case is weak coupling, for which VD/e « (VD/€)C. In this case, ξ Μ increases slowly and smoothly with cool­ ing. The second case is intermediate coupling, for which V D / e < (V D /e) c . In this case, ξ Μ can increase very rapidly but continuously over a narrow temperature interval. Ultimately, this behavior will lead to a nearly fully ordered conformation at a nonzero temperature. Finally, the third case is strong coupling, for which V D / e > (V D /e) c . In this case, a transition tem­ perature T c can be defined precisely as the point where the coexisting small- and large-£ M structures are present with equal probability. The numerical analysis (21, 22) can be summarized by an approximate scaling formula

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Tc « Ve'1"6'


in which θ is ~0.75 ± 0 . 1 . This result is in accord with qualitative expec­ tations, because larger values of V D or e stabilize the ordered conformations. T c increases as the backbone polarizability becomes a more rapidly increas­ ing function of ξ Μ . This trend reflects the enhanced relative stability of rodlike structures. Finally, the random substitutional disorder associated with atactic polymers has not been included explicitly, and hence, its im­ plications for phase behavior remain an open question. For the substituted polysilylenes, (SiRR')n, the coupling constant can be varied systematically by changing the side groups (this change affects € and V D via the backbone polarizability) or the solvent (this change affects V via the London dispersion forces; € is expected to be only weakly solvent dependent for nonpolar systems). Therefore, in principle, the three distinct phase behaviors predicted by the theory may be observed by judicious choice of polymer-solvent pairs. O

Solvent Dependence. The solvent dependence of T for a particular polymer is explicitly predicted by the theory (22). If the solvent dependences c

Zeigler and Fearon; Silicon-Based Polymer Science Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.




Transitions and Thermochromism


of the free energy of defect formation and the electronic structure of the alltrans structure are assumed to be negligible, then




is a geometrical factor related to the manner in which dispersion interaction varies with the spatial separation between the polymer backbone and the surrounding medium (22). Side-Chain Shielding of Solvent Dependence. Equation 2 has two im­ portant limiting cases. If the side chains are very small and do not appreciably shield the polymer backbone from the solvent, then equation 2 reduces to ?c







On the other hand, with large substituents, the solvent contributes perturbatively, and equation 2 takes the form T oc 1 + 0 C s C s c c

(highly screened)


in which the second term is small compared with unity. In all cases, T c increases monotonically with C s , but because the side chains shield the backbone electrons from the solvent, the magnitude of the solvent depen­ dence of T is predicted to be larger for polysilylenes with small substituents. c

Dependence on Substituent Structure. The molecular nature of the side groups has two effects: (1) it influences and, presumably, largely de­ termines the mean free energy of defect formation (e) via steric effects on the enthalpy associated with defect creation and possible entropie contri-

Zeigler and Fearon; Silicon-Based Polymer Science Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.




butions reflecting side-chain conformational changes induced by backbone isomeric-state changes and (2) it influences the extent of derealization and, hence, polarizability along the backbone in the rod conformation (stereorandomness is especially potentially important in this case, because it in­ troduces electronic disorder and, hence, inhibits derealization via fluctuations in 1-4 hyperconjugative interactions or in silicon valence angles and bond lengths). These considerations are incorporated in the following theoretical expression for T c

T « (Aa )W-%C Downloaded by UNIV OF ARIZONA on June 20, 2017 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: May 5, 1989 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1990-0224.ch022




+ C )°



in which A a r o d is the σ-conjugation component of the backbone polarizability per silicon. Standard quantum mechanical connections between polariza­ bility and electronic structure yield the following result (28, 29) àa

oc k J



in which X m a x can be identified approximately with the limiting wavelength of electronic absorption corresponding to the fully ordered polymer. Therefore, the dependence of T c on the nature of the polymer molecule in a fixed solvent is given by equations 7 and 8. For alkane-substituted polysilylenes in simple alkane solvents, C s ~ C s c , and hence, the last factor in equation 7 is constant for different side-chain choices. However, in nonalkane solvents (e.g., toluene), this relation is not true, and the various factors in equation 7 can act in opposite directions when the size of the side groups is varied. Breadth of Phase Transition. The abruptness or width of the coexistence region of the order-disorder transition has also been estimated theoretically. For a monodisperse solution of a relatively high molecular weight polymer, an intrinsic coexistence region, AT , exists because of standard finite-sizefluctuationeffects. Numerical calculations yield the result (22) C

(9) in which Ν is the number of main-chain atoms; A is a numerical prefactor that is approximately 2 and is a weakly decreasing function of V D /e. Poly­ dispersity effects are essentially negligible for high-molecular-weight sys­ tems, but on general theoretical grounds, stereorandomness is expected to broaden the transition (22). Dependence on Molecular Weight. For a fixed V /e and Ν > 102, T c is essentially independent of Ν (22) (within a few tenths of a percent) because of a compensation of energetic and entropie factors. However, the electronic O

Zeigler and Fearon; Silicon-Based Polymer Science Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.




Transitions and Thermochromism


structure of conjugated polymers (e.g., limiting band gap) is sensitive to Ν at sufficiently low molecular weights (3,4, 34, 37,38). This sensitivity directly influences the polarizability of the all-trans polymer and, hence, explicitly modifies the transition temperature as follows: T


* (KJ



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Finally, the theory makes explicit predictions (22) for the dependence of the transition temperature on external pressure.

Experimental Results and Comparison with Theory Electronic Absorption Spectra. The limiting wavelength of UV ab­ sorption in dilute solution (Xmax) can be determined experimentally by ju­ dicious choice of solvent and cooling below the order-disorder transition temperature. Experimental details have been reported elsewhere (12, 13, 15, 38, 43). Results for X m a x of several high-molecular-weight dialkyl-substituted and atactic alkyl- and methyl-substituted polysilylenes are listed in Table I, along with the corresponding room-temperature values. The maxima for both the room-temperature wavelength of peak absorption and the limTable I. Spectroscopic Data and Theoretically Determined Defect Parameters Polymer

X (nm) RT

Poly(di-n-butylsilylene) Poly(di-n-pentylsilylene) Poly(di-n-hexylsilylene) Poly(di-n-heptylsilylene) Poly(n-propylmethylsilylene) Poly(n-hexylmethylsilylene) Poly(n-dodecylmethylsilylene) Poly(n-propylmethylsilyleneeo-isopropylmethylsilylene)



314 315 316 318 310 307 311

355 355 355 360 339 335 328












1.33 1.31 1.63

0.128 0.131 0.091

Data are wavelengths of peak absorption at room temperature in dilute n-hexane (dialkylsubstituted polymers) and toluene (atactic polymers). è Data are limiting wavelengths at low temperature. c Values are free energies of defect formation from theoretical calculations and fittings. ^Values are defect densities at room temperature from theoretical calculations and fittings. a

iting wavelength (when observed) were at most weakly solvent dependent; typically, the variations were only a couple of nanometers. The shorter X m a x for unsymmetrically substituted polysilylenes and the continual decrease of X m a x with substituent size asymmetry are consistent with random, stereochemically induced residual electronic disorder in the low-temperature conformation (Schweizer, K. S., unpublished results).

Zeigler and Fearon; Silicon-Based Polymer Science Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.



A fully microscopic interpretation of the temperature dependence of the absorption maximum, even well above any order-disorder transition tem­ perature, is a formidable task because of the potential importance of many complicated physical factors (27-30). As a first attack on this problem, we have adopted a simple mean-field (or effective-medium) approach (28-30) with the assumption that the absorption peak (ω) is linearly perturbed from its limiting all-trans value (o>rod) by the presence of bond rotational defects (free energy of formation, e)

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ω = o)rod + Δ ω Χ 0


in which X D is a temperature- and polymer-dependent defect density or concentration calculated from a simple three-state RIS theory, and Δω is an adjustable constant indicative of the strength of the electronicconformational coupling. For high-molecular-weight polymers, X D is equal to the inverse of the mean conjugation length, ξ Μ . Byfittingthe experimental absorption peak data as a function of temperature (above any order-disorder regime) in dilute n-hexane solution, the two positive parameters Δω and € can be extracted (Table I). Our values of e and X D at room temperature for poly(di-n-hexylpolysilylene) are in good qualitative agreement with those obtained from molecular mechanics calculations (44) and light-scattering measurements (45). Order-Disorder Transitions. General Features. Experimental data are summarized in Table II, and representative thermochromic behav­ iors are shown in Figure 2. For the dialkyl-substituted polysilylenes the transition is very sharp, with a barely discernible coexistence region and an approximate isosbestic point. On the other hand, the asymmetrically sub­ stituted polymers, except poly(n-dodecylmethylsilylene), display very smooth behavior only in n-hexane solution and a broad but clearly discernible transition in dilute toluene solution. The transition width ( Δ Γ € ) in toluene solution was taken to be the interval between departure from the extrapo­ lated, smooth, high-temperature behavior and the onset of peak absorption wavelength saturation at low temperature. The transition temperature (T ) is defined arbitrarily as the midpoint of this region. The experimental results in Figure 2 and Table II clearly show three qualitatively different behaviors: an abrupt order-disorder transition; a rel­ atively rapid continuous transition; and a gradual, smooth ordering of the polymer backbone. These observations are qualitatively identical to the three possible phase behaviors predicted by the theory. Moreover, a degree of quantitative understanding can be obtained. As mentioned previously, the theory predicts that the qualitative form of the phase behavior is controlled by the magnitude of the coupling con­ stant V /e. With an inert solvent like n-hexane and by using equations 7 and 8, the polymer dependence of the coupling constant is given by c


Zeigler and Fearon; Silicon-Based Polymer Science Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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Transitions and Thermochromism

Table II. Order-Disorder Transition Temperatures and Widths of High-Molecular-Weight Polysilylenes Polymer A T C (°C) Solvent T c (°cy Poly(di-n-butylsilylene) -36 1-2 n-Hexane -39 2 Poly(di-n-pentylsilylene) n-Hexane 1-2 -23 ± 2 Toluene 1-2 -13 ± 2 Tetralin 1 -30 Poly(di-n-hexylsilylene) n-Hexane 1 -30 n-Heptane -30 1 Tetrahydrofuran 1 -23 ± 2 Methylene chloride -20 1 Toluene 1 -16 Tetralin -44 ± 2 4-6 Poly (di-n-hexylsilylene)b n-Hexane 1 -25 Poly(di-n-heptylsilylene) n-Hexane -19 1 Toluene Poly(n-propylmethylsilylene) n-Hexane None -50 50 Toluene Poly(n-hexylmethylsilylene) n-Hexane None 40 -65 Toluene -30 20 Poly(n-dodecylmethylsilylene) n-Hexane -25 8 Toluene Poly(n-propylmethylsilylene-coi-propylmethylsilylene) n-Hexane None -70 50 Toluene "Experimental uncertainty is ± 1 °C for dialkyl-substituted polymers except where explicitly indicated. ^The low-molecular-weight polymer, with degree of polymerization (N) of 140, was used.

V D /e « X m a x 4 9 e _ 1 . By using θ = 0.75 and the values for X m a x and e listed in Table I, estimates of V U relative to the corresponding value for poly(di-nbutylsilylene) were obtained: poly(di-n-hexylsilylene), 0.91; poly(n-propylmethylsilylene), 0.61; poly(n-hexylmethylsilylene), 0.59; and poly(ndodecylmethylsilylene), 0.44. Therefore, although the absolute magnitude of V D /€ cannot be calculated accurately, the theory is fully consistent with the observation of abrupt transitions (strong coupling) for the dialkyl-sub­ stituted polysilylenes and smeared or nonexistent transitions (intermediate or weak coupling) for the atactic polysilylenes. D

Symmetrical Dialkyl-Substituted Polysilylenes. Because of their ex­ tremely sharp order-disorder transitions, the nonpolar, symmetrical dialkylsubstituted polysilylenes are almost ideal systems with which to test the predictions discussed earlier. The predicted solvent dependence of T c was tested by performing a series of experiments with high-molecular-weight poly(di-n-hexylsilylene) in dilute solution. Experimental results for six sol­ vents are listed in Table II, and the theoretically defined solvation coupling constants and solvent parameters are collected in Table III. The one-to-one correspondence between the measured values of T and the calculated solvation coupling constants agrees with the theoretical prec

Zeigler and Fearon; Silicon-Based Polymer Science Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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Figure 2. UV absorption maximum as a function of temperature. Key: —, poly(di-n-hexyhilylene) in n-hexane solution; , poly(n-hexylmethylsilylene) in n-hexane solution; —, poly(n-propylmethylsilylene) in n-hexane; , poly(n-propylmethylsilylene) in toluene. Table III. Room-Temperature Solvent Parameters and Solvation Coupling Constants 2a Solvent + 2)l h (eV) (n - lln n

n-Hexane n-Heptane Tetrahydrofuran Methylene chloride Toluene Tetralin

1.89 1.93 1.98 2.02 2.24 2.38


10.18 10.08 9.42 11.35 8.82 8.58





0.98 0.975 0.99 1.10 1.14 1.22

"Data are from reference 51. fc Data are from reference 52. c Values are computed solvation coupling constants calculated with Zp = 7 eV (34, 36). i a v is IpZs/(/P + Is).

Zeigler and Fearon; Silicon-Based Polymer Science Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.





Transitions and Thermochromism

diction of equation 2. The identical observed T c s for the nonpolar n-hexane and polar T H F (tetrahydrofuran) solvents are consistent with the confor­ mation-dependent solvation mechanism. The unimportance of the perma­ nent (static) dipole moment of the solvent is a consequence both of the side-chain shielding effect and the highly delocalized nature of the backbone σ-conjugated electrons, which results in an averaging out of the static solvent polarization. Because the hexyl side chains are quite large, the heavily shielded limit of equation 6 is expected to be applicable, that is, the de­ pendence of T on the solvation coupling constant is linear. A correlation plot (Figure 3) demonstrates the excellent agreement between experimental results and the theoretical prediction. The requirement that the experi­ mental and theoretical slopes must be equal implies that the solvent con­ tributes —25% to the solvation energy of the backbone, with the hexyl side chains accounting for the remainder. A more limited study of the solvent dependence of T was also performed with poly(di-n-pentylsilylene). Experimental results for three solvents are listed in Table II, and a correlation plot is presented in Figure 3. As was found for poly(di-n-hexylsilylene), an excellent agreement with the theoret­ ically predicted linear dependence was obtained. The steeper slope for the di-n-pentyl polymer is consistent with theoretical expectations, because the pentyl group is smaller than a hexyl side chain and therefore provides less shielding of the polymer backbone from the solvent molecules. The predicted increased solvent sensitivity of T with decreasing sub­ stituent size was tested further by comparing the transition temperatures of a series of di-n-alkyl polymers in n-hexane and toluene solutions. The results (Table II) are again in good qualitative agreement with the theoretical pre­ diction. In particular, the difference between T in toluene and that in nhexane solution increases monotonically with decreasing side-chain length: 6 °C, heptyl; 10 °C, hexyl; and 16 °C, pentyl. The predicted intrinsic width of the order-disorder transition of a monodisperse,finite-molecular-weightpolymer solution was also tested. The av­ erage molecular weights of dialkyl-substituted polysilylenes are in the order of 6 Χ 105, which implies that Ν is -3000-5000 silicon atoms. With equa­ tion 9, the theory predicts that àT /T is -0.004-0.006, which for T = -30 °C corresponds to an intrinsic width of roughly 1 or 2 ° C . This result is in good agreement with the experimental observations summarized in Table II. Finally, the predicted dependence of T on mean molecular weight (equation 10) was tested with poly(di-n-hexylsilylene) in n-hexane solution. With θ = 0.75, a limiting X m a x of 355 nm for the high-molecular-weight polymer, and the observed X m a x of —346 nm for the low-molecular-weight material listed in Table II, the following is predicted: T c (high molecular weight) - T c (low molecular weight) = 18 °C. The experimentally observed lowering of T is —14 ± 2 ° C (Table II), which is in good agreement with the theoretical estimate.

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Zeigler and Fearon; Silicon-Based Polymer Science Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.



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-30 h

-35 h

-40 h 0.95









n -1 n +2 2

Figure 3. Correlation plots of experimental transition temperatures in different solvents versus the theoretically defined solvation coupling constant. Key: Δ , poly(di-n-pentylsilylene); · , poly(di-n-hexylsilylene). The solid lines are straight-line fits. Typical experimental uncertainties are indicated by vertical error bars.

Unsymmetrical Alkyl-Substituted Polysilylenes. A detailed comparison of theoretical predictions and experimental results for the atactic polysil­ ylenes is more difficult for several reasons: (1) the observed transitions are much broader, (2) the effects of random substitutional disorder are not in­ cluded in the theory, and (3) the magnitudes of the consequences of ster­ eochemical disorder are expected to vary for different atactic polymers. Nevertheless, for all the asymmetrically substituted polysilylenes studied, except poly(n-dodecylmethylsilylene), the predictions discussed earlier

Zeigler and Fearon; Silicon-Based Polymer Science Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.




Transitions and Thermochromism


about solvent dependence, side-chain shielding, and dependence on substituent structure are clearly obeyed qualitatively. The higher transition temperature of poly(n-propylmethylsilylene) in toluene compared with that of poly(n-hexylmethylsilylene) is especially significant, because these two polysilylenes have very similar free energies of defect formation (Table I), and poly(n-propylmethylsilylene) is characterized by a larger X m a x and less side-chain screening of the backbone from toluene.

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Discussion In summary, we believe that the order-disorder transition phenomena observed in dilute polysilylene solutions represent true thermodynamic, singlechain processes and not many-chain aggregation or microcrystallization. In view of the complexity of the systems and the simplicity of the theory, the degree of agreement between the experimental observations and the detailed theoretical predictions is remarkable and difficult to dismiss or explain by other models. The theoretical ideas have been demonstrated to possess considerable predictive ability and, at a minimum, point to the importance of conformation-dependent polymer-solvent interactions. To make further progress, additional careful spectroscopic, light-scattering, and magneticresonance experiments on a wide variety of polymer-solvent systems are desirable, along with parallel work on the soluble polygermanes (46, 49), polydiacetylenes, and polythiophenes. High-pressure dilute-solution experiments would be particularly useful. Another class of soluble polysilylenes exhibits essentially no or very weak thermochromism. This class includes poly(cyclohexylmethyl- (15, 38), poly(phenylmethyl- (15, 38), (polytrimethylsilylmethyl- (15), and poly(diarylsilylenes) (46), all of which appear to be conformationally locked over a wide range of temperatures. In terms of our theoretical perspective, this behavior would arise from the steric effects of bulky substituents, which imply a large value of € and, hence, a small coupling constant V le. For aryl-substituted polysilylenes, the proximity of an aromatic group to the backbone could also stabilize a highly ordered rodlike conformation via enhanced dispersion interactions. Finally, solid films of some polysilylenes exhibit thermochromism and undergo true thermodynamic order-disorder phase transitions at much higher temperatures (18, 19, 47, 48) than in solution (typically, T c ~ 4080 °C). In the context of the theory, a larger refractive index of the neat solid compared with that of the dilute solution results in a higher predicted T (21). However, we do not believe that the observed high T c s in films can be explained solely by this effect. Previous explanations have been made exclusively in terms of side-chain crystallization (18, 19, 48). Packing effects should be more important in the solid state, but both intramolecular and intermolecular packing effects must be carefully considered. Indeed, the fact O


Zeigler and Fearon; Silicon-Based Polymer Science Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.



that poly(di-n-butylsilylene) (43) and poly(di-n-pentylsilylene) (50) solids crystallize as helices and not in the all-trans rod form implies that solid-state phenomena are very complex and also that solution phase behavior need not be controlled by the same physical factors as those for solid films. Finally, the occurrence of thermochromic phase transitions in amorphous atactic polysilylene films (15) emphasizes the need to consider seriously the role played by conformation-dependent dispersion interactions in the solid state, as well as in solution.

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Acknowledgment This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under contract number DE-AC04-76DP00789.

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Transitions and Thermochromism


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