Organic chemistry (Carey, Francis A.) - Journal of Chemical Education

Robert L. Augustine. J. Chem. Educ. , 1988, 65 (12), p A336. DOI: 10.1021/ed065pA336.1. Publication Date: December 1988. Cite this:J. Chem. Educ. 65, ...
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mean that classical mechanistic treatments are ignored. On the contrary, mechanisms a r e presented in considerable detail thrauehout the text with different colors .. used to highlight renters of impurtnnce. The inclusion of a reparatr rhapter on Organometallics a h a diiierentiares this text from most others. The chapters are well written and easily read. The material is presented in such a way that it can be comprehended by the nonchemistry major yet it has sufficient depth of coverage to make it an appropriate text for the chemistry majors as well. The inclusion in the body of the text of bits of interesting information and discussions of how some of the reactions are run experimentally helps to hold the readers interest. Each chapter is concluded by a thorough summary and the later chapters have an introductorv review section in which relevant previously discussed material is raretully reiterated. The cowmge iscompoied ot agood hlend ut'detailed mechanisms and extensive synthetic examples. The organization of the topics is generally quite good. A brief discussion ofthe chemistry of alcohols and alkyl halides is introduced in Chapter 4. The full alkyl halide chapter is preceded by the chapter on Stereochemistry. One possible fault in the organization is having the alkyne chapter separated from the alkenes by the Stereochemistry and Alkyl Halide chapters. While this can make for amore logical treatment of acetylide alkylation reactions, other reactions tend to suffer hv the break in continuity. The text contains a large number of problems, averaging about 33 per chapter, many with multiple sections. Sample solutions are given for some questions contained in the body ofthe chapter and answers to all others except those s t the end of the chapters are given in an Appendix. The problems range from simple reaction completions and reaction reviews to more complex ones requiring considerable insight for their solution. One difficulty discerned here is that some areas, such as alkane bromination and the DielsAlder reaction are discussed in the chapters to a reasonable level of understanding, but some of the related problems require considerable extensions beyond the actual text coverage. This can provide the instructor with the opportunity of presenting such topics in greater depth, or it can promote frustration in the student trying to solve these problems without assistance. All in all, though, this teat is well eonceived and has a thorough and generally well organized coverage. I t appears to be an easy text from which to teach and should he given thoughtful consideration during text selection time. Robert L. Augustine Seton Hall University Soulh Orange, NJ 07079 ~

introduce difficult concepts in written English with the minims1 use of mathematical relations. In this area they have an advantage over the erudite text by W. J. Moore and have the potential therefore to be more popular with the students that have a mathematics phobia. Chapter one presents a good review of the course prerequisites that every student should master in order to succeed in such a course. The chapters on the first two laws of thermodynamics are adequate. Nonideal behavior is introduced a little later than in the other textbooks mentioned above, ex., Chapter 8 deals with the van der Wads equation and the relations needed to understand liquefaction using the Joule-Thompson experiment are left for the student to solve as problem 8.30. The chapters on phase equilibria are very clear. The D e h y e Hiickel Theory is introduced qualitatively in Chapter 10. Surface chemistry (Chapter 13) precedes t h a t on electrochemistry (Chapter 14). The subjects covered up to this point would he covered in one semester for a two-semester course. In this division the second part starts with kinetic theory (Chapter 15) followed by transport processes and reaction kinetics (Chapters 16 and 17). The chapters on quantum mechanics, atomic and molecular structure and spectroscopy (Chapters 18-22) are qualitative but very up-to-date. The new methods of computation (e.g., MNDO, etc.) are mentioned qualitatively. There is very little on the principles of symmetry and Group Theo~ w ., later . editions would benefit bv elahorating on this ruhject. The rhapters on statistical merhnnm and reartiun rates are fairlycomplete. The final chaptercwers the liquid and solid states. Juana V. Acrivos San Jose State University San Jose, CA 95192 ~~


Organlc Chemistry Francis A. Carey. McGraw-Hill Book COmpany: New York. NY. 1987. xviii 1219 pp. Figs. and tables. 21 X 26.1 cm. $43.95.


This text incorporates the classic functional group approach to the study of organic chemistry, hut rather than being a mere clone of the other such texts it has some different aspects that are worth mentioning. A pseudo molecular orbital approach is used throughout the text to illustrate the nature of the orbital interactions and changes occurring during the reactions under discussion. This approach leads naturally into a discussion of the Diels-Alder reaction so the Frontier Orbital concept is not treated as a separate special entity hut simply as a means of product determination. This inclusion of orbital descriptions does not



of Chemical Education


lntroductlon of Instrumental Analysls Robert D. Braun. McGraw-Hill Book Company: New York. NY. 1987. viii 1004pp. Figs. and tables. 19 X 24 cm.


This is the largest instruments text puhlished in the United States. I t includes 76 salved sample problems, over 430 end-ofchapter problems grouped by topics end an abundance of references. mostlv orior to 1982. s with a'lone list okimoor~~~-~ h m t e rend tant terms, most of which appear in the index. Co\,erage ineluder traditional ropirs and some promising newer methods such as photoacoustic spectrometry, laaer-enhanced ionization, and laboratory robotics. Comparison with other texts revealed greater coverage of electronics, spectroscopy (especially atomic absorption, infrared, chemilnminescence and refmetometry) and potentiometry. Fewer pages were assigned to electrochemical methods, flame and atomic emission, HPLC, and appendices. Thus, some topics were suggested for closer examination, resulting in the following conclusions. The chapters on AC, DC, and electronic circuits, logic devices and computers were readable end useful, but redundant for those with a good physics background. Infrared was given excessive space; the 30 pages devoted to qualitative analysis could have been omitted since correlation charts lacked specificity and the spectra lacked usable wavenumber scales. The general thrust was to compare spectra of unknowns to knowns, without utilizing physical properties or other spectroscopic methods to pinpoint the identity of the unknown. FT-IR earned a disappointing two pages. On the other hand, inclusion of Hadamard Transform was a pleasant surprise, in light of recent developments (C. & E. N., Feb 29,1988, pp. 22-26). The X-ray chapter was among the longest. I t included critical absorption edges for most elements hut omitted K. and KOwavelengths or common target elements! Analyzer crystal d values were listed, but the reflecting plane and useful range of the crystal were not. Differentiation between X-ray diffraction and fluorescence is unclear and the traditional derivation of the Bragg Equation is missing. Crystallography, including ASTM tables of d spacings used for identification, was given only a few sentences. Mass spectrometry received extensive coverage. Isotopic abundances were cited for 54 elements, with little indication of utility. Spectral interpretation was slighted. The chapter on gas chromatography devoted six lines to carried gases but later noted that the TCD functions best if there is a significant difference in thermal conductivity of the sample components and the carrier gas but gave no numericvalues for either. Many of the real advantages of LTP and dual column designs were not discussed. The author usuallv describes instrument componenw in derad te g., I f , pages on tonseiect~vcriectrodes,seven pages on G1.C detectors and eight pages on atomic absorption sources). However, tables often focus on a single parameter (e.g., Table 9-8 lists inorganic assays for 33 elements, citing only the reagent or complexing agent end wavelength used). Too often, tabular data or extended equations are part of the text material (e.g., transparency regions for infrared solvents, and the expanded form of the Van Deemter Equation) which reduce the usefulness of such information. Illustrations are often troublesome (e.g., ~~~

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