Organic Chemistry (Fessenden, Ralph J.; Fessenden, Joan S.)

mathematics as little as possible. It appears ... will offer no problem, except perhaps a ref- ... ruhich list< rhc .... (authors claim 1181 unsolved)...
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book reviews chapter relevant. The chapter is then divided into sections, each section treating an objective outlined a t the beginning of the chapter. Each ohiective is treated seoaratelv. There is

single objective, there is an exercise, consisting of one or two questions, designed to test thestudent on his masteryof thissectinn, thereby allowing the student toaccess his or her own progress. Questions appear at the end of each chapter. These are thought-provoking hut should he answered easily if the student has assimilated the material presented. They seem to cover adequately all the concepts discussed. Answers are pmvided for all questions. Marginal notes are pmvided to indicate the subject of most chapters and to provide an easv reference. Diaerams are used freauentlv considerably. This is a very readable text. I t proceeds very logically and does not attempt to averwhelm the reader. T h e treatment relies upon mathematics as little as possible. It appears to this reviewer that this is a "student's" textbook and one that he or she will enjoy using. At the same time, all the topics necessary for a course of this type arecovered fully and adequately. Those looking for a text to use in a first year course for those students entering the health science field should consider this text. Students will like it. Rev. Addison Yehl

Gannon College Erie. PA 16501

Higher Grade Chemlstry

loin M. Duncan, Heinemann Educational Books, Ltd., London, 1978. iii + 185 pp. Fig. and tables. 23.2 X 15.5 cm. $6.25. A numher of important points about this paperback book can he made from the Note to Teachers. While the hook is designed for pupils in the Scottish "H" Grade, and perhaps other p o s t - " 0 level courses, its greatest use in this country will be in high school and

. will offer no problem, except perhaps a reference to the ocean liner Queen Elizabeth as QE2. T h e abbreviation p.d. tor potential difference is not adequately defined. Theohjeetives asstated by theauthorsare "to present patterns rather than unrelated facts" and "to clarify the difficult and key concepts." In a style much like texts written

Each ~ n h,).~ .tt title pa:" ruhich list< rhc ~ u p w ~ & w l u pi n~ the d unit a w r l > t . ~ wik\a.. knowledge assumed. In most cases the assumed previous knowledge is reasonable, hut there are a few exceptions. For example, the first unit on atoms and the mole assumes familiarity with molarity. A number of selftests are fnund in each unit with reasonable, but searchine auestions. About half the on why responses are right or wrong. Only the simplest of mathematics is required. Simple stoichiometry, Hess's Law problems, electrochemical cell potentials, and bond energies comprise almost all the numerical problems in the text. Little to no attention is paid to significant figures. All numerical examples and answers to problems were found tn be accurate. However, answers to some conceptual questions are questionable, and a m e t i m e s misleading. I t can he argued, though, that the answersare suitable for students for whom the book is written. T h e textual material also contains some misleading statements, mast of which could be corrected by minor wording changes. A more serious problem is the author's asking students tc, calculate the potential of the electrochemical cell, K/K+(.,,lMgZ+(.,~lMg. Only one chemical equation was detected to be in error, but it should not hinder students. In the introductory remarks, the author points out that some unusual approaches to the subject matter are presented. He further states that some might find his method of naming organic compounds unacceptable. Comoounds such as 2-orooanol and 2methyl-2-butene are named propan-2-01 and 2-methylbut-2-ene. T h e book is attractive inside and out. The cover has the feel of a rough-textured vinyl wallpaper and should prove very durable. The experience of the author with students for whom this book is written isdemonstrated in the short, simple, easy-to-understand sentences and the large number of very good diagrsms. T h e author's approach to the subject matter and his technique of reminding students of key concepts frequently will help students understand and retain the material. Instructors of chemistry may find more value in this book than students for two reasons. One is theauthor's practical and simple methods of presenting the subject matter to students at this level. T h e more important reason is that the large numher of fine graphs and diagrams will give chemistry teachers pointers on how to better construct their own graphs and diagrams to illustrate and to communicate chemical principles in a simple manner.

. .

Edmund C . Shearer Fort Hays State University Hays. KS 6760 1

Organic Chemistry atoms and the mole, one unit on chemical bonding, three units on energy, equilibrium, and electrochemistry, one unit on kinetics, two units on periodicity, four units on organic chemistry, and one uniton nuclear chemistry. The book has noappendix, no periodic chart, and no table of atomic numbers and atomic weights. T h e index is sufficient. A56 / Journal of Chemical Education

Ralph J Fessenden and Joan S. Fessen den, Williard Grant Press, Boston, 1979. iv 1040 pp. Figs. &tables. 26 X 18 em. $24.95. Study Guide: 214 pp. $4.95.


This textbook is very similar to a number of other texts written for the year course in

organic chemistry. It is organized around the traditional functional group approach that, in the words of the authors, "provides a framework for learning." The first two chapters include a review of atoms; molecules, orbitals, and honding. In Chapter 3, nomenclature of the major classes of organic compounds is introduced and is followed by alkanes. Chapter 4 is a discussion on sterenchemistry. Alkyl halides and substitution and elimination reactions are covered in Chapter 5. Mechanisms and energy profiles are first presented in connection with the discussion of S .. w 1.. 8 ~. 2. .E l and E2 tvoe . , reactions. Aleoholq, r t l w r . and rolatcn r~.tupt.jndi hcgdn \\it11 ('h.>pt~r-. ('h?pl+r R i q n I I I I U C A I mt.on infrared spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance. Beginning with Chapter 9 there is a series of chapters based on functionality and includes unsaturated compounds, ammaticity, aldehydes and ketones, carboxylic acids, acid derivatives of carboxylic acids, endates and carbanions, amines and polycyclic and heterocyclic aromatics. Chapters 17, 18, and 19 are also topical covering carhahydrates, amino acids and proteins, and lipids and related natural materials. The final chapter provides a brief introduction to other kinds of spectruscopy and light associated phenomena not covered earlier. Althoueh ir and nmr is not covered until

spectra are used rather consistently throughout most of the remainder of the book. T h e spectra are clear and easily read. The nmrs do not show crosshatching and integration curves, hut the numbers i f hydrogens at each chemical shift are designated by Arahic numbers. Althoueh this simolification may he helpful in getting students through the early pitfalls of spectra interpretation, they should be expected to cope with spectra hecauseit is obtained experimentally. There is telescoping of material in some chapters. Telescoping is especially p m nouneed in Chapter 7 which coversalcohda, epoxides, inorganic esters of alcohols, phenols, thiols, sulfides, and sulfonates. Phenols are presented in 3 pages with some additimal phenol chemistry scattered in other places in the book. T h e authors have used a very descriptive style with little use of experimental evidence. At times one gets the feeling that perhaps only the bare minimum of what is usually covered in a year course is included. Most bases are touched on this score, but many of the tooics are discussed onlv brieflv. and tables. Mast pages consist of about half visuals. T h e publisher's choice of using black print over shaded areas, a technique used to draw attention to atoms or groups under discussion, was a poor one since clarity has been compromised. One strength of the book is the number (authors claim 1181 unsolved), kinds, and manner in which problems are handled. There are "sample" problems within the first 15 chapters with solutions-not just answers. Also distributed within all chapters are "study" problems with answers-not solutians-in the back of the book. This type of

book reviews orohlem varies in number f m m ahout 10-20

a good mix of answered and unanswered problems if the study guide is not availahle t o students. This suggestion is pwhahly a contradiction of the reason for the study guide. Many of the pmhlems are appropriately of t h e drill type. Recognizing that many students in the introductory organic chemistry class have a major interest in biological fields, the authors have drawn examples liberally from these

mer chemistry is covered in 6 pages withsome scattered paragraphs in various chapters on nylon, polyurethanes, orlon, and polyesters. Students will find the brief 1-2 page chapter summaries useful learning aids as well as the 20 page appendix on nomenclature. After reviewing the book, one is left with the impression t h a t if students could not learn organic chemistry from this text then there is not much hope for them. For the chemistry major, one might wish for more rieor and detail than is found in this text. Non-maims mav find that the maximum has

Lowell E. Weller University of Evansville Evansville, IN 47702

Mastering Organic Chemistry: A ProblemSolving Approach G m d d W Gibson, W. B. Saonders Ccmpany, Philadelphia. 1979. iii 563 pp. Fig. & tables. 26.5 X 19.5 cm.


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