Exactly where you want to be. Introducing Organic Letters} an important new letters journal \
from the American Chemical Society, If you want to share your research quickly and reach an important audience,
Organic Letters is exactly where you need to be.
Organic Letters is the first journal developed through a collaboration between ACS and SPARC (Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition), an initiative of the Association of Research Libraries. SPARC was established to distribute research results faster and at significantly less cost to library subscribers. The more than 150 SPARC member libraries have already pledged their support for Organic Letters. Every other week, Organic Letters will offer short articles (2-to 4pages) on significant, current research in all areas of organic chemistry. There are no page charges or charges for color art or photographs when warranted.
• Each author receives 25 free reprints. • Organic Letters m\\ be published both in print and as a Web Edition. Setting a New Standard for Faster Delivery Organic Letters is simply the best way to rapidly deliver your results to organic chemists worldwide. Plus, the OrganicLetters\Neb Edition features Articles ASAPSM (As Soon As Publishable), making your research available online even faster — up to five weeks before the print edition. Be Among the First to Publish in Organic Letters For complete instructions to authors, including an easy-to-use template for article layout and submission, visit the journal's
home page via http://pubs.acs.org. Or call, write, fax, or email the journal editor. Amos B. Smith, III Rhodes-Thompson Professor of Chemistry University of Pennsylvania Department of Chemistry 231 South 34th Street Philadelphia, PA 19104-4340 Tel: 215-573-6144 Fax:215-898-5129 Email:
[email protected] First issue in July 1999. For subscription information, please call 1-800-333-9511. Outside the U.S. call 614-447-3776.
ACS III PUBLICATIONS Essential Resources for the Chemical Sciences
a division of the American Chemical Society