Organic Phosphorus Insecticides

The new field of organic phosphorus insecticides was opened up during World ..... This theory may find some support in the entomological experiments o...
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Organic Phosphorus Insecticides S. A. HALL

Downloaded by UNIV OF AUCKLAND on May 3, 2015 | Publication Date: January 1, 1950 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1950-0001.ch029

Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Beltsville, Md.

In the field of organic phosphorus compounds there is a wealth of highly toxic compounds from which to pick a potential insecticide. The ultimate choice will be based not only on toxicity to a certain group of insect species, but on volatility, stability, safety in handling and applying, and freedom from plant injury, spray-residue and translocation hazards, and long-term toxicity to man and animals.

T h e new field of organic phosphorus insecticides was opened up during World W a r I I by Gerhard Schrader, a German chemist employed at the Elberfeld laboratories of I . G . Farbenindustrie (37, 38). Schrader, who had done earlier work on insecticides, was engaged primarily i n the search for chemical warfare agents. I n the preface to Schrader's report (38) M u m f o r d and Perren make the following statement regarding the organic phosphorus insecticides described i n the report: It is known that other substances of similar general type are still more toxic to higher animals, and i t is quite possible that workers undertaking synthetic studies i n this series may prepare a substance sufficiently toxic to constitute a real danger to themselves and others i n the vicinity. It is therefore recommended that stringent safety precautions should be taken when preparing and testing any compound of this type, unless i t has already been shown by appropriate tests to be comparatively harmless to higher animals. F r o m this statement i t may be inferred that Schrader's insecticides merged into toxic warfare agents or vice versa, depending on his point of approach. It is estimated from available reports (32, 38, 40, 44> 45) that Schrader synthesized well over 300 compounds containing organically bound phosphorus. Although the reports are notably lacking in completeness, i t appears that most of Schrader's compounds were screened for biological activity against aphids (species not given). Approximately 150 compounds tested as a spray at 0.2% concentration gave 90 to 100% mortalities of the aphids. Apparently some of his data are missing, or else only a portion of the compounds active at 0.2% were tested at lower concentrations. However, i t can be estimated that about 1 0 % of the compounds active at 0.2% continued to give 100% mortalities when diluted to 0.002%. T h i s will convey some idea of the extraordinary biological activity associated with this series of compounds. There is little evidence of any particular compound i n Schrader's series possessing a selective toxicity to insects. I n general (although there may be an exception), the compounds that are highly toxic to insects are also highly toxic to warm-blooded animals. The toxic organic phosphorus compounds act as powerful inhibitors of cholinesterase, an enzyme found predominantly i n the nervous tissue of animals, including insects. This enzyme hydrolyzes acetylcholine, which plays an essential role i n the transmission of nerve impulses. The toxicity of compounds i n this series can be largely accounted for on the basis of their anticholinesterase activity (7, 8,12,14, SI).

150 In AGRICULTURAL CONTROL CHEMICALS; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1950.


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A t about the time Schrader was synthesizing new organic phosphorus compounds of extraordinary toxicity, M c C o m b i e and Saunders (29) i n England were intensively en­ gaged i n a similar endeavor. They investigated especially the dialkyl fluophosphates. Mackworth and Webb (31), who tested these compounds, found them to be highly potent inhibitors of horse serum cholinesterase. The most active ester, diisopropyl fluophosphate, which British investigators call diisopropyl fluorophosphonate ( D F P ) , was 30 times as active as the alkaloid eserine. I n their series of fluophosphates they found a correlation between the i n vitro inhibitory power of cholinesterase and toxicity. Webb (48) also found that the inhibitory effects of the alkyl fluophosphates are not confined to the enzyme cholinesterase. They may poison a range of esterases, some of which have no activity at all toward acetylcholine as a substrate. The inhibition b y fluophosphates is similar to that reported earlier b y Bloch and Hottinger (δ) for tri-o-cresyl phosphate and tri-o-chlorophenyl phosphate. D u B o i s and M a n g u n (14) found that hexaethyl tetraphosphate exerts a strong inhibitory effect on mammalian and insect cholinesterase i n vitro and i n vivo. I t is of interest that hexa­ ethyl tetraphosphate and its principal active ingredient, tetraethyl pyrophosphate, were found b y Jansen et al. (25) to inhibit the enzyme acetylesterase, which is of plant origin. Brauer (7) has studied the cholinesterase-inhibiting activities of a series of organophosphorus compounds. H e has proposed a rule for the structural requirements of an organophosphorus inhibitor and also a mechanism for its inhibiting effect on the enzyme. D u ­ Bois and associates (13) found parathion to be a strong inhibitor of cholinesterase i n rats. Nachmanson and co-workers (34) have pointed out that the quantity of cholinesterase present i n most organisms may vary considerably i n different species and even i n different tissues of the same species. Their studies indicate that an organism—an insect, for example—does not begin to show toxic effects until 66 to 9 5 % of the enzyme has been inactivated. There also appears to be a very small differential between a nonlethal and a Table I.


Properties of Organic Phosphorus Insecticides

Refrac­ tive Index at 25° C .

Boiling Point, C. 0

Effectiveness" Concn. Kill of spray Density of soin., Solubility at aphids, Remarks and References 25° C . in Water % % Pale yellow, almost 100 Slight 1.2655 0.001 odorless oil; crys­ (15-20 p.p.m.) tallizes in long nee­ dles, m.p. 6° C . Technical product may have garliclike odor (2, 3, 17,19, 46) Practically odorless, 0.005 100 1.269* Slight reddish-yellow oil (sp. gr.) (0.25%) (4, 10, 38) 50 0.001 Odorless, colorless, 100 0.05 1.1810/ Completely hygroscopic oil. miscible Hydrolyzes rapidly. 1. 19010 Technical products (sp. gr. called T E P P and at 24°) H E T P (10, 15, 21,


157-1626 0.6 mm.

Oxygen ana­ log of para­ thion Tetraethvl pyrophos­ phate

148-151* 1 mm. 173/1 m m . 104-110/ 0.08 mm. 135-1380 1 mm.


Tetraethyl dithiopyrophosphate

110-113* 0.2 mm. 135/2 mm.*






Tetraethyl monothiopyrophosphate Octamethyl pyrophosphoramide

110-117/ 0.3 mm.



Slight (0.06%)



118-122/ 0.3 mm.



Completely miscible






1.4170/ 1.41800


23, 60)



47, 49,

22, 38)

Almost odorless, color­ less, somewhat vis­ cous oil. Systemic poison. Absorbed by living plant (10, 11, 86, 38)

Schrader's screening tests (88). b Fletcher et al. (18). Edwards and Hall (17). * Adler, Victor Chemical Works, Chicago, 111. a

37, 89,

Yellow to colorless oil. Technical product may have unpleas­ ant odor (4, 22, 38) Colorless oil of u n ­ pleasant odor (10,

* Schrader (38). f Hall et al. (22, 24). a Toy (47).

In AGRICULTURAL CONTROL CHEMICALS; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1950.



lethal dose. Their experiments with diisopropyl fluophosphate demonstrated that its toxicity must be attributed exclusively to the inactivation of cholinesterase. Because toxicity to insects is only one criterion of a potential insecticide, no attempt is made here to examine all of Schrader's toxic compounds. M u m f o r d and Perren (88) have indicated that some of these compounds may not be described for reasons of security. Only those compounds containing organically bound phosphorus which have already shown some promise of joining the family of insecticides are described here. A l l are highboiling liquids which, i n general, undergo thermal decomposition and hence must be dis­ tilled at reduced pressure. A s a further generalization the P - O - P linkage of these com­ pounds undergoes hydrolytic cleavage (more readily at alkaline p H ) , which results i n loss of effectiveness of the compound. Some properties of the compounds are listed i n Table I .

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Parathion Parathion is the accepted trivial name for 0,0-diethyl O-p-nitrophenyl thiophosS



Q N- (C H 0) PC1 + 2NaCl 2








(C H 0)JPC1 + N a O — C H N 0 — > (C H 0) P—O—C H N0 + N a C l (2) Chlorobenzene was the solvent preferred by the Germans for carrying out the reaction in step 2. The foregoing reaction scheme had been described i n a patent issued i n 1934 to Clemmensen (9), who prepared certain organic esters of thiophosphoric acid embodying both aromatic and aliphatic radicals. These esters are claimed as new compositions of matter useful as fire retardants. Parathion itself is not specifically described i n thé patent. Fletcher et al. (18) have given details of its laboratory preparation by Schrader's method, i n which the yield i n step 1 was 5 0 % . I n step 2, with ethyl alcohol used as the solvent, a yield of 7 5 % of the vacuum-distilled ester was obtained. Water was also tried as the solvent in step 2, and the yield was 6 4 % of crude undistilled parathion. Its preparation on a larger laboratory scale has been described in Australian patents (2) of the American Cyanamid Company. H i g h yields of the crude ester were obtained i n step 2, in which various solvents, especially ketones, were successfully employed. Also described is a modification of step 2 i n which the diethyl chlorothiophosphate reacts with p-nitrophenol i n the presence of anhydrous sodium carbonate or other suitable alkali. N o directions are given i n the patents for preparing the diethyl chlorothiophosphate or other dialkyl chlorothiophosphates used to prepare analogs of parathion. Thurston (46) has recently reviewed the methods for preparing dialkyl chlorothiophosphates. 2











In AGRICULTURAL CONTROL CHEMICALS; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1950.


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The Australian patents also contain descriptions of analogs, which include nitrophenyl thiophosphates possessing more than one nitro group. M a n y of the analogs are biologically active, and several exhibit high activities comparable with parathion. T h e o-nitrophenyl isomer, which is present to some extent i n crude parathion, is substantially less active than the p-nitrophenyl isomer (parathion itself). These patents disclose a synergistic effect of the ortho isomer with parathion. Pure parathion is a pale yellow, practically odorless oil, which crystallizes i n long white needles melting at 6.0° C . (17). I t is soluble i n organic solvents, except kerosenes of low aromatic content, and is only slightly soluble i n water (15 to 20 p.p.m. at 20° to 25° C ) . Peck (85) measured its rate of hydrolysis to diethyl thiophosphate and nitrophenate ions i n alkaline solutions. H e found that the reaction kinetics are first order with respect to the ester and to hydroxyl ion. I n normal sulfuric acid the rate of hydroly­ sis was the same as i n distilled water. Peck concluded that hydrolysis takes place b y two mechanisms—a reaction catalyzed by hydroxyl ions and an independent uncatalyzed reaction with water. H e calculated that at a p H below 10 the time for 5 0 % hydrolysis at 25° C . is 120 days; i n the presence of saturated lime water the time is 8 hours. T h e over-all velocity constant at 25° C. is k = 0.047 [OH~] + 4 Χ 1 0 " m i n . " Averell and Norris (3) have developed an analytical method adapted to the deter­ mination of parathion i n spray or dust residues, which is sensitive to about 20 micrograms. I t is based upon the reduction of parathion with zinc to the amino compound, diazotization, and coupling with Bratton and Marshall's amine, which gives an intense magenta color with an absorption peak at 555 millimicrons. Bowen and Edwards (6) have used the polarograph to assay technical grades of parathion and its formulations. Parathion is coming into extensive use. Applied at concentrations ranging from about 25 to 600 p.p.m., it has been found highly effective against an imposing list of insect species (19, 46). The scope of safe application of this powerful insecticidal compound is not yet defined. If its high toxicity (13, 28) to man and animals does not stand i n the way of its use on food and fodder crops, it may indeed have a very wide field of application. The answer to the question of its ultimate usefulness must await the outcome of many large-scale field tests to cover all aspects of the spray-residue problem, including possible translocation (20) of the compound. 6


Oxygen Analog of Parathion D i e t h y l p-nitrophenyl phosphate was designated b y Schrader (38) as E-600, the ΟO C A

OC H 2


Oxygen analog of parathion immediate forerunner of his E-605, parathion. I n Germany, where the two esters were first compared for insecticidal use, parathion was preferred (32, 44) because E-605 was less poisonous to man and not so readily absorbed through the skin. D u B o i s and associ­ ates (18) have found the oxygen analog more toxic than parathion to rats. Schrader prepared the ester (88) i n 6 0 % yield b y reaction of sodium p-nitrophenate with diethyl chlorophosphate, using xylene as solvent for the reaction. H e made i t , but i n lower yields, from p-nitrophenol and diethyl chlorophosphate, using, respectively, pyridine and sodium cyanide as acceptors for hydrogen chloride. Schrader also pre­ pared i t i n 9 6 % yield b y nitrating diethyl phenyl phosphate at 0 ° C . or below. Under the conditions he used, Schrader claims that the nitro group is directed to the para posi­ tion. N o yield is given for the diethyl phenyl phosphate, which he presumably made from sodium phenate and diethyl chlorophosphate. Diethyl chlorophosphate may be prepared i n high yield (30) from diethyl phosphite and chlorine. D i e t h y l p-nitrophenyl phosphate (E-600) is an odorless reddish-yellow oil which In AGRICULTURAL CONTROL CHEMICALS; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1950.



possesses physical properties and solubility characteristics similar to parathion. Its solubility (22) i n water is about 0.25% at 25° C . Schrader (38) dissolved 0.5 gram of the ester " b y vigorous shaking i n 10 liters of water." The solution, i t is reported, was sprayed with complete effectiveness on a cineraria plant infested with aphids (species not given). The statement is made i n one of the British B I O S reports (32) that E-600 but not E-605 is absorbed to a slight degree by the living plant. N o data are given. Coates (10) has calculated that the ester is about 300 times more stable to hydrolysis than tetraethyl pyrophospate. H i s value for the over-all velocity constant is = 0.52 [OH~] + 1 X 10~ m i n . B a l l and Allen (4) have found that diethyl p-nitrophenyl phosphate is the most effective of the organic phosphates against the housefly, milkweed bug, cock­ roach, and two species of aphids. The Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine in preliminary tests has found it very effective against the European corn borer, armyworm, celery leaf tier, large milkweed bug, pea aphid, and two-spotted spider mite. The colorimetric method of Avereli and Norris (3) for estimation of parathion is also applicable to the oxygen analog, which gives a magenta color of identical absorption peak (16). The polarographic method of Bowen and Edwards (6) is also applicable to the analysis of this ester.

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- 1

Tetraethyl Pyrophosphate Insecticides The first of Schrader's organic phosphorus anticholinesterases to find rather largescale application as an insecticide i n Germany during World War I I was his so-called hexaethyl tetraphosphate (37), which the Germans called Bladan. Schrader obtained German and United States patents (39) on this material, and ascribed to i t a branchedchain structure. H a l l and Jacobson (24) found that i t is a mixture of ethyl polyphos-

(C H 0) P—Ο 2





(C H 0) P—Ο o H o) 0) :P—Ο (c H 2






P=0 /

Schrader's hexaethyl tetraphosphate (structure hypothetical) phates containing as its principal active ingredient the compound tetraethyl pyrophos­ phate. Hexaethyl tetraphosphate was first made (89) by reaction of 3 moles of triethyl C H 0 2



Ο OC H 2





C H 0 2







Tetraethyl pyrophosphate phosphate with 1 mole of phosphorus oxychloride (Equation 3); the reaction was sub­ sequently modified by increasing the molar ratio of triethyl phosphate to phosphorus oxychloride (Equation 4). Another process, patented by Woodstock (49), i n which phos­ phoric anhydride was used instead of phosphorus oxychloride is illustrated i n Equations 5 and 6. P O C l Procedure. 3

3(C H ) P0 +


—> (C H ) P40

+ 3C H C1


5(C H )3P04 +


—> 3(C H )4P 0 + 3C H C1




















In AGRICULTURAL CONTROL CHEMICALS; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1950.



P 0 Procedure. 2


2(C H ) P0 2



4(C H ) P0

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+ P2O5 — > ( C H ) P 4 0 2

+ P 0 2



3(C H ) P20









I n all cases the reaction products are mixtures of ethyl polyphosphates, and, on the basis of elementary analysis, they approximate the empirical formulas given i n the above equations. I n Equations 3 and 5 the product has been arbitrarily called hexaethyl tetra­ phosphate, which may contain 8 to 2 0 % of the active tetraethyl pyrophosphate. I n Equations 4 and 6 the products have been called technical tetraethyl pyrophosphate, which may contain up to 4 0 % of pure tetraethyl pyrophosphate. Hexaethyl tetra­ phosphate has also been made from phosphoric anhydride and diethyl ether b y a process recently patented b y Adler (1). Kosolapoff (26, 27) has proposed a mechanism for the reactions based upon addition of phosphoryl chloride or phosphorus pentoxide to the P O bond of triethyl phosphate to give intermediate phosphonium-type adducts which may form linear and cyclic poly­ esters b y thermal decomposition. H e has advanced the view that the actual tetraethyl pyrophosphate content of these complex mixtures may be very small and that the bio­ logically active ester may be generated from the cyclic polyphosphates b y partial h y ­ drolysis. This theory may find some support i n the entomological experiments of Smith, F u l t o n , and L u n g (48) with tetraethyl pyrophosphate insecticides in methyl chloride applied as aerosols i n greenhouses. They found that, although the k i l l of spider mites correlated well with the tetraethyl pyrophosphate content of their samples, such was not the case with aphid mortalities. T h e hexaethyl tetraphosphate manufactured b y Schrader's original process was found more effective against aphids, suggesting that it contains toxic principles other than tetraethyl pyrophosphate. Smith and F u l t o n pointed out that with their mode of testing, the ethyl polyphosphate mixtures are i n an anhydrous condition until they leave the nozzle at the time of application. T h e aerosols thus differ from spray solutions, i n which at least some of the toxicity is lost by hydrolysis when the ethyl polyphosphates are dissolved i n water before application. Because aerosol application i n greenhouses is responsible for a large part of the production of this insecticide, there has recently been a trend back to the manufacture of hexaethyl tetraphosphate as originally produced about 3 years ago. The purified tetraethyl pyrophosphate is a colorless, odorless, water-soluble, hygro­ scopic liquid (24, 4?)- I t possesses a very high acute toxicity (28), exceeding that of parathion, and is rapidly absorbed through the skin. There is no spray-residue problem, however, for tetraethyl pyrophosphate hydrolyzes even i n the absence of alkali to non­ toxic diethyl phosphoric acid. H a l l and Jacobson (24) and T o y (47) have measured its rate of hydrolysis, which is a first-order reaction. Its half-life at 25° C. is 6.8 hours and at 38° C. is 3.3 hours. Coates (10) determined the over-all velocity constant at 25° C : k = 160 [ O H - ] + 1.6 Χ ΙΟ" m i n . " T o y (47) has described an elegant method for preparing this ester as well as other tetraalkyl pyrophosphates, based upon the controlled hydrolysis of 2 moles of dialkyl chlorophosphate : 3




2 ( C H 0 ) P 0 C 1 + H 0 —> ( C H 0 ) P — O — P ( O C H ) + 2HC1 2










The hydrogen chloride is removed either b y reduced pressure or b y salt formation with pyridine or sodium bicarbonate; the latter procedure gave high yields of the pure ester. T o y (47) also measured the hydrolysis rates and compared the toxicities of a series of tetraalkyl pyrophosphates. Of these tested, the tetraethyl ester was the most toxic to white mice. Several chemical-assay methods (15,23,50) for tetraethyl pyrophosphate were recently developed and applied b y seven collaborating laboratories to samples of representative commercial products and to a sample of purified tetraethyl pyrophosphate which served as a common standard. Concordant results, which correlated well with bioassay results, In AGRICULTURAL CONTROL CHEMICALS; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1950.



Downloaded by UNIV OF AUCKLAND on May 3, 2015 | Publication Date: January 1, 1950 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1950-0001.ch029

were obtained. The methods used (21) are based upon the selective hydrolysis of the sample followed by separation of the tetraethyl pyrophosphate from acidic constituents. The methods differ only i n techniques of separation or hydrolysis. The ultimate usefulness of technical tetraethyl pyrophosphate depends largely on its rapid killing action, its compatibility with sulfur, and its freedom from residual toxicity hazards. O n the other hand, i t is not profitably employed where a certain amount of residual toxicity is desirable or necessary to k i l l a particular insect species. Tetraethyl pyrophosphate has found wide use as an aerosol to control pests on greenhouse vege­ tables and flower crops. Because i t leaves no residual toxic vapors, i t offers a definite advantage from the standpoint of safety to the greenhouse operator. I n addition, there is evidence that its use i n greenhouses has a stimulatory action on plant growth, particu­ larly on rose plants, which have produced ' 'larger leaves with a deeper green color, longer and heavier stems, and more flowers" (42).

Thio Analogs of Tetraethyl Pyrophosphate Tetraethyl dithiopyrophosphate has recently been made available i n experimental 0 Η Ο 2




M l

OC H 2


1 1 / Ρ—Ο—Ρ

C H 0 6


\>0 Η

/ /



Tetraethyl dithiopyrophosphate quantities and has been tested more widely than the tetraethyl monothiopyrophosphate. C H 0 5


M l










C H 0 5



I ! /


Tetraethyl monothiopyrophosphate Schrader (38) i n a brief description characterized tetraethyl pyrophosphate as "not completely water-stable," the monothio analog as "water-stable," and the dithio analog as "lime-stable." The monothio analog was prepared (22) i n 6 7 % yield as follows : O



( C H 0 ) P C 1 + K O J > ( O C H ) Î —> 6





(C HÔO) P—Ο—Ρ(00 Η )







+ KC1

As a solvent for this reaction, anhydrous methyl ethyl ketone was found satisfactory. Coates (10) determined the rate of hydrolysis of the monothio analog as approximately one fifth that of tetraethyl pyrophosphate under similar conditions. T h e dithio analog has been prepared (22) i n 9 0 % yield from diethyl chlorothiophosphate, water, and p y r i ­ dine in a modification of the reaction T o y (47) used to make tetraethyl pyrophosphate : S II



2(C H 0) PC1 + H 0


> ( C H 0 ) P — O — P ( O C H ) + 2C H N.HC1 at room temp. B a l l and Allen (4) found that the dithio analog compared favorably with tetraethyl pyrophosphate. Other preliminary tests i n the bureau have indicated that the dithio analog is very effective against the European corn borer, large milkweed bug, celery leaf tier, army worm, and two-spotted spider mite. Smith (4I) has tested both analogs as aerosols i n greenhouses. I t is too early to assess the value of these analogs, but they may fit into the insecticide picture as compounds of intermediate stability to hydrolysis, lying somewhere between tetraethyl pyrophosphate and parathion, i n the region of tox2












In AGRICULTURAL CONTROL CHEMICALS; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1950.



icity desirable for the control of insects but not of sufficient duration to constitute a hazard to man.

Octamethyl Pyrophosphoramide Toxic compounds that can be absorbed to a marked degree b y a living plant through either its roots or its leaves have been called by British investigators systemic insecticides. Schrader (38) first found this peculiar property i n certain acetals of 2-fluoroethanol and bis-(2-fluoroethoxy)methane, as well as i n certain compounds of his organic phosphorus series, notably bis(dimethylamido)fluophosphate and octamethyl pyrophosphoramide. (CH ) N 3



O N(CH ) 3

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(CH ) N N(CH ) Octamethyl pyrophosphoramide 3




The latter compound has the practical advantage over the former of not containing fluorine, which might on repeated application accumulate i n the soil and poison i t . Schrader (38) prepared the pyrophosphoramide as follows : (CH ) N Ο 3

O N(CH )



\ ι ι A

(CH ) N 3



y +


NaO—Ρ ^(CH,),


(CH ) N Ο 3


/ / (CH ) N Ο 3

O N(CH )







O N(CH ) 3


(CH ) N 3






C H 0—Y 2


(CH ) N ^NiCHi), N o details are given for scheme A . Presumably one could use the phosphoryl chlo­ ride instead of the fluoride. Scheme B , i n which ethyl chloride is formed, was run i n boiling xylene using equimolar quantities of the reactants. Michaelis (33) has partially described the preparation of starting materials from secondary amines with phosphorus oxychloride and also ethyl dichlorophosphate. Schrader (38) obtained alkyl and amido fluophosphates by reaction of the corresponding chlorophosphates with sodium fluoride in aqueous or alcoholic solution. Octamethyl pyrophosphoramide is a colorless oil, completely soluble i n water, ben­ zene, acetone, and many other common organic solvents except the paraffinic hydrocarbons. Its hydrolysis rate has not been measured, but i t appears stable i n the absence of alkali. I n England, this systemic insecticide has been used to control aphids on hops. There i t has been calculated that only a negligible quantity of the poison ultimately may find its way into the beer made from the hops. Despite calculations of this sort, the use of octa­ methyl pyrophosphoramide on food or fodder crops i n this country is definitely not to be recommended. However, i t may prove useful if properly applied to control certain i n ­ sects, especially those attacking ornamental plants, such as rosebushes, and possibly on the cotton aphid and grape phylloxera. T h e compound has only recently been made available experimentally. 3


Recent Developments Since the presentation of this paper i n M a r c h 1949 at San Francisco there have been several new developments i n the field of organophosphorus insecticides. M e t h y l H o m o l o g of P a r a t h i o n . 0 , 0 - D i m e t h y l O-p-nitrophenyl thiophosphate In AGRICULTURAL CONTROL CHEMICALS; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1950.



has been manufactured i n Germany for insecticidal formulations to supplement or replace parathion. The methyl homolog (22) is a white crystalline compound melting at 3 5 ° C . Preliminary tests indicate that it is a somewhat less potent insecticide than parathion but may prove less hazardous to apply than parathion, which has caused a number of cases of acute poisoning and several deaths of individuals who handled and applied i t without sufficient precautions. Tetraisopropyl Pyrophosphate. T h i s ester, a water-white l i q u i d , has been pre­ pared by T o y (47) i n 9 4 % yield from diisopropyl chlorophosphate and water i n the presence of pyridine. The ester is insecticidal and is about one tenth as toxic to white mice as tetraethyl pyrophosphate. A n insecticidal dust of much greater stability than tetraethyl pyrophosphate dust can be formulated from tetraisopropyl pyrophosphate, inasmuch as the tetraisopropyl ester hydrolyzes at approximately V oth the rate at which the tetraethyl ester breaks down i n the presence of moisture. Octamethyl Pyrophosphoramide and Analogs. D a v i d a n d K i l b y (11) have re­ cently published details of Schrader's synthesis, which gives a good over-all yield of octa­ methyl pyrophosphoramide. Also included i n this paper are data on its absorption by the roots and leaves of a living plant, its phototoxicity, and mode of action of insects infesting the plant. Ripper and associates (86) give entomological data on this insecti­ cide and results of its action on plants and on warm-blooded animals. They point out that its systemic properties enable i t to reach insects which are extremely difficult to kill by direct contact application and that its persistence enables i t to be used early i n the development of an aphis outbreak without fear of reinfestation. Analogs of octamethyl pyrophosphoramide which act as systemic insecticides are the isomeric symmetrical (I) and unsymmetrical (II) diethyl bis (dimethylamido)pyro­ phosphates :

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(CH ) N Ο 3


M l




N(CH ) 3


(CH ) N 3


p—o- -p



OC H 2


(CH ) N 3


M l



O OC H 2


1 1 /



OC H 2


Conclusions I n the field of organic phosphorus compounds uncovered by Schrader there is a wealth of highly toxic compounds from which to pick a potential insecticide. The u l t i ­ mate choice, however, will not be based solely on the toxicity of the compound to a certain group of insect species. Other important factors are volatility, stability, safety i n h a n ­ dling and applying, freedom from plant injury, freedom from spray-residue and trans­ location hazards, and safety from the standpoint of its long-term chronic toxicity to man and animals. A s a determining factor for its use, the cost per pound of an organic phos­ phorus insecticide may not be very important. T o compare the cost per pound of para­ thion, for example, with that of D D T on a realistic basis, one must bear i n mind that parathion is effectively applied at much lower concentrations (2, 19, 46). These potent new organic phosphorus insecticides may not be used, i n general, to control insects affect­ ing man and animals (household pests, cattle and sheep pests, etc.) because of their ex­ treme toxicity to warm-blooded animals (18, 28). However, because they are effective over a very wide range of insect species at concentrations so low as to be almost fantastic, the potential usefulness of this class of insecticides, if properly applied, needs no emphasis.

Literature Cited (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

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