Organic Reactions in Ionic Liquids and on Supported Reagents - ACS

Jul 25, 2002 - Richard M. Pagni, George W. Kabalka, Carlos Lee, Rama R. Malladi, ... Department of Chemistry, University of Tennessee, 552 Buchler Hal...
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Chapter 4

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Organic Reactions in Ionic Liquids and on Supported Reagents Richard M. Pagni*, George W. Kabalka*, Carlos Lee, Rama R. Malladi, Bradley Collins, and Nicie Conley Department of Chemistry, University of Tennessee, 552 Buchler H a l l , Knoxville, T N 37996-1600

Chemistry in ionic liquids and o n metal oxides, taken mostly from the authors o w n work, will be described. It willl be seen that ionic liquids compare favorably to metal oxide surfaces as reaction media and green phases.

Introduction When the authors of this article started a very fruitful collaboration on organic reactions on metal oxide surfaces close to 25 years ago, the field was much like that of ionic liquids just a few years ago: there was very little activity. The area of surface organic chemistry has become very active in the last couple of decades and the area of ionic liquid chemistry, as attested by this symposium, is set to do the same. We report below results from our laboratories on organic reactions i n ionic liquids, the area of our second and more recent collaboration. Where similar


© 2002 American Chemical Society

In Ionic Liquids; Rogers, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.


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results have been obtained on surfaces, a comparison of the chemistry i n the two environments will be made. We also report our recent results of transition metalchemistry on metal oxide surfaces where similar chemistry of others i n ionic liquids has been published. It will be clear from this discussion that ionic liquids are already remarkably versatile and varied materials with great potential i n synthetic, mechanistic, and green chemistry.

Results and Discussion Volatile Ionic Liquids Nonvolatile ionic liquids (ILs) are of great current interest i n part because, having little or no vapor pressure, they are potential replacements of volatile solvents. Nonetheless, volatile ILs are known and, i n some instances, widely studied. Furthermore, results obtained on them can be extrapolated to the newer, less studied nonvolatile ILs. Without question the most familiar volatile IL is pyridinium chloride (m.p. 144°, b.p. 218°) which has been studied thoroughly by Royer. A synopsis of this and related work has been published [i]. The binary mixture of lithium perchlorate dissolved i n diethyl ether (LP/DE), a medium that becomes an EL at LP=4.5 M because all the lithium ions are bound to ether [2], has been widely used in organic synthesis [5]. Interestingly, even i n its IL form, LP/DE has significant vapor pressure [4]. Several theories have been offered on how this medium influences the rates and selectivities of organic reactions including a salt-induced change i n polarity [5], normal catalysis by the Lewis acidic L i , and its internal pressure [6] which is large [7]. Internal pressure of the medium would influence the behavior of a reaction i f it mimicked applied pressure which does influence rates of reactions. This is an important consideration because ILs are known or expected to have large internal pressures [8]. Furthermore, the internal pressure of a solute relative to that of a solvent affects the solubility of the solute in the solvent, an important consideration in some EL chemistry where biphasic behavior is important. Chemical, spectroscopic, and theoretical studies by us have clearly shown that the primary way i n which L P / D E influences the behavior of reactions is by L i catalysis [9]. Polarity and internal pressure play a much smaller role. Although the chemistry of anions and neutral compounds supported on metal oxide surfaces is well known [10], the corresponding chemistry of supported cations is relatively unknown. Thus, a comparison of the catalysis of L i i n L P / D E and on a surface will not be made. Λ^,Λ^-Dimethylarnmonium ^iV-dimethylcarbamate (Me2NH Me2COO"; Dimcarb), with a boiling point of 60° (with decomposition), is an inexpensive, +





In Ionic Liquids; Rogers, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

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44 widely used I L [77] and reagent i n organic synthesis [72]. Recently, we have explored a few Diels-Alder (D-A) reactions, widely studied i n other ILs [73], i n this medium. Before presenting this work, a little background material on the D A reaction is i n order. The prototypical reaction of methyl acrylate ( M A ) with cyclopentadiene (CP) affords endo (N) and exo (X) adducts i n an N : X ratio of about 3 that is not very sensitive to solvent polarity [14], Much higher N : X ratios (15-20 to 1) are obtained when the reaction is catalyzed by Lewis acids. When M A is treated with C P on alumina, however, the ratio of adducts is very sensitive to the activity of the alumina used [75] in part because aluminum ions are exposed to the surface when alumina is activated by heating. O n alumina activated at 300°, for example, N:X>50 has been obtained. The results are far different i n Dimcarb [76]. M A and also methyl vinyl ketone give only trace amounts of D - A products. Instead each dienophile undergoes conjugate addition with dimethylamine (Scheme 1). Acrolein, on the other hand, undergoes the D - A reaction exclusively with C P to yield Ν and X adducts i n a 1.42 to 1 ratio (Scheme 2). When acrolein is treated with C P i n the absence of solvent, a more endo-rich ratio of 3.68 to 1 ratio is obtained. Based on the work of MacMillan [7 7], a rational explanation can be given for the results i n Dimcarb. M e N H reacts with acrolein to give water and a new dienophile, an iminum ion, which reacts with C P to give Ν and X iminum ion products, hydrolysis of which by the water formed i n the first step of the reaction yields M e N H and the acrolein adducts but i n a new ratio. M e N H thus functions as a catalyst in Dimcarb. Exo selective D - A reaction would be very useful synthetically. +










3 >



Scheme 1. Reaction of dienophiles with dimcarb. Nonvolatile Ionic Liquids 1 -Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride (emimCl) /A1C1 and Nbutylpyridinium chloride (BPC)/A1C1 , which have little vapor pressure at room temperature, are remarkable ILs in part because they are liquid at or near room temperature over a wide range of salt to A1C1 ratios. In the acidic regime, where A1C1 is i n excess, they and related media provide a good environment i n which to generate carbocations via acid-base chemistry [78,7P]. In acidic and basic regimes they provide suitable environments for cations and anions of all sorts 3




In Ionic Liquids; Rogers, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

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Scheme 2. Reaction of acrolein with cyclopentadiene. generated i n photoinduced electron transfer (PET) reactions. We will examine this fact by looking at the photochemistry of several anthracenes and stilbenes. The photochemistry of anthracene (An) has been studied i n solution for over 100 years [20]. More recently its photochemistry (and that of other polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons [PAHs]) has been studied on the surfaces of solids as a model for its degradation in the environment by sunlight [21]. In most solvents including basic emimCl/AlCl (emimCl in excess), the photochemistry yields a 4+4 dimer i n the absence of 0 (Table 1). The dimer is formed by reaction of the singlet excited state of A n (An* ) with A n to form a complex which collapses to the product [20]. No ions are involved in this chemistry. In water, on the other hand, the reaction yielding two dimeric and two monomeric adducts is initiated by electron transfer from A n * to the solvent [22]. In acidic e m i m C l / A l C l (A1C1 i n excess), the photochemistry is very unusual [23]. Even under very dry conditions there is always present a small amount of HC1, a superacid i n the medium [18,19], and it protonates A n at the 9 position to form A n ï f , a potential electron acceptor. The photochemistry is thus initiated by electron transfer from A n * to A n H to give An**, a radical cation, and ΑηΗ·. Subsequent events are dictated by the fact that the I L is very poorly basic. In basic emimCl/AlCl , HC1 is undoubtedly present but it doesn't protonate A n and thus the photochemistry proceeds i n a normal nonionic way. One can still find electron transfer chemistry in the basic IL, however, i f 0 is present [24]. Here anthraquinone (AQ) is the major product with lesser amounts of 9-chloro- and 9,10-dichloroanthracene being 3










In Ionic Liquids; Rogers, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

46 +

formed. The chlorinated products undoubtedly arise by reaction of A n \ formed by electron transfer from A n * to 0 to give An** and 0 "', with CI". The origin of A Q is not known but may involve singlet oxygen or 0 "*. Interestingly on aerated silica gel A n affords the 4+4 dimer and A Q and several other products [25]; i n deaerated silica, only the 4+4 dimer is formed [25], 1



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Table I. Photochemistry of Anthracenes Electron 4+4 Transfer Medium Dimer No Basic EmimCl/AlClj Yes Yes Acidic EmimCl/AlCl , No H 0 Yes No Yes Basic EmimCl/AlCls No + 0 Unclear Silica/0 Yes Yes Basic EmimCl/AlClj Yes Yes Basic BPC/AICI3 Yes Basic EmimCl/AlCl, Unknown Yes

Substrate An An An An

Electron Acceptor AnH H 0








An 9-MeAn 9-MeAn 9-MeOAn



The photochemistry of the more easily oxidizable 9-methylanthracene (9MeAn) i n deoxygenated basic emimCl/AlCl and basic BPC/A1C1 was described i n 1996 [26\. Here a significant fraction of the photochemistry is initiated by electron transfer from 9-MeAn* to the aromatic cations, emim and B P . A s shown below, an array of ionic and neutral intermediates are formed i n this photochemistry (Scheme 3). What distinguishes the photochemistry i n the two ILs is not the initial electron transfer to the aromatic cations, both of which are exothermic and fast, but the fate of the reduction products, eminv and BP-. Emim% with the greater reducing power, converts 9-MeAn into its radical anion, whereas the corresponding reaction with BP- is endothermic and doesn't occur. 3



9-CH An

+ #



9-AnCH -



9-CH An"* 3

9-AnCH : 2




f=\ Et





Scheme 3. Transients formed in photochemistry of 9-MeAn. The photoisomerization of cis- and trans-stilbme (c and t) has been studied extensively [27]. Thereare three established pathways by which the isomerization occurs: (1) the singlet mechanism i n which direct irradiation affords singlet excited states, t and c, which cascade to a common twisted singlet state that i n l


In Ionic Liquids; Rogers, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

47 turn collapses with equal probability to ground state c and t; (2) the triplet mechanism i n which the isomerization is initiated from triplet excited states, t and c, formed by triplet sensitization; and (3) the P E T mechanism i n which excited states of c and t transfer an electron to an acceptor to form radical cations from which the isomerization occurs. In acidic emimCl/AlCl , t does not undergo a photochemical reaction, instead it yields trans, / r a / î ^ l ^ ^ - t r i p h e n y l - l ^ ^ ^ - t e t r a h y d r o n a p h t h a l e n e by an HC1catalyzed dimerization (Scheme 4) [28], As noted before, HC1 i n the acidic regime is acidic enough to protonated the substrate. In basic E m i m C l / A l C l , t and c photoisomerize to give a photostationary state (PSS) consisting of about 56% t and 44% c [28]. In basic BPC/A1C1 the results are strikingly different; at the PSS there is more than 98% t. 3



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2 Ph

acidic emimCl/AlCl


hv Ph


ionic liquid


Scheme 4. Chemistry of stilbenes in ionic liquid. The photochemistry i n BPC/A1C1 occurs by the P E T mechanism. It is known from published work [29] that at the PSS there is little c if the PET is occurring. Calculations by us show that electron transfer from t and c to the easily reduced B P is quite exomermic. Although the PET can also occur from triplet states, it isn't likely i n the present case because electron transfer from h and c to B P is endothermic in the first case and approximately thermoneutral i n the second. The photoisomerization in emimCl/AlCl likely occurs by the singlet mechanism although the mole fraction of c and t at PSS is a little unusual. Even though the electron transfer from t and c may be exothermic, the amount of t and c at PSS is clearly not consistent with the PET mechanism. The amount of t and c at PSS generated by the singlet mechanism varies considerably, depending on the extinction coefficients (e) of t and c at the wavelength used and the quantum yields (Φ) for t -*c and c-t (Scheme 5). In most solvents, at 313 nm (c) >90%, while at 254 nm (c) ~50%. In the present case where light>300 nm was used, a PSS rich i n c is expected unless Φ ^ and are different i n the IL. 3












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48 ε Φ c c-» t ps

Scheme 5. Ratio of t to s at photostationary state. The rich photochemistry of t on silica/0 has recently been described [30], with c, phenanthrene, benzaldehyde and two 2+2 dimers being formed. The 2+2 dimers are perhaps of most interest because they are not formed i n most solvents at low substrate concentration. They are formed on silica as a consequence of the fact that t forms ground state pairs on the surface [30]. In water where substrate aggregation is reasonable, t at very low concentration yields the same two 2+2 dimers [31]. The ILs of most current interest are those such as l-butyl-3methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate (bmimBF ) and 1 -ethyl-3 -memylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate (eniimPF ) which are made up of an heterocyclic aromatic cation and a nonbasic anion [32]. They are green phases because they have no vapor pressure, are nonflammable, and can be readily reused i n most instances. They are currently being used i n an array of organic and organometallic transformations [32]. One of us has recently reported the reduction of aliphatic and aromatic aldehydes with tributylborane in emimPF andbmimBF at 100° (Scheme 6) [33]. Previous attempts to use tributylborane as a reducing agent have required reaction temperatures of 150° or higher [34]. How the DLs abate the reaction temperature is unclear but the effect is dramatic.

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€H 0H 2


Scheme 6. Reduction of aryl aldehyde in ionic liquid. Trialkylboranes can also be converted into symmetrical ketones i n E m i m B F using N a C N and trifluoroacetic anhydride [35]. For example, tributylborane is converted into 5-nonanone in 96%yield after a 24-hour reaction at 100° (Scheme 7). Unlike the reduction reaction above where 1 butyl group per borane is used, 2 alkyl groups are active here. 4

In Ionic Liquids; Rogers, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.








NaCN CF CO) 0 ) (




( C

aq N a O H

h CH CH CH ) CO 3







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Scheme 7. Synthesis of ketone in ionic liquid. In spite of the vast literature on organic reactions on solids and supported reagents, there are only a few examples of reactions of organoboranes taking place on surfaces. We have, for example, studied the iodination [36] and bromination [3 7] of vinylboronic acids on alumina, with interesting results. More recently, we have examined i n detail of the Suzuki reaction on very basic K F / A 1 0 [38]. A s Welton and coworkers have carried out the Suzuki reaction in bmimBF with good results [39], a comparison of the reaction i n the solid and liquid green phases is interesting. The Suzuki reaction is the Pd(0)-catalyzed coupling of an aryl- or vinylboronic acid with an aryl halide to form a biphenyl or styrene. The reaction requires a sacrificial base, KF/alumina which also serves as reaction medium i n our case and aqueous N a C 0 in Welton's (Scheme 8). The palladium usually consists of a Pd(0) complex such as Pd(PPh ) or a Pd(II) salt such as Pd(OAc) . Even i n the latter case, it is generally assumed that the Pd(II) is reduced to Pd(0) before the coupling commences. Prior to our work, nobody had ever used palladium black as the catalyst i n the reaction. Until the recent work of Buchwald [40] and F u [41], which use unusual phosphine ligands, aryl chlorides were rather unreactive i n the Suzuki coupling. The Buchwald and F u reactions, of course, were run i n volatile, flammable solvents. Aryl chlorides react sluggishly on K F / A 1 0 and in bmimBF . Representative examples of the Suzuki coupling i n the two phases are shown below. 2













B(OH)2 +

< 5


microwaves, 2 nun

^ J ^ ^


bmimBF ,Pdcat, l O m i n , * * * ^ ^


thenaq.Na C03

1 1









Scheme 8. Suzuki Reaction on KF/alumina and in ionic liquid. A comparison of the Suzuki reaction on K F / A 1 0 and i n bmimBF is shown i n Table II. Space limitations prevent a detailed discussion of this comparison. 2



In Ionic Liquids; Rogers, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

50 Suffice it to say that the reactions are remarkably alike, keeping i n mind that our reaction is heterogeneous and Welton's is not, except when the aqueous N a C 0 , which is immiscible in bmimBF , is added. The Suzuki reaction works well i n both phases. Where comparisons can also be made to reactions carried out i n traditional solvents, the results in the two green phases stand up well. When comparisons can't be made, it is because the reactions on K F / A 1 0 and i n bmimBF have yet to be carried out. 2





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Table Π. A Comparison of the Suzuki Reaction i n Two Green Phases Phase Characteristic KF/A1 0 BmimBF 2

vapor pressure flammability reaction conditions microwave activation recycle green phase palladium used base removal of product reactivity of A r X toleration of functional groups kinetics yields



none none in air, 80-100°, 3-4 hr yes, for 2 min yes, with addition of K F Pd black K F / A 1 0 itself by extraction I>Br>Cl>F yes

none none i n air, 110°, 10 min unknown yes

unknown good to excellent

yes good to excellent


Pd(PPh ) aq.Na C0 by extraction I~Br>Cl yes 3





Conclusion The volatile Dimcarb has been shown to give a more exo-selective DielsAlder reaction. If this were generally true, the reaction would be synthetically useful. The two-component, non-volatile emimCl/AlCl and BPC/A1C1 are good media for reactions involving cations and anions including the IL components themselves. Photoinduced electron transfer reactions occur commonly here. Acidic emimCl/AlCl is superacidic and residual HC1 protonates anthracene and catalyzes the dimerization of /raws-stilbene. It is in fact possible to mimic the photochemistry of anthracene i n acidic emimCl/AlCl using C F S 0 3 H / C F C O O H [42]. Basic e m i m C l / A l C l and BPC/A1C1 are good media for photoinduced electron transfer, with emim , B P , and 0 serving as electron acceptors, cis- and 3










In Ionic Liquids; Rogers, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.


51 trans-SûlbQm photoisomerize i n both media. In BPC/A1C1 the isomerizations occur through stilbene radical cations. The one-component, non-volatile bmimPF is useful i n organoborane chemistiy. The tributylborane induced reduction of aldehydes occurs at temperatures far lower than seen i n other solvents. The Suzuki reaction occurring i n two green phases, K F / A 1 0 and bmimPF , are remarkably alike. 3


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Experimental Section Diels-Alder Reactions. The Diels-Alder reactions were run i n the absence of solvent (neat) or i n Dimcarb using a 1:1 molar ratio of cyclopentadiene and dienophile. When run in solution, 3 equivalents of Dimcarb were used. Reactions were run at room temperature for 12 hrs. Reactions mixtures were poured into water which were then extracted with CH C1 . Product mixtures were analyzed by gc/ms. 2


Photochemistry of cis- and trans-Stilbene. (a) Photolysis of trans-Stilbene in Acidic EmimCl/AlCl . In a Vacuum Atmospheres glovebox, 200 mg of iraws-stilbene was added to 13 g of freshly prepared emimCl/AlCl (55% mol % A1C1 ). A bright yellow solution was immediately formed. Photolysis was carried out i n a vacuum-sealed Pyrex glass tube in a Rayonet Type RS Photochemical Reactor using 3500 A lamps. After 17 hours, the reaction mixture was quenched in ice water. The aqueous phase was then neutralized with 6 M NaOH and the organic phase was extracted with methylene chloride. Product analysis was performed by G C - M S (HP 5890 gas chromatography and 5970 mass selective analyzer, with a crossbonded 100% dimethyl posiloxane column). The only product observed was the known trans, trans-1,2,3-triphenyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene [43]. A n identical sample was prepared and kept i n the dark for 17 hours. Workup afforded only the above dimer. (b) Phtolysis of trans-Stilbene in Basic BPC/AIC1 (55 mol% BPC.) Photolysis of trans-sulbcm i n basic BPC/A1C1 (154 mg i n 12 g of melt) as described above for 17 hr afforded 96.7% /ra/is-stilbene and 3.3% c/s-stilbene. No other products were detected by gc/ms. (c) Photolysis of cis-Stilbene in Basic BPC/AIC1 (55 mol% BPC). Photolysis of ds-stilbene (260 mg i n 8.72 g of melt as described i n part b above for 17 hr yielded 99.4% trans-stilbene and 0.6% c/s-stilbene. There was also a trace of a compound with m/e = 142. (d) Photolysis of trans-Stilbene in Basic EmimCl/AlCl (55 mol% emimCl). 3







In Ionic Liquids; Rogers, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

52 Photolysis of iraw-stilbene (212 mg i n 13 g of melt) as described above for 14.5 hr afforded 59.5% *raws-stilbene, 27.1% c/s-stilbene and trace amounts of unidentified products. (e) Photolysis of cis-Stilbene in Basic EmimCl/AlCl (55 mol% emimCl). Photolysis of cte-stilbene (260 mg i n 7.2 of melt) as described above for 17 hr afforded 52.2% /raws-stilbene, 41.1% cw-stilbene and lesser amounts of two unknown products with m/e = 142 (4.3%) and m/e = 180 (1.5%).

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Preparation of 5-nonanone Tributylborane (1 mmol), sodium cyanide (1.1 mmol) are added to a 10 mL round bottomed flask containing emimBF (0.5 mL). The mixture is stirred at 100 °C for 24 hours. The mixture is cooled to R T and trifiioroacetic acid anhydride (1.2 mmol) is added and the mixture stirred for 1 hr. The intermediate is separated from the ionic liquid using ethyl ether ( 2 x 5 mL) and then oxidized using 30% H 0 (3 mmol) and 3 Ν N a O H (1 mmol) to yield 5nonanone (0.96 mole, 96%). 4



Acknowledgment The authors thank the National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, and A i r Force Office of Scientific Research for financial support.

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