Organic reactions, volume V

and the dismal fact would be missed that much industrial research is little more than a tax on production, regrettably required to keep the concern in...
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tion to the board of directors. The casual reader would gather that research is paying beyond dreams of the average investor, and the dismal fact would be missed that much industrial research is little more than a tax on production, regrettably required to keep the concern in business. It seems to rhij that thr grmt problrms assoviared with industrial resmrch todsy sre not in rhr starling and atorking of laboratones hur thev nrle with msturny and wnrmurd prohferation. Directing research, managing research and a research laboratory, and managing (which is to say, placating and restrainins from mavhem) the business heirarchv that owns the labor&l&arr wi'drl? separated mxters, and It is apprrrilttion of a d eonpetancc wrh these that lend to .orrni. I t is to Re hoped tlmt 1)r. lkiffith will t4nlmrxtr thir thrmv in rhc n r t edition. The book is too detailed for the tyro and not seriously needed by the established leader, but it will be read by the latter for the pleasure of comparing notes and by the aspiring laboratory manager for guidance. We recommend the book highly to American industrialists on its merits and because it is one of the few messages that has come to them from outside. K. HICKMAN 56 TSACRERAY ROAD



expanded (Brunauer, Emmett, Teller and Harkins, Jura). Osmotic Pressure. Ten pages added on membranes. Thorough discussion of osmometers (8 types using solid membranes and 4 gaseous membranes). The chapter has 64 pages compared to 24. Diffusivity. Twelve methods of free diffusion and 5 diffusion cells described in considerable detail. The chapter has 70 pages compared to 34. Calorimetry. Essentially none. Microscopy. Section on electron microscope added10 pages. Discussion of general microscopy (20 pages) not in &st edition. Crystal Forms. Only small section on symmetry rewritten. Crystallographical Analysis. None. LEALLYN B. CLAPP



Roger Adorns, Head of Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois, Editor-in-Chief. 13 collaborators. John Wiley B Sons, 446 pp. 64 tables. 15.5 X 23.5 Inc., New York, 1949. v i i i cm. $6.





Editedby Arnold Weissberger, ResearchLaboratoriea,Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, New York. IntersciencePublishers. Inc., New York, 1949. xii 1072 pp. Numerous figures and tables. 15 X 23 om. $12.50.


IN THE second edition of Volume I of this series of seven planned volumes, five new chapters have been added of which four ~ (1947).) appear in Part I. (For review, see THIS J o u m ~ f i 2 451 These chapters bear the titles: Temperature Measurement, Temperature Control, Determination of Vapor Pressure, and Determinations with the Ultracentrifuge. These chapters were added to "~rovidea more homogeneous and Complete presentstion of the field than the first edition." They are thorough and well done. In the chapters rewritten for the second edition (three) the ceneral -idea. has been to brine the discussion of methods and anparatusinto the hook rather than just to give referenceswhere the discussion might be found. The reader, then, can often make some decision on type of apparatus or method of approach to use in a particular problem without extensive reference to an original source. These chapters are much more useful in the second edition for that reason. A guide for the selection of methods has been added to some chapters which did not have it in the f i s t edition. The principal additions t o the chapters appearing in the first edition follow: ~~~




VOLUME FIVE of this series contains the followingten chapters: The Synthesis of Acetylenes, by Jacobs; Cyan~eth~lstion, by Bruson; TheDiels-~derReaction:QuinonesandOtherCyclenones, by ButzandRytina; Preparationof Aromatic Fl~orineCom~ounds from Diaaonium Fluoborates: the Schiemann Reaction, by Roe; The Friedel and Crafts Reaction With Aliphatic Dibasic Acid Anhydrides, by Berliner; the ~ ~ t t xeaction, ~ ~by ~ cronme; ~h~ Leuckart Reaction, by Moore; Selenium ~ i ~ ~ Oxidation, by Rabjohn; The Haeseh Synthesis, by Spoerri and DuBois; and The Darzeus Glyoidie Ester Condensation, by Newman and ~ ~ ~ l ~ i ~ , hi^ series of invaluable books is concerned with the scope and limitations of organic reactions. The editors and authors are to be congratulated on holding to a high level of quality. The books have now become standard "equipment" far those interested in of organic chemistry. ,,,tions


I11 Melting and Freezing Temperatures. Sections on steric relationships from freeaing point curves and relation of melting points and moleculsr constitution. IV Boiling and Condensation Temperatures. More drewines-of and more ~ i e c e sof amarztns dis- ameratus .. .. cussed. VI Density. Use of density for isotope analysis. VII Solubility. A few new references added and one page of text. VIII Viscosity. References to viscometers given in the first edition are described in some detail here. The c h a p ter has 28 pages compared to 14 in the f i s t edition. I X Surface and Interfacial Tension. Pendant drop method added. A discussion of Sugden's Mumford and Phillips', and Gibling's systems for calculating parachor added. X Properties of Monolayers and Duplex Film. Disoussion of determimtion of surface ares. of solids




Ronald W. Gurney, Visiting Professor of Physics, Johns Hopldns University, Baltimore, Maryland. McGraw-Hill Book Company, 268 pp. 59 figs. 14 tables. 16 X 2 3 em. Inc., 1949. vii $5.


TEE problem of finding a book which can be used as a text for the teaching of statidical mechanics to graduate students in chemistry having the usual average preparation in mathematics is one which most teachers of the subject will probably agree in considering as unsolved. The treatises of Tolmrtn, Fowler, Fowler and Guggenheim, Mayer and Mayer are too advanced for most students of physical chemistry. Tolman's book of 1927 and Rice's book of 1930, both of which were accessible to, and indeed written for, such students are now out of date. Ubbelohde's small opus of 1937 and the chapters on statistical mechanics in Glasstone's "Theoretical Chemistry" of 1944 are helpful but they cannot serve as texts for a complete course on the subject. The situation is similar with the few books on statistical mechanics published in laneuaees other than Enelish. The objertivcui ~urraty'6hrrA is t o chon. that rhr "widrspread hrlief that stotistiral mi-ehrmiw is nrrr.sarily a difficult and abstrusesut~jrctthnt cannot bv prrsmrd in a iorrn artrartive to the


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