Organic Reagents to Be Discussed at Second Analytical SymprFiiim analytical chemist now living in FBrazil,.FEIGI., . . world-famous . will visit the United States this summer to he the RITZ
featured speaker a t the Second Annual Analytical Symposium cosponsored by the Division of Analytical and Micro Chemistry and ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. The symposium will he held June 24 and 25 at Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn. The subject nil1 be "Organic Reagents." S. E. Q. Ashley, General Electric Company and general chairman of the symposium, has announced the following list of papers and authors: The Role of Organio Reagents in the Chemistry of Specific, Selective, and Sensitive Reactions. FRITZFEIGL Polysuhstituted 1,10-Phenanthraline and Bipyridine Derjvatives as Nlultiple Range Redox Indicat.ors. Further Applications in Their Use 8s Specific Reagents for Anion Analysis. WARREN W. BRANDT AND G. FREDERICK SMITH Spat Test Chromatography as Analytical Tools in Organic REISSMANN, EDXLRD PRICE,AND MARYL. Chemistry. THOMAS WILLARD 1.2-Dioximes as Anali~ticitlReaeents. CHARLES . Water-Soluble -
Reagents in Amperomi
TheErtractian of Cupferrates. N. H. FURMAN, W. B. MASON, J. S. PEKOLA Determination of End Unsaturation in Organic Compounds.
Wesleyan University
GORDONH. ELLIS, E. M. 2001% AND QI isntities of Boron. SKAR BAUDISCH 0: n..~--...:--&:-nG nn-illi..m"iith A l h n n i n m r l Nanhthavavin YTUnII.I.IIIYI,Y
A. L. UNDERWOOD AND W. F. NEUMAN Preparation of Alkannin and Naphthaserin. T. Y. TOR~RAIU AND A. L. UNDERWOOD DINNER MEETING
WINSLO; AND'H.A. LIEBHAFSKY Interferences Nzith Reactions between Organic Reagents and Metal Ions. PHILIP W. WEST Colorimetric Method for the Determination of Microgram Clip coupon and send promptly.
--__________________--------Reservation for Second Annual Summer Symposium Sponsored by the Division of Analytical and Micro Chemistry and ANALYTICALCHEMISTRY
-. . .university, . . . . . june 24 and 25, 1949 wesieyan
Name 1:print): ....................................... Address (print):.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . ............................................. Date of Arrival:. . . . . . . . . . ...Via railrond or car?. . . . . . . Amnliaation for: All meals. . . . . . . . . Rmquet alone.. ..... ~~
Single room..
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Double . room., . . . . . .
Roommate desired
On Friday evening a t 7 : O O P.M. there will he a dinner meeting. Arthur B. Lamb, editor of the Journal of the American Chemical Society, will act as toastmaster and William E. Kappauf, Jr., associate professor nf psychology, Princetop University, will give the prinoipal address. His topic is "Applied Aspects of the Psychology of Vision." After the dinner meeting there will he a general mixer a t which refreshments will he provided. 4HRANGEMENTS FOR MEEITNG
&I. Chlhert Burford of Wesleyan University and chairman of t kE oommittee on local arrangements has released the following information regarding attendance a t the symposium. Registration will be in the Hall Laboratory of Reeistration. Chemistry on Thursday, June 23, from 7:OO to 1O:OO P.M.; on Friday from 9:00 A.M. to 6:OO P.M.; and on Saturday from 8:OO A.M t,o 12:Ofl noon. The first session will start a t 1:30 P.M. on Friday. Registrst,ion fees will be $3 for individual members of the Saeiety, designated representatives of corporation members (only 01ie for each corporation membership), and visitors other thau . , .-.: . . . . . ---:A:-:" &L" T,..i+"A C2+,,tar. chemists or oneimclti engmsaiu ~ G U U L U ~ ,U Ullr ylllycy 56 for nonmember chemists or chemical engineers residing in the United States, regardless of nationality. Associates of divisions or of local sections are not members of the A.C.S. and, if they are chemists or chemical engineers, are subject to the 56 fee. Fulltime students of chemistry, bath graduate and undergraduate, are givcn the court,esv of reeist,ration on the same hasis as memhers of the Societ:y-in this case $3. Reservations. It is necessary that reservations he sent in hefare the meetinf;. A11 requests must reach Middletown by June 9. Those wishin?; to share a room with a specified individual . . a L .?"C"""l.,. should include a separme applrcauuo..2iur tmrii puuuu, ~LOEL'LLW in the same letter.
Will you share a double room if single rooms are exhausted?. ......................................... Applications must be sent to Dr. George Matsuyama, Department of Chemistry, Wesleyan University. Middletown, Conn., before June 9, 1949. Please do not send remittances.