Organic Syntheses. - Journal of the American Chemical Society (ACS

Soc. , 1956, 78 (7), pp 1518–1518. DOI: 10.1021/ja01588a073. Publication Date: April 1956. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is...
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Vol. 78


BOOK REVIEWS Organic Syntheses. \-oluine 35. T . L. CAIRSS, Editor-inChief. John IYiley aiid Sons, Inc., 410 Fourth Avenue, Xew York 16, S . 1’. 1955. vi 122 pp. 15.5 X 23.5 cin. Price, $2.75. I-olume 35 of “Organic Syntheses” contains directions for t h e preparation of thirty-six organic compounds. T h e editing a n d presentation of t h e experiments in tliis latest addition t o t h e annual series a r e rer>- good a n d follow t h e pattern of previous volumes. LVithout d o u b t this is a work of considerable value t o t h e practicing organic chemist. rictually, one wonders how t h e editors manage so well t o meet the requirements of a new volunie each year without including m a n y over-specialized preparntions which would seriously weaken t h e series.

edition of “Diffusion in Metallen.” T h e quality a n d quant i t y of experimental d a t a has increased tremendously, d u e in large p a r t t o t h e widespread availxbility of artificially produced radioisotopes; notable progress i n understanding the mechanism of t h e diffusion process has resulted from both t h e theoretical a n d esperimental a t t a c k s ; a s t a r t has been made toward putting t h e problem of “structure-sensttlve” diffusion on n rational a n d quantitati\-e b surprising, therefore, t o tind this secoiid thorouglily re\-iscd and gre2itly espanded. T h e first third of the book, denling largcl!. with cllicrimeiital aspects, is inairily ail updating of ciirrehponding chapters in tlie first edition. An estensivc. \rell-arr;rnged a n d very useful tabulatioil of esperiinetital results is includcd. However, t h e organization of this section dnes DEP.IRT\fEST OF CHEXISTRY iiot seem t o be t h e rtiosb desir.ible. For cxaniple, after the I-SIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER 1.. BOEKELHEIDE discussion of esperiinciltul techniques :in11 t:ibulatic~n of ROCHESTER, SEK YORK results, there is :I chapter on geiieral theory a n d mechanism, after which tlie authors return t o discuss t h e measurement of concentration-dependent diffusion coefticients. High Vacuum Technique. Theory, Practice, Industrial Tlie middle third of t h e book is almost entirely nclv. Applications a n d Properties of Materials. Third Edition. Included here are discussions of t h e liirkendall Effect .ind Revised. By J . \-.~R\Yc)oD, 1 I . S , F. Inst. P., Head of its impliccitioti>, Darken’s pheiionlenological treatmelit of Department of Mathematics and Physics, T h e Polytedi, diffusion in sJ-stems with iiiteriiic, Regent Street, London 11..1. Johii IYiley a n d Sons, boundarJ- mid surface diffusion. Iiic., 4-10Fourth Avenue, S e w YorL 16, S . 1’. 1955. l-iii 1 topics occupy tlie last third. 20s pp. 14 X 22 cni. Price, S i . 3 0 . These subjects range from t h e influence uf third cornpolielits on t h e ditTusion of solutes. t o t h e tlicories of prccipitLition T h e salient feature of this book is conciseness. Tlie type .ind illustrations a r e, t h e p i p e r robust, a n d t h e boob: atid sintering. t o diffusion in liquid metals. T h i s portion is again esseiitiall>-a revision of t h e 1 s t half of t h e first edition. well suited for travel betjveen work bench a n d oftice desk. .Is might be expected in a bo@k dealing with t h e b n u d hltliough likely t o be acquired by most operators in high subject of difiusion i n metals, these topics a r e ni1t \-acuuin, it will appeal particularly t o tile student or technicovered i n an!- great d e p t h . cian and the occasional user of vacuum methods, n-here t h c Tile .ippendis includes pertiiient m,itliematic;rl t.ibles :itid crisp, didactic style will provide a n a n e r s uncomplicated hhA tciblc 17: experimental results t h a t were publizlied after quxlifications or alteritati\-es. tlie prcpxntioii of tlie manuscript. Tlie subject-matter is presented fuiictiniiLiiiy r‘itlier than Perh.ips t h e best recommendation for t h c b u ) k is tli,it i t historically, much of t h e ii:foriii,itioti beiiig derived from catalogs. This leads tl] curious inrerziniis of ,iutli-. gives :I fairlJ- comprclieusi\-e survey of t h e importarit literature of tlie field. ( T h e escelleut thermodynnmic trentniciit Burch, illrentor of t h e oil diffusion p u m p , receives one referelice, Langniuir 3 , G:iede 9 , Diatillatiiiri Products, I n c . , of diffusion in allo!-s by Bardeen aiid Herring is a notable exceptioii.’l As such. i t will serve .is a useful addition t o the 5 , a n d iiEdJv-ards . Cv. 29. One result of this preoccupatioii is a valuable summ.iry of pumps, mechanical, diffiisirui libraries of those who desire a haiid>- sonrcc bonk. On the , those who \visli :I discriinii:,itiug critiqtic, of t h e a n d ejector, obtainable comnierciall>-throughout t h e world. t e of ktlon.ledge \vi11 pr~>b,ib!yd o I j c t t c r t ( ~look Throughputs, energy consumption m d ultimate vacuum a r e listed cornparati\-ely ( p p . 49-57~1. Tlie chapters on gds kinetics a n d nieasurcinent of p u m p GESERALELECTRIC RESEARCII L.IBOKATORY THEKSOLLS I< 1:. I I O F r M A h speeds are escelleiit. T h e lesser methods of leak detection a r e well recounted, b u t t h e important m i s s spectrometer SCHESECTADY, S E \ Y Y O R K t y p e is dismissed as t o o espeiisi\-e t o xarreiit inclusion _____.i similar 1,ipse is noted in connection with tlie vacuum furiiace, which is n o t treated. Molecular Vibrations. T h e Theory of Infrared and R a m a n The 6th a n d last chapter gives a compilation of chemical d a t a and physical coiistaiits-a Critical Table in miniature -1vhich \\-ill s i v e t h e \-.icuuin technologist much s c x c h i n g through 1;irger referelice \-oIuniei. Chaptcrs 4 a n d 5, 011 “getteriiig” a n d applik-.ition c>f vLicuumt o iiidustr!., pro\.ide a tokeii initiation \v:,icli should ,it le,ist encour,ige t h e student t o read else\\ licrc. Cnnip,iiiy, Iiic , Puhlisli be slid t h r w i t l i i n t h c l i m i t s sct i adiiiirable small testbuok for the Price, 8S.50. occasional worker i n Iiigh vLicuuiii \rhicli will be \\ elcLmied in its third edition b~ t!ie AIiiiericcinresider. So authm.; ckiuld li:,\.e becii nli)rc conipeteiit t o uiidertake a \\ark on this subject a n d ivithin the limit? tliey h a \ - e \ e t for 136 PELH.I3f ROAD KESXETH HICK~LIS themselves. this book is liigiily successful. L I w t of the ROCHESTER 10, S E \ V \-ORK published iiifrared aiid Ratn:in spectra linvc their origin i i i mii1ccul:ir vibration? niiti in tlii, work the author, dcvclop .ill of tlie elc in tlie literature. Ron-cver, tlie p.ipt~r-.:ire \\-idely zcnttered, and t h e iinpirtaiice ot t h e 1irc.ctit \\ark i- t l i . i r i t t:iLv, 111) it.; 5ul)ject froiii tlie bcgiuiliiig. ilcvLlLbp tlie frctiur1ltly ol).cure n ~ i t l ~ e ni,itic;il tccliniques i i i ,111 c ~ t r e i u e l yItii,id \ Y : I J - I\ ithout III&ing a n y strenuou. tleniniitl> ciii t h e iiiatlicm.iticnl b,1ckgrcJunti of the render, . i i i i I iiiclu(le- itio.t o f \ v I i . i t i- reIL\.tlit t o cur-


