Organic Syntheses. Volume 31 (Schreiber, RS) - ACS Publications

The directions have been supplied by 67 different contributors in addition to members of the Edi- ... ship are identical to the earlier volumes. This ...
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ORGANIC SYNTHESES. VOLUME 31 Editor-in-Chief: R. S. Schreiber. John Wiley & Scns, Inc., New York, 1951. vi 122 pp. 1 fig. 15.5 X 23.5 cm. $2.75.


V O L31~of "Organio Syntheses," like all previous releases, gives the equations for the reactions, procedures far production with accomnanvine .. notes. and other methods of oroduction for 42 rlifferenr organic eompounns. The dtreetions I,aw I,wn supplied by 67 diflcrent eontnhurors i n addition to mtmlrers of the J.:diturial n o d . The nrrgr3rcd direcriow have again been further

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Volumes 30 and 31, since i t is presumed that all previous preparsi tions, not already listed in Collective Volumes I and 11, will eventually appem in Collective Volume 111. This latest addition to this popular series is on a par with all farmer volumes. The quality, form, appearance, and workmanship are identical to the earlier volumes. This recent release will he welcomed as a "must" by most libraries and organic chemiats, both here and abroad. The reviewer as well as many other indiyiduals is still anxiously awaiting the publication of Collective Volume 111. RALPH E. DUNBAR

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