Organic Synthesis: Concepts, Methods, Starting Materials, Second

Organic Synthesis: Concepts, Methods, Starting Materials, Second Edition (Fuhrhop, Jurgen; Penzlin, Gustav). J. Chem. Educ. , 1994, 71 (6), p A162...
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Ellis Hotwood PTR PrenticeHall Physical Chemlstry Series. Nuclear Chemistry

More importantly, the hook does not contain review problems or exercises.

Oldr~chNavrabl. Jm Hala, Rudod Kopunec, Fedor Macasek, Vlad#mrrMnkulal, ana Ladrslav LeseNcky Ells Holwooa and PTR Prentlce-Ha I New Yard, hY. 1992 389 pp Flgs and tables. 16.5 x 23.7 cm. $85.00 Despite the importance t h a t radiation devices and radionuclides have came to play in modem society, and especially in the sciences, only a small fraction of chemistry majors ever receive a serious introduction to nuclear and/or radiochernistry. This perhaps explains the relative sparsity of well-known texthooks dedicated to this suhiect , matter. Of the textbooks that do exist. two of t h r best known, h'urleor and R a d ~ o r h ~ m i d (3rd r ) rd., 1981 by Fnedlander et al. and .Vuclmr Cherntstr) ,19801 by Chappm and Rydhrrg, were lmt cditedaver a decadeago. In thlr light, the publication of a newly edited book on nuclear chemistry is welcome. This text is the first English translation version of a b w k that was published originally in 1985 by Academia, the Publishing House of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. The author's claim that many sections of the original text were rewritten and updated for the English edition. The hwk's 10 chapters and three appendices incorporate most of the tooics that are traditional tc nuclear ehemistrv. .,but readers who desire a com~rehensive hook mav find the text's treatment of ~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~ ~, some topws to hr t m limited. At 389 pages in length the book 13 almost 300 paEer shaner than that uf Fnrdlandrr et al. 1684 pp,. A5 noted in theFawwurd,"theauthors'nim wnsro hnvr n trxthook not too voluminous for a n introductory course in nuclear ehemistry." Chapter 1provides a basic overview of the subatomic stmcture of matter, including discussions of a numher of important topics such a s the types of fundamental interactions and of the classes and characteristics of elementary particles (including leptons and quarks). Chapters 2-9 cover nuclear transmutations, properties of nuclides and nudeagenesis, effeds of nudear radiation, analysis of nuclides, production of radionuclides and labelled compounds, the method of isotopic tracers, interaction methods of analysis, and nuclear-ehemical technology, respectively Chapter 10 on radionuclides in the environment is new to the English edition. Appendices 1and 2 list the isotopic composition of the first 20 elements of the periodic table and the characteristics of the radionuclides that are used most frequently i n tracer experiments, respectively. Appendix 3 gives examples of degradation reactions that can be used to identify the position of a radiolabel i n a molecule. The information in the book is u p - t ~ d a t ae n d i s presented at a level that seems appropriate for its intended audience. I found the lavaut and ammaranee of the book to he ardinarv..but such thines are n matter of personal taste. The book's meatest shurtrurnlng its a textbook is its almost wmplele lack of prnctirc prohlcms. Srvera1 chaptern are replcte with mathcmatienl equations hut rarcly are appropriate applications of these equations clearly illustrated. ~~~~~













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Fred F. Farris Mercer University Southern School of Pharmacy 3001 Mercer University Drive Atlanta, GA 30341

Titles of Interest Organic Synthesis: Concepts, Methods, Starting Materials, Second Edition Jurgen Fuhrhopand Gustav Penzlln. VCH: New York, NY, 1994. xv + 432 pp. Figs. and tables. 17.1 x 24.1 cm. The second edition of this guidebook far planning organic synthesis is addressed to advanced undereraduate and eraduate students as well as to research chemists.-The methods ldeaerihed are chosen far their efiriency and dxdaeric vnlue. Rerroaynthrtw analysis and the synthun appruach are presented. The hook includes many novel rtermselenivr rcnetions, extensive tablea lrsting commercially available starting materials and approximate list prices per 10 g, anadditional chapterYNanometer-SizedArchitecture" containingoutstanding examples of molecular assemblies and self-replicating systems, and a section on protein engineering. ~




A Basic Math Approach to Concepts of Chemistry, Fifth Edition Leo Mlchels. Bmoks/Cole: 511 Forest Lodge Rd., Pacific Grove, CA93950,1993. viii + 343 pp. 22.1 x 27.9 cm. $27.00 PB. The purpose of this text is to teach students the basic concepts of chemistry and prahlem-solving techniques. Students need not have a science backmound or extensive math skills to use this text. This bwk can h; used as a main text for preparatory courses or as a supplement to a core textbook in survey and general chemistry courses.

Science Education Partnerships: Manual for Scientists and K-12 Teachers Adsussman. Editor. Science Press: P.O. Box 31188. San Francisco, CA 94i31, 1993. iv + 244 pp. Tables. 15.4 x 22.9 crn $24.95 HBi$14.95 PB. The 35 articles in this manual describe how to initiate a partnership between scientists and educators, where to find funding, how to implement successful programs, and how these partnerships fit within a bigger picture of systematic science education reform. The authors include scientists, teachers, funders, currieulum developers, education administrators, and museum staff.

Reviewed in this Issue Oldrich Navratil, Jiri Hala, Rudolf Kopunec. Feodor Macasek, Viadimir Mikulaj, and Ladislav Leseticky EMS Hotwood PTR Prentice-Hall Physical Chemistry Series. Nuclear Chemistry Titles of Interest Monographs New Volumes in Continuing Series


Journal of Chemical Education

Reviewer Fred F. Farris

A162 A162 A163 A164