Organic Thin Films - American Chemical Society

potential as optical data storage and novel optical poling techniques (4-12), and several ..... obtained by us for PI-3b, and is apparently due to the...
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Chapter 22

Polymer Structural Effects on Sub-Transition Temperature Light-Induced Molecular Movement in High-Temperature Nonlinear Optical Azo-Polyimides 1,4




Zouheir Sekkat , André Knoesen , Victor Y. Lee , Robert D. Miller , Jonathan Wood , and Wolfgang Knoll 3



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Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, Davis, CA 95616 IBM Almaden Research Center, 650 Harry Road, San Jose, CA 95120 Max-Planck-Institute for Polymer Research, 55128 Mainz, Germany 2


The polymer structural effects on light-induced molecular movement below the glass transition temperature (Tg) of very high Tg (up to 350°C) polyimide polymers containing nonlinear optical azo chromophores are discussed. It is shown to what extent the isomerization reaction itself and the light-induced nonpolar and polar orientation depend on the molecular structure of the unit building blocks of the polymer. We demonstrate photo-induced orientation of azo chromophores in these polyimides at room temperature even though the chromophore is firmly embedded into the rigid polymer backbone, and how Light can alter the optical third-order nonlinearity by changing the chromophore hyperpolarizability through a photo-induced isomer change in shape.

Polymeric nonlinear optical (NLO) films containing azo chromophores with appreciable molecular hyperpolarizabilities have been attracting increasing interest in the last few years in studies of the role of photoisomerization in linear and nonlinear optics (1-3). Light-induced ordering processes of N L O azo chromophores have shown potential as optical data storage and novel optical poling techniques (4-12), and several authors reported studies in Langmuir-Blodgett-Kuhn azo-polymers as multilayer structures and alignment layers for liquid ctystal molecules (13-20), self-assembled monolayers (21-24), dendrimers (25), phospholipids (26), polypeptides (27), peptide oligomers (28), zeolites (29), hybrid polymers (30), amorphous and liquid crystalline polymers (31-40). In the recent years, the effect of the photoisomerization of nonlinear optical azo chromophores in polymer films has been of interest (7-12). Studies of the role of inter-chromophores interactions and molecular addressing have


Permanent address: Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, BP 1796, Atlas-Fes, Morocco. Also with the Frontier Research Program, The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN), Wako, Saitama 351-01, Japan. 5

©1998 American Chemical Society

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been reported (33,34,40), and questions have begun to arise only very recently concerning the relationship of optical ordering processes in amorphous polymers to the Tg and polymer structure including the main chain rigidity, the free volume, and the nature of the connection of the chromophore to a rigid or a flexible main-chain (41-44). Following the pioneering work in the early 1960's of Neoport and Stolbova on photo­ induced nonpolar orientation (PIO) in viscous solutions (45), Todorov et al. (46) used ΡΙΟ of methyl orange (an azo chromophore) in a polyvinyl alcohol polymer film as a guest host system to inscribe reversible polarization holograms. Many of the lightinduced nonpolar orientation subsequent studies have been performed in liquid crystalline polymers (31-37), and relatively low Tg (around 130 °C) flexible poly(methyl-methacrylate) (PMMA) derivatives polymers containing azo dye (4-11). Recently, optical ordering in higher Tg polymers has been of interest (42-44, 47,48). In this paper, we review our recent research on photo-induced effects in high Tg N L O polyimides, and we present new insights into the photophysical phenomena which occur upon the photoisomerization of azo chromophores in these particular class of high Tg polymers. We correlate optical ordering (nonpolar and polar) to the polymer structure in a series of very high Tg (up to 350 °C) rigid or semirigid N L O polyimides. We show that light can efficiently induce molecular movement in rigid polyimide polymers well below their Tgs (up to 325 °C). This sub-Tg molecular movement strongly depends on the polymer architecture, a finding which demonstrates a new way of probing sub-Tg polymer dynamics in photochromic N L O polymers. In particular, we show that the molecular movement in polymeric materials, which is generally believed to be governed by the difference between Tg and the operating temperature Τ (49), depends on the molecular structure of the unit building blocks of the polymer, and that polymers with similar Tgs can exhibit significantly different photo-induced properties. We discuss the influence of the polymer molecular structure on photo-induced linear as well as second and third order nonlinear optical effects. While light does cause isomerization and nonpolar orientation in all of the azopolyimide derivatives, we find that light does not promote sub-Tg polar orientation i f combined with a static electric field when the chromophores are embedded into the polyimide backbone via the donor substituents. We discuss polymer structural effects on the (i) cis=>trans thermal isomerization, (ii) light-induced nonpolar orientation, (Hi) light-assisted polar orientation in poling electric fields, and (iv) photo-induced changes in third-order optical nonlinearities, each in a separate section. Four high Tg N L O polyimide derivatives used in our research, PI-1, PI-2, PI-3a and PI-3b, each with distinct differences in the molecular structure of the unit building blocks, are shown in Fig. 1. The Tg values for PI-1, PI-2, PI-3a and PI-3b were 350 °C, 252 °C, 228 °C, and 210 °C respectively as measured by differential scanning calorimetry. Details of the polymer synthesis and characterization can be found in Refs. 50 and 51. PI-1 and PI-2 are both donor-embedded systems, where the N L O chromophore is incorporated rigidly into the backbone of the polymer without any flexible connector or tether. The difference between PI-1 and PI-2 is the flexibility introduced into the polyimide backbone via the precursor dianhydride that lowers the Tg by almost 100 °C (350 versus 252 °C). PI-3a and PI-3b, on the other hand, are true side chain systems where the N L O azo chromophore is tethered to the main chain via a flexible tether. The size of the diarylene azo chromophore in PI-3a is significantly

Frank; Organic Thin Films ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.


larger than that of the Disperse Red 1 (DR1) -type chromophore in PI-3b; a feature which requires more free volume for chromophore movement. In comparison to the donor-embedded systems, the flexible side chain systems allow more freedom of movement of the azo chromophore. As a result of the polymer structures and properties, one would anticipate that the intrinsic chromophore mobility should decrease according to the series, PI-3b > PI-3a > PI-2 > PI-1. Samples were prepared by spin-casting onto quartz substrates, and the remaining solvent was removed by baking the films at elevated temperatures. Photoisomerization of the azo units was induced by irradiation with green (530 nm, 30 mW/cm ; or 544 nm, 8 mW/cm ) laser light. When azo chromophores are photoisomerized using polarized light, anisotropic changes in the linear optical properties (e.g. refractive indices, and absorbance) provide some insight on both the isomerization reaction itself as well as on light-induced nonpolar orientation of the chromophores. The components of the linear susceptibility in the directions parrallel and perpendicular to the polarization of the irradiating light are χ = Να(\Λ-2αΑ ) and χ = Na(\-aA ). a is the isotropic molecular polarizability; a is the molecular anisotropy; Wis the chromophores density; and A2 is the expansion parameter of the second order Legendre polynomial which characterizes the orientation of the chromophores. The variations of the refractive index (rij), and the absorbance (Abs{) in the principal direction / of the irradiated film are respectively proportional to the real and imaginary parts of the variation of The linear polarization per unit volume (Na) and the dichroic ratio, or the order parameter (S), can be respectively computed as:

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Να = (χ„ + 2χ )13, ±



and S = aA = (χ„-χ )ί(χ„ 2



UV-vis dichroism and the attenuated total reflection (ATR) waveguide spectroscopy are well suited to investigate both the isomerization reaction itself, and the photo-induced nonpolar orientation through the respective changes in Na and S after irradiation with polarized light. Na and S can be computed from A T R spectroscopy and UV-dichroism measurements respectively as: Na = ( « 2 + 2n\ - 3 ) / 3 , and S = ( η -n )I(n + 2n\ -3), 2




and Na = (Abs,, + 2Abs )/3, and S = (Abs,, - Abs )/(Abs„ 1


+ 2Abs ). ±

When the polar N L O azo chromophores are photoisomerized in the presence of a poling dc electric field, their rotational mobility is sometimes enhanced and the light can assist electric field poling below the polymer Tg (photo-assisted poling). Changes in the second order nonlinear optical properties provide information on the polar orientation of the chromophores. Second harmonic generation (SHG) is well suited for probing both photo-assisted polar orientation in the presence of dc electric field as well as induced changes in polymer third-order nonlinearity monitored by the electric field induced second harmonic (EFISH).

Frank; Organic Thin Films ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.


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Cis=>Trans Thermal Isomerization The thermally activated cis=> trans back isomerization of push-pull substituted azobenzene derivatives is usually complete after only few seconds at room temperature. In particular, this has been observed for DR1 added as a guest to P M M A , attached via flexible tethers to flexible P M M A backbone (52), and for a DR1type chromophore flexibly tethered to a rigid polyimide backbone, e.g see PI-3b (42). However, we will show that the rate of cis=>trans thermal isomerization of the pushpull chromophore is reduced in the donor-embedded polyimide systems studied, e.g. PI-1 and PI-2. A T R and UV-vis dichroism were used to study the isomerization of azo chromophores as a function of polymer molecular structure. Figure 2 shows that guided modes in PI-1 shift their ATR-angular position to lower incidence angles as a result of light-induced changes in the optical properties of the polymer caused by the photoisomerization of the azo chromophores using polarized light. The theoretical Fresnel fits to the experimental reflectivity data allow the extraction of n// and n± of the polymer film. In both PI-1 and PI-2, the quantity (nf + 2n\ - 3) / 3 which is equal f

to Na at optical frequencies, and which is proportional to chromophore density, is not recovered a few minutes (35 and 20 minutes for PI-1 and PI-2, respectively) after irradiation, and suggests the existence of long-lived cis isomer. At 633 nm probe, the variation of Na was -0.023 for PI-1 and -0.016 for PI-2; the irradiation conditions were: wavelength 532 nm and dose 9J/cm ; and the minus sign represents a decrease of Na after irradiation. 2

The dynamics of the photo-induced refractive index changes (birefringence) indicate that there is a fast component on the order of seconds for the cis=>trans thermal back reaction, but the presence of a persistent cis concentration suggests that there are also slow components to this back isomerization. UV-vis studies further verified that for the donor-embedded polyimide systems there is a longer component of the cis=»trans back isomerization ranging from minutes to hours which can be fitted by a triexponential decay (see Fig. 3 for PI-1). The first point of this figure was taken approximately two minutes after stopping the irradiation, so the fastest component of the cis=>trans back isomerization is not shown by this figure. The slower components of the thermal back-isomerization of PI-1 and PI-2 result from the stronger coupling between the chromophore and the polymer backbone in comparison to the tethered side-chain system PI-3b where there is only a fast component present. For comparison, for PI-3b, after two minutes the reaction is completed since the value of the mean absorbance (Abs + 2Abs )/3 prior to irradiation is unchanged 2 minutes and 1 month after stopping the irradiation. In PI-1 and PI-2, thermal isomerization of the azo chromophore requires some correlated motion of a substantial portion of the polymer backbone. This decrease in the rate of the thermal back isomerisation is caused by the additional activation energy required for the backbone rearrangement. This clearly shows to what extent embedding the azo chromophore through the donor substituents into a fairly rigid polymer backbone affects the movement of this chromophore. The observed higher thermal stability of dc field-induced polar order of n


Frank; Organic Thin Films ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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N0 Figure 1. Chemical structure of the azo-polyimide polymers. 2



Ο (Λ < Ό trans thermal back reaction. It can also be seen from Fig. 6a that the EFISH signal is not completely recovered because of the existence of slow components of the cis trans spontaneous recovery (vide infra). A much more clear presence of the long components of the cis =>trans recovery during EFISH can be found in Ref. 66. This reversible erasure of the hyperpolarizability /can be conducted many times leading to all-optical modulation of the SH light (see Fig. 7 for PI-2). The slower component of the cis =>trans recovery is not shown in the experiments described in Fig. 7 because the initial EFISH level in this figure does not correspond to a fully relaxed sample. Biexponential fits to the observed EFISH recovery during the cis =>trans thermal back isomerization for up to 500 sec over several recovery cycles,

Frank; Organic Thin Films ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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Time t (seconds) Figure 7. All-optical light modulation of the SH signal of the PI-2 polymer. The moments of turning the irradiating light on and off are indicated by arrows. (Adapted from Ref. 66.).

Frank; Organic Thin Films ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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310 yielded mean values of 28 and 14 sec, respectively, for the fastest component in isomerized PI-1 and PI-2. It is noteworthy that this fastest component which has also been observed by dynamical refractive index change by the A T R technique, is not shown in Fig. 3 since the first point in this figure corresponds to the PI-1 sample 2 minutes after the end of irradiation (vide infra). The contribution of photo-induced anisotropy to the effects observed in the EFISH decrease is negligible. The same decrease is observed for a TE or T M polarized probe regardless of the pump polarization. The photochemically induced molecular shape change of the N L O dye blows out the strong optical field driven anharmonic movement of the electronic cloud of the N L O dye. The effect is reversed upon backisomerization of the dye to the trans form. This change in nonlinearity may be rationalized by the conformation of the cis isomer of the N L O dye which is more globular and less conjugated (twisted) than the trans form. It has been shown experimentally that twisted organic compounds exhibit smaller γ (70), and theoretical calculations indicate that both the ground state dipole moment and the second order molecular polarizability of DR1, a chromophore structurally related to the chromophores studied here, are appreciably greater for the trans form (52). Furthermore, in the case of conjugated organic compounds, the third order polarizability / c a n be expressed as the product of the linear polarizability, a, and a nonlinear term,/ corresponding to an anharmonicity factor (71). So, the decrease upon photoisomerization of the absorption of the azo chromophore at the SH wavelength, ca. 526.5 nm, which is due to a smaller a for the cis form, demonstrates that /should also decrease upon trans=>cis isomerization as much as the anharmonicity factor / decreases with the twisted cis form of the chromophore. A further proof of the photochemical reduction of the third order molecular polarizability is provided by a theoretical model which assumes that the third order polarizability of the chromophore decreases upon trans to cis molecular shape change. The model predicts an EFISH intensity at the photostationary state which varies hyperbolically relative to the irradiating light intensity (66). Indeed, hyperbolic functions were adjusted to the experimental data showing the variation of the SH intensity at the steady state of the irradiation versus the irradiation intensity for both PI-1 and PI-2. This shows that the azo chromophores in PI-1 and PI-2 behave consistently with the model, and validates the concept of the reversible rapid photochemical erase of the third order molecular polarizability of these photochromic N L O dyes. Summary We have shown that light-induced molecular movement in high Tg nonlinear optical polymers provides insight into sub-Tg polymer dynamics in nonlinear optical azocontaining polymers. A l l of the azo-polyimide systems studied isomerize upon irradiation, and the isomerization reaction itself, as well as the light-induced polar and nonpolar orientation depend on the molecular structure of the unit building blocks of the polymer. In particular, we have shown that the presence of the flexible tether which connects the chromophore to the polyimide backbone facilitates the orientation of the chromophore either by an optical or a dc electric field, and the direct embedding of the chromophore without flexible connectors or tethers into the polyimide backbone

Frank; Organic Thin Films ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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311 strongly hinders the chromophore's movement. More importantly, we have shown that the generally believed WLF-law describing sub-Tg molecular movement as being governed by Tg-T is not always valid, instead, the polymer molecular structure strongly influences the sub-Tg molecular movement. We also have demonstrated that the third order molecular polarizability of azo chromophores can be rapidly reduced with the attending change in the shape of the chromophores from the trans to the cis form leading to all-optical light manipulation utilizing third order nonlinear optical effects. We have also shown that the combination of photo and thermal isomerization is capable of inducing molecular orientation in high Tg azo-containing polymers, in one case as much as 325 °C below Tg of a nonlinear optical polyimide containing no flexible connector or tether. While thermal processes at temperatures near Tg (350 °C) are required to completely erase this orientation, light can however control it at room temperature. In this regard, the light-induced orientation that induces a stable anisotropy in this class of exceptionally thermally stable polyimides, could lead to applications in optical data storage. Acknowledgments Z. Sekkat thanks the Office of Naval Research for research support during his stay at the University of California at Davis, and Z. Sekkat and J. Wood acknowledge support from the Max-Planck Society during their stay in the MPI-Polymerforschung in Mainz. Z. Sekkat, R. D. Miller, W. Knoll, and A . Knoesen who are also with the Center on Polymer Interfaces and Macromolecular Assemblies acknowledge the support from the National Science Foundation under Award No. DMR-9400354. The authors would like to thank P. Prêtre, L . M . Wu, and D. Yankelevich for helpful discussions. Literature Cited 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

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