Organizing a high school chemist Olympics

Organizing a High School Chemistry Olympics. Virginia W. Fisher. Sec.-Treas. A.C.S.-Ed. SubGroup. 5016 Castleman Street. Pittsburgh, PA 15232. The fir...
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Organizing a High School Chemistry Olympics Virginia W. Fisher Sec.-Treas. A.C.S.-Ed. SubGroup 5016 Castleman Street. Pittsburgh, PA 15232 The first Chemistry Olympics in Western Pennsylvania was held April 16, 1980 a t the University of Pittshurgh. For sometime the A.C.S.-Educational SuhGroup had been considering a project primarily to promote interest in Chemistry among the high school students in the area. The Chemistry Olympics was suggested by the Secretary-Treasurer, Virginia W. Fisher of the SuhGroup. This A.C.S.Educational SuhGroup is composed largely of 40 high school chemistry teachers and about ten local college and university teachers. The University of Pittshurgh was selected because it was conveniently located and several faculty members volunteered their assistance and the use of the facilities of the chemistry department. Supplies needed for the experiments are donated by the University. Materials for chemistry experiments are difficult to transport, therefore the host institution should furnish all materials for the exveriments. Additional expenses for thLOlympics utilized funds ohtained from grants from the Soectroscow Societv of Pittsburgh (SSP)' and the ~ociet; of ~nal&ical chemistry of Pittshurgh. (S.A.C.P.) Ten schools participated in the first Olympics with 50 students. The 1981 Olympics was held April 15 a t the University of Pittshurgh with 18 schools participating and 80 students. The interest has been overwhelming from hoth chemistry teachers and students in the local area. It is the desire of the teachers involved in the two Olympics that this could extend beyond the horders of Western Pennsylvania, perhaps becoming a regional or national event. From the numerous' inquiries received, many other areas are planning to hold an Olympics next year. Organization The first step in organizing a Chemistry Olympics is to get together a committee of dedicated enthusiastic high school chemistry teachers with varied interests and teaching experience. Then, contact should he made with a local college, university, or high school with adequate facilities and space for hosting the Olympics. A representative from the assisting institution needs to work closely with the committee. Several work sessions for the committee are essential. The next task of the committee is to decide on one or two levels or categories. Category ONE is for those students with one year of chemistry while category TWO is for those students in second-vear or an advanced chemistrv woman. This decision is necessary before activities can b e established. Teams consisting of three students working as a unit, worked very well. This is much preferred over one individual. Contest activities can he hoth experimental and written. However, if too much written material is used, the whole idea of the Olympics is defeated. Suggested written activities include: writine" balanced eouations.. . ~uzzles. . ueames. calculations, redox equations, organic nomenclature or molecular eeometrv. Possible exoeriments are: densitv of a metal in alcohol, water of hydration, determination of a formula, titration, qualitative analysis of cations or anions, spectroscopy,


' N~rnafo~s requests l a l n f a r M l l on ~ lhc chcm stq Olympics have come from h gh scnoo s and colleges througnort the Jn tea States Requests tor inforrndl~ona m u e the Jn tea States ncldo~.Austral a. Canada, Israel, and Poland 720

Journal of Chemical Education

chromatography, polymers, testing food substances, determination of molecular weight, esters, aspirin synthesis. Another challenging activity;~ to give the-contestants two or more chemicals with direction on how to mix them and then require an explanation of the chemistry involved. One such example is the polymer rubber. By all means the contest must be challenging; the activities should he designed so as not to duplicate regular classroom exveriments or activities. With one written activitv and two for the actual contest. Forty-five minutes for each activity is averaae. Timing is very i m ~ o r t a n t . of the Olympics to allow thecommittee and the host i n s t i t i g t t material, r e d s . All oect.s,uy equipnwnt. I hen~ico.;,and ccmtebt ~ n a t e r i ~shut~ld ls 1~ rr.i~tlil)~ u i l a b l e at l h r d r s i y n a t ~station i for that p:rrlI~u l ~rcriv:t\. r ilnl\.. w ~s ~ ~ ~ ,and r e dt . h . ~ * ,. the 4 i ~ are lated by a committee familiar with the required responses. If teams are used, the highest total score in each Category is declared the winner. Other ranks may he used if desired. If three activities are used for the entire Olympics, all should he finished in time for a lunch break. This lunch period may he handled in various manners. The afternoon sessions could he devoted to a chemistry program put on by the hosting institution. At the conclusion of the . program, awards are vre. s e n t 4 in thr i m l t u i ~ w t i i i a t ro~r .other twphirn tor firstand ~~.cund-pl.~cc u,innrrs. ('ertifi~ctre4meprtwnted tuilli whcl p a r t i c i p a t e . five-dollar registration fee permits each school to enter two teams, one in each categoryor level. This fee aids in the purchase of awards and certificates as well as covering mailing expenses. At least three mailines are necessarv. The first one should show the date, the place, the time, and mention the registration fee. A second notice should briefly explain the format of the day with the titles of the activities available. The third and final mailing should require the choice of activities, if a choice is allowed and the names of those students participating. Registration fee should also be paid a t the final mailing. Even though each team is assigned-a number on the da; of the Olympics, the names are essential. This final mailing should he returned and in the hands of the committee two weeks prior to the day of the contest. The nlannine and work reauired to set un the Chemistrv Olympics is time consuming hut the results are really very eratifvine - - to all concerned. From all indications. an International Chemistry Olympics may soon become a reality. t i m l time





