Organometallic chemistry. 9. Carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance

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Olah and Yu

J. Org. Chem., Vol. 41, No. 10,1976

reagent with Me2PC1, with 6 constituting about 85-90% of the mixture. This ratio was maintained on sulfurization to form 17 and 19, and methylation to 22 and 24. Fractional distillation of the phosphonous dichlorides also provided a sample enriched to about 80% in the cis isomer (11) and this was used to form the entire series of cis compounds by conventional reactions? For the 4-methylcyclohexyl series, a trans-rich (80-90%)tertiary phosphine mixture (5 and 7) resulted from the Grignard reaction, and this led to sulfide (16 and 18) and salt (21 and 23) mixtures similarly enriched. Data for the cis- 4-methylcyclohexyl series were obtained on mixtures of nearly 1:l cis-trans composition. Registry No.-1, 822-68-4; 2, 58359-91-4; 3, 58359-90-3; 4, 58359-87-8;5,58403-25-1;6,58359-93-6;7,55615-34-4;8,58359-92-5; 9, 2844-89-5; 10, 58359-95-8; 11, 58359-94-7; 12, 16195-98-5; 13, 58359-97-0; 14, 58359-96-9; 15, 58359-88-9; 16, 58360-05-7; 17, 58359-99-2; 18, 58360-04-6; 19, 58359-98-1; 20, 58359-89-0; 21, 58360-07-9;22,58448-99-0;23,58360-06-8;24,58449-00-6.

References and Notes (1) Some of this work was supported by Public Health Service Research Grant CA-05507, National Cancer Institute. (2) N. K. Wilson and J. B. Stothers, Top. Stereochem., 8, 1 (1974). (3) J. 6. Stothers, "Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy",Academic Press, New York, N.Y., 1972: (a)Chapter 11; (b) pp 159-160. (4) We have previously employed some of our data for assignmentsof sbucture to cis, trans isomer^.^ After completion of our work, one paper has appeared in which the 13C NMR spectrum of cyclohexyitriphenylphosphonlum iodide is given.' Our signal-structure assignmentsare in accord with those


(5)L. D. Quin and M. 0. Gordon, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,98, 15 (1976);L. D. Quin

and M. D. Gordon, 166th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Atlantic City, N.J.. Sept 1974, Abstract No. ORGN-40. (6) T. A. Aibright. W. J. Freeman, and E. E. Schweizer, J. Am. Cbem. Soc., 97, 2942 (1975). (7) F. R. Jensen and C. H. Bushweller,Adv. Alicyclic Cbem., 3, 139 (1971). (8) J. A. Hirsch, Top. Siereocbem., 1, 199 (1967). (9) T. Pehk and E. Lippmaa, Org. Magn. Reson., 3, 679 (1971). (IO) L. D. Quin, M. D. Gordon,and S. 0. Lee, Org. Magn. Reson., 6, 503 (1974). ( 1 1 ) W. McFariane, Proc. R. SOC. London, Ser. A, 306, 185 (1968). (12) G. Miyajima and K. Nishimoto, Org. Magn. Reson., 6, 313 (1974). (13) E. L. E M , W. F. Bailey,L. D. Kopp. R. L. Willer, D. M. Grant, R. Bertrand, K. A. Christensen,D. K. Dalling, M. W. Duch, E. Wenkert, F. M. Scheii,and D. S. Cochran, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 97, 322 (1975). (14) H.-J. Schneider and V. Hoppen, Tetrahedron Lett., 579 (1974). (15) S.H. Grover,J. P. Guthrie, J. E. Stothers,andC. T. Tan, J. Magn. Reson., 10, 227 (1973). (16) Stereochemical dependence of 3 J in some ~ acyclic ~ ~ amino~phosphines has been reported: J. Burdon, J. C. Hotchkiss,and W. B. Jennings, Tefrabedron Lett., 4919 (1973). (17) R. B. Wetzel and G. L. Kenyon, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,96, 5169 (1974). (18) S.I. Featherman, S.0. Lee, andL. D. Quin, J. Org. Chem., 39, 2899 (1974). (19) (a) F. A. L. Anet, C. H. Bradley,and G. W. Buchanan,J. Am. Chem. SOC., 93, 258 (1971);(b) H.J. Schneider, R. Price, and T. Keller, Angew. Chem., Inf. Ed. Engl., 10, 730 (1971). Chem. Commun., 945 (1973). (20) H. Booth, J. Cbem. SOC., (21) E. L. Eiiel, J. Chem. Educ., 37, 126 (1960). (22) J. D. Remijnse, H. van Bekkum, and E. M. Wepster, R e d Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 93, 93 (1974). (23) G. M. Keliie and F. G. Riddell, Top. Stereochem., 8, 225 (1974). (24) J. D. Roberts, F. J. Weigert,J. I. Kroschwitz,'andH. J. Reich, J Am Chem. SOC., 92, 1338 (1970). (25) G. Berti, 8.Macchia,F. Macchia, S. Merlino, and U. Muccini, Tetrahedron Left., 3205 (1971). (26) Eased on dihedral angles for ring carbons in an ideal twist form of 33 and 71'; R. Bucourt, Top. Stereochem., 8, 173 (1974).

Organometallic Chemistry. 9.l Carbon- 13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of the Cumylchromium Tricarbonyl and of Cycloheptatrienylmolybdenum (-chromium, and -tungsten) Tricarbonyl Cations George A. Olah" and Simon H. Yu2 Department of Chemistry, Case Western Reserve University, Cleueland, Ohio 44106 Received December 27, 1974

The cumylchromium tricarbonyl cation was prepared under long-lived ion conditions, and studied by NMR ('H and 13C)spectroscopy. For comparison, the carbon-13 NMR parameters of three cycloheptatrienyl-M(C0)3 cations (M = Mo, Cr, and W) were also determined and are reported. Based on the I3C NMR studies the origin of the unusual stabilization of the cumylchromium tricarbonyl ion is discussed. The u+ substituent constant for the Cr(C0)3group and the fraction of the unit positive charge transmitted into the M(C0)3 groups were qualitatively estimated. The substituent effect of the metal tricarbonyl moiety in metal-arene complexes is of substantial interest. There is considerable evidence to show that a-complexed Cr(C0)3 group exerts a net electron-withdrawing effect from the aromatic ring.3 T h e deprivation of a-electron density on the aromatic ligand upon complexation with the Cr(C0)3 group also appears t o attenuate the substituent effect of other aryl substituents. On the other hand, the electron-releasing effect of the Cr(C0)3 group has been demonstrated by the rate enhancement of solvolysis of tricarbonylchromium complexes of benzyl,4i5 cumyl? and 2-ben~onorbornenyl~ derivatives, and + for the benzylchromium trithe increase of the ~ K Rvalue carbonyl cation.' They were explained by the increase of stability of the intermediate cation with the attachment of the Cr(C0)S moiety. Previous attempts at the isolation of benzyl-, diphenylmethyl-, and triphenylmethylchromium tricarbonyl cations from the corresponding alcohols failed.4 Upon treatment with HC104 or HBF4 in AczO, the alcohols gave only rapid decomposition. We would like t o report now the preparation of the cumylchromium tricarbonyl cation 1, the first

chromium tricarbonyl complexed arylalkyl cation observed under long-lived conditions, and its lH and l3C N M R spectroscopic study. The results provide evidence for the unusual stabilization of 1 through charge delocalization into the Cr(C0)3 group. For comparison, we also determined the 13C NMR spectroscopic parameters of three known cycloheptatrienylium-M(CO)3 cations 2 (M = Mo, Cr, and W). Cations 2 represent a cyclic six a electron aromatic system attached t o a metal tricarbonyl group, whereas 1 represents a similar six a electron system substituted by an electron-deficient exocyclic carbenium ion grouping.

Results and Discussion

A dark-green solution of the cumylchromium tricarbonyl cation 1 was obtained upon treatment of a solution of the chromium tricarbonyl complex of cumyl alcohol with fluorosulfuric acid in SOn at -80 OC under dry nitrogen. T h e carbon-13 spectrum of 1 is shown in Figure 1and the lH and 13C NMR parameters are summarized in Tables I and 11,respectively, together with the data of the corresponding ions

Cumylchromium and Cycloheptatrienylmolybdenum Tricarbonyl Cations

J.Org. Chem., Vol. 41, No. 10,1976


Table I. ‘HNMR Parameters of the Cumylchromium Tricarbonyl Cation and Related Cumyl Cations


Registry no.


Ring protons



524 09-32-2

5.37 ( 3 H), m 5.67 (2 H), m

1.58 (6 H), s

2.00 (1 H), s


5.97 ( 3 H), m 5.32 ( 2 H), m

1.73 ( 6 H), s

HJCYC1338.73 ( 2 H)




7.82 ( 2 H) 8.42 (1 H)

3.48 ( 6 H )

8.72 ( 2 H) 7 . 4 0 ( 2 H)

3.12 ( 6 H)



Table 11. 13C NMR Parameters of Cumylchromium Tricarbonyl Cation and Related Cumyl Cations __



































and precursors. Noteworthy is that the benzylic carbon becomes deshielded upon ionization of the alcohol to l , but the shift is smaller compared to that observed in the corresponding parent, uncomplexed system. The significant shielding of the electron-deficient benzylic carbon in 1, compared to that of the uncomplexed cumyl cation, indicates the unusual stabilization of the cumyl cation upon complexation and the extensive delocalization of charge through the whole complexed ion. However, the electron-deficient exocyclic carbon in 1 is more deshielded compared to that observed in the a-ferrocenylcarbinyl cation.8 The carbon chemical shifts of 1 are overall shielded by 312.3 ppm compared to the uncomplexed cumyl cation. From this shielding about 200 ppm

is attributed to the change of the bonding nature upon comp l e ~ a t i o n and , ~ the remaining 100 ppm corresponds to the transmission of )/3 of the unit positive charge into the Cr(C0)3 group, if the effects other than the development of charge are small. Recent carbon-13 spectroscopic study of benzylic carbocations showed that the carbon shifts reflected the trend of positive charge density distribution, correlating with the ability of substituents to delocalize positive charge and indicating the stability of ionsagUtilizing the observed Hammett type relationship between carbenium carbon shifts of substituted cumyl cations and Brown’s u+ substituent constants,1° a u+ value of -1.8 is estimated for the Cr(C0)3 group (Figure Unlike the complexed benzyl and benzhydryl chlorides: recent kinetic study on the rate of solvolysis of cumyl chloride-chromium tricarbony15 indicated that the Cr(C0)3 group is capable of enhancing the rate only by a factor of 28 and that it is comparative to ap-methyl group.1° Since observed A H and A S values are much different from those of the uncomplexed system, it is proposed that a different mechanism is involved in the solvolysis of the chromium tricarbonyl complexed cumyl chloride. Ions 2 were conveniently prepared by hydride abstraction from the corresponding cycloheptatriene-M(C0)3 complexes

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Olah and Yu

Ld-J-+-+-L-i EQ

I A L - L - - - - I - J 120










Figure 1. Carbon-13 spectrum of cumylchromium tricarbonyl cation in SO2 a t -70 OC. I





5 Q


8 co



6+ Figure 2. Correlation of carbenium carbon I 3 C NMR chemical shifts to Brown's u+ substituent constants for substituted cumyl cations.

M = Mo b, M = C r qM=W


2a,M=Mo b, M =Cr c,M=W

3 with triphenylcarbenium fluoroborate.ll The 13C NMR parameters of ions 2 and compounds 3 are summarized in Table 111. Upon hydride abstraction, all ring carbons become equivalent as a single resonance and is deshielded. However, the deshielding effect is smaller compared to that observed for the corresponding uncomplexed tropylium ion indicating that the M(C0)s group also stabilizes the ions 2 by delocalizing charge. The almost identical deshieldings observed when compounds 3 are converted into 2 suggest that the molybdenum, chromium, and tungsten tricarbonyl groups have nearly equivalent stabilizing effects. The present data are also consistent with the previously determined pKn+ values of ions 2, which are almost identical, and are larger than that for the tropylium ion.12The chemical shifts of uncomplexed cycloheptatriene are overall deshielded by 284 ppm upon hydride

abstraction, corresponding to development of unit positive charge. The difference of overall chemical shifts between 2b and 3b is 188 ppm. The deshielding is 96 ppm less than that of the uncomplexed, parent system and corresponds to 1/3 of the unit positive charge being transmitted into the Cr(C0)3 group. It is interesting to compare this observation with cation 1, where it is also estimated that 1/3 of the unit positive charge is transmitted. In the same manner, it is estimated that approximately l/*of the unit positive charge is transmitted into the M(C0)3 groups in 2c and 2a. The increase in shielding of the carbonyl resonance in 1with respect to that of the corresponding alcohol and arenechromium tricarbonyl~,~ and 2a with respect to that of 3a, is consistent with the decrease of the electron density on the metal owing to transmission of charge to stabilize the cationic ligand.13 It is also consistent with the decrease in the metalcarbonyl a back-donation with increasing carbonyl stretching frequencies.llJ2 Furthermore, the observation of a single resonance for the carbonyl carbons in 1 and 2a points out the low rotational barrier of the M(C0)3 group relative to the cationic ligand. The bonding of the transition metal a complexes with olefinic ligands has generally been considered to be composed of a u forward donation arising from an overlap of the filled bonding a orbital of the ligand with vacant orbitals of the metal and a a back-donation from an overlap of a filled d orbital of the metal with the antibonding T orbital of the ligand.l* The general significance of R back-donation is well known. For the present electron-deficient system, the backdonation is of particular significance, for it transmits the electronic charge density into the cationic ligand to counterbalance the developed positive charge. It is expected that the formation of a nonbonding orbital in the cumyl cation15upon ionization depresses the energy level of the lowest unoccupied orbital and facilitates back-donation,15 whereas in the case of the cycloheptatrienylium ion no nonbonding orbital is formed. Consequently the Cr(C0)3group has less stabilizing effect on the cycloheptatrienylium ion than on the cumyl cation, as also is indicated by the previous ~ K R measure+ ments? It is of interest that the ring carbons in 1 which are not a t the nodal plane in the nonbonding orbital are more shielded, owing at least in part to the increase of back-donation between these carbons and the metal atom. However, because of the qualitative nature of estimating effects on charge deshielding, the present study cannot claim to have detected any transmission of excess charge into the Cr(C0)3 group in 1 due to more favorable R back-donation, by comparison with 2b. In addition to the above-mentioned stabilization through back-donation with the interaction of the metal atom with the whole a-electron system of the cationic ligand,16 the origin1' of the unusual stabilization of transition metal a complexes containing an exocyclic electron-deficient ligand has been proposed to be due to direct metal participation (4),18 0 - R conjugation (vertical stabilization, 5),19or a-T type overlap.20 In both chromium tricarbonyl complexed and uncomplexed

J.Org. Chem., Vol. 41, No. 10, 1976

Cumylchromium and Cycloheptatrienylmolybdenum Tricarbonyl Cations


Table 111. Carbon.13 Parameters of Cycloheptatriene, Tropylium Ion, and Their 71 Complexes with Molybdenum, Chromium, and Tungsten TricarbonyW Metal carbonyl

Mo(CO), W(CO),

1.2125-72-3 12125-77-8 12128-81-3

Registry no.




0 co :I;.$,

Registry no. 123.3 (161.1) 58.15



129.8 (154) 102.27


134.1 (156) 100.22







c 4

28.8 (131) 24.17 27.08 28.7




a b a b

241.34C9d 230.14 229.17Sd 217.93 211.6 (av)d


155.33 (168.6) 104.71 (179.3)

100.0 12170-21-7 12083-17-9

(176.9) 96.62 (179.9)

e 206.29


a All chemical shifts (ppm) are referred to the external Me$ capillary, and coupling constants (Hz) are given in parentheses. b H Spiesecke and W. G. Schneider, Tetrahedron Lett., 4 6 8 ( 1 9 6 1 ) ;H. Gunther, 2.Naturforsch., 206, 9 4 8 (1965). CC. G . Kreiter and M. Lang, J. Organornet. Chem., 55, C27 (1973). d B. E. Mann, Chem. Cornmun., 9 2 6 (1971). e Several attempts were made; however, no resonance was observed for the carbonyl carbons.

Cr(CO), (p+/CHJ


C4 H



'\CH3 Cr(CO),


cr(c0h 5

monosubstituted benzene derivatives the ortho and para carbons are generally sensitive to the effect of a ring substituent, whereas the meta carbons are almost ~ n a f f e c t e d . ~ However, the situation is reversed in 1. As in the case of arenium-iron tricarbonyl cations,21the meta carbons are affected most and become most deshielded. The observation of the reversed deshielding sequence in 1 rules out direct metal participation and a-a type overlap. Although an excellent agreement of the related chemical shifts has been reported between free and chromium tricarbonyl complexed a r e n e ~ , ~ it cannot be extrapolated to 1. It indicates that substantial perturbation takes place in the transmission of resonance substituent effects in 1 and rules out the U-a conjugation. In addition, if 1would be stabilized by U-rconjugation, Ci should be observed at a much lower field based on the structures represented as 5. Finally, we would like to point out that our estimation of the U+ substituent constant of the Cr(C0)3 group and the amount of fractional positive charge transmitted into the metal ligand is clearly qualitative, with the assumption that the shieldings are only moderately affected by the change of bonding naturle upon formation of the cations. I3C NMR shift differences clearly cannot be equated with charge delocalization, but qualitatively seem to show their trend.22 This is considered to be the case also for the cations of transitidn metal a complexes, although no satisfactory theory is yet available for the shielding effects in these complexes.23Furthermore, we also would like to point out that the charge transmission into the M(C0)3 group could be a major contributor to the unusual stabilization. However, it is not the sole factor to be considered and the stabilization is dependent on the charge delocalization of the whole molecule. E x p e r i m e n t a l Section Molybdenum, chromium, and tungsten carbonyls were obtained from Strem Chemicals, Inc. Cycloheptatrieneand cumyl alcohol were purchased from the Aldrich Chemical Co. Cycloheptatrienyl-M(C0)3 ions (M = Mo, C!r, and W) were conveniently prepared, as reported, by hydride abstraction from the corresponding cycloheptatriene-

M(C0)3 complexes with triphenylcarbenium tetrafluoroborate.ll Cumyl alcohol-chromium tricarbonyl was prepared as r e p ~ r t e dA. ~ dark green solution of the cumylchromium tricarbonyl cation was obtained upon treatment of the alcohol in cold CDCl3 with fluorosulfuric acid in SO2 at -80°, under dry nitrogen. The cation is stable indefinitely up to -30 OC. The IH NMR spectra were obtained on a Varian A56/60A spectrometer with a capillary of Me& as external reference. FT 13CNMR spectra were obtained on a Varian XL-100 spectrometer,using fluorobenzene as external lock, All chemical shifts are referred to the external Me4Si/(5%enriched capillary). Acknowledgment. Support of our work by the National Science Foundation is gratefully acknowledged. References and Notes (1) Part 8:G. A. Olah and S. E. Yu, J. Org. Chem., 41, 717 (1976). (2)Postdoctoral Fellow, 1973-1974. (3)G. M. Bodner and L. J. Todd, lnorg. Chem., 13,360 (1974),and references clted therein. (4)J. D. Holmes, D. A. K. Jones, and R. Pettit, J. Organomet. Chem., 4,324 (1965). (5)S.P. Gubin, V. S. Khankarova. and A. 2. Kreindlin, J. Oraanomef. Chem.. 64,229 (1974). (6)(a)R. S.Bly and R. C. Strickland, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,92,7459(1970);(b) D. K. Wells and W. S.Trahanovsky, /bid., 92,7461 (1970). (7)W. S.Trahanovsky and D. K. Wells, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 91,5870(1969) (8)(a)G. H. Williams, D. D. Traficante,and D. Seyferth, J. Organornet Chem., 60,C53 (1973);(b) V. I. Sokolov, P. V. Petrovskii, and 0.A. Reutov, ibid., 59,C27 (1973);(c)G. A. Olah and G. Liang, J. Org. Chem., 40, 1849 (1975). (9)G. A. Olah, R. D. Porter, C. L. Jeuell,and A. M. White, J. Am. Cherfi. Soc., 94. 2044 (1972). (IO) H. : C Brown and Y. Okamoto, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 79,1913 (1957). (11)(a)R. B. King and A. Fronzaglia, Inorg. Chem., 5 , 1837 (1966);(b) E. 0. Fischer, C. Palm, and H. P. Fritz, Chem. Ber., 92,2645 (1959). (12)J. D. Holmes, D. A. K. Jones, and R. Pettit, J. Organomet. Chem., 4,324 (1965). (13)G. M. Bodner and L. J. Todd, inorg. Chem., 13, 1335 (1974). (14)(a)M.J.S.Dewar,Buil.Soc.Chim.Fr.,18,C79(1951):(b)J.ChattandL. A. Duncanson, J. Chem. Soc., 2939 (1953). (15)C. A. Coulson and A. Streitwieser,Jr., "Dictionary of ?r-ElectronCalculations", W. H. Freeman, San Francisco, Calif., 1985. (16)(a)R.Pettit,G. F. Emerson,and J. E. Mahler, J. Chem.€duc.,40, 175(1963): (b) E. A. Hill and J. H. Richard, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 83,3840 (1961). (17)(a) M. Cais. Organornet. Chem. Rev., 1, 436 (1966):(b) M. Cais, E. D. Bergmann, and B. Pullman, "Aromaticity, Pseudoaromaticity, Anti-aromaticity", Academic Press, New York, N.Y., 1971,p 96;(c)13.Pettit and L. W. Haynes in "Carbonium Ions",Vol V, G. A. Olah and P. v. R. Schleyer, Ed., Wiley-Interscience, New York, N.Y., in press. (18)(a)E. A. Hill and S.H. Richards, J. Am. Chem. Soc.,81,3483(1959);83, 4216 (1961);(b) D. S.Trifan and R. Backsai, Tetrahedron Lett, 1 (1960). (19)(a)D. F. Eaton and T. G. Traylor, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 96,1226 (1974);(b) T. G. Traylor, W. Hanstein. H. J. Berwin, H A. Clinton, and R. S . Brown, ibid., 93,5715 (1971);(c) T. G.Traylor, N. A. Clinton, and R. S.Brown, J. Am. Chem. Soc.,92,5228 (1970); (d) J. C. Ware and T. G. Traylor. Tetrahedron Left., 1295 (1963);J. Am. Chem. Soc., 89,2304 (1967). (20)R. E. Davis, H. D. Simpson, N. Grice, and R. Pettit. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 93, 6687 (1971). (21)(a)G. A. Olah, S. H. Yu, and G Liang, to be published; (b) A. I. Rezvukhin, V. N. Piottukh-Peietskii, R. N. Berezina, and V. G. Shubin, izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser Khim., 705 (1973). (22)For previous discussions, see, for example, G. A. Olah, H. C. Lin, and D. A. Forsyth, J. Am. Chem. SOC., 96,69d8(1974);G. A. Olah, P. W. Westerman, and D. A. Forsyth, ibid., 97,3419(1975);G. A. Olah and R. J. Spear, ibid., 07, 1539 (1975). (23)J. R. Norton and J. Evans, horg. Chem., 13,3042 (1974).