Origin of Homochirality - ACS Symposium Series (ACS Publications)

Dec 20, 2009 - Martin Klussmann, 1Donna G. Blackmond2. 1 Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, 45470 Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany. 2 Department o...
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Chapter 7

Origin of Homochirality Downloaded by CORNELL UNIV on June 28, 2012 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date (Web): December 20, 2009 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2009-1025.ch007

Martin Klussmann,1* Donna G. Blackmond2 1

Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, 45470 Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany 2 Department of Chemistry and Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology, Imperial College, London SW7 2AZ, UK

Chirality, the property of an object to be non-superimposable with its mirror image, is a common feature of biological molecules and has intrigued chemists for a long time. Of all the possible combinations, nature uses nearly exclusively Lamino acids and D-sugars and most other chiral molecules in enantiomerically pure form, too. This biological homochirality is regarded as a prerequisite of life as we know it, but how it evolved from a presumably racemic prebiotic Earth remains an open question. It is therefore linked to the general question of the origin of life on Earth itself. An overview is given on this topic focussing on recent experimental results, theoretical models and scenarios that might hold the clues to one of the biggest puzzles of science.

© 2009 American Chemical Society In Chemical Evolution II: From the Origins of Life to Modern Society; Zaikowski, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.



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The origin of life on Earth is one of the greatest and most fascinating puzzles of mankind. Scientists generally assume that it evolved in a stepwise process with increasing complexity, but the many questions of how exactly that happened remain essentially unanswered (1). One part of this big puzzle that is of particular interest for many chemists is the origin of biological homochirality. The aim of this chapter is to give an overview on this topic by discussing a selection of observations, experimental results and scenarios, especially those related to amino acids. This emphasis allows the presentation of different models based on the same substance class in a closer context and also discussion of some more recent works. A more detailed survey of other models for the origin of biological homochirality can be found in review articles (2-5).

Homochirality – Definition and Importance Chirality is a property of molecules or objects to be non-superimposable with their mirror-images. This is true for our right and left hands, from which the property derives its name. Many natural compounds are chiral, for example amino acids and sugars which are the building blocks of peptides, enzymes, RNA and DNA, the essential molecules of life. These key compounds occur in organisms almost exclusively in one enantiomeric form, amino acids in the L-, sugars in the D-form. This is referred to as biological homochirality. As a result, a vast number of other natural compounds, made with the help of chiral enzymes, also occurs enantiomerically pure in organisms. This has important consequences for biochemical processes, for interactions of chiral compounds with organisms built from homochiral building blocks. The homochirality of receptors, enzymes and other key parts of an organism leads to a high degree of chiral discrimination, the ability to differentiate between enantiomers. Illustrative examples include smell and taste; for example, the terpenoid carvone in its (-)-form smells of mint whereas its enantiomer, the (+)form, smells of caraway (6). The two enantiomers of a pharmaceutically active compound can display different effects as well, while one shows the desired effect, the other might be inactive or display different, possibly harmful activity (7, 8). More generally, the biochemical processes in any organism would fail to cooperate in the required way if the functional molecules (e.g. enzymes or RNA) were to consist of building blocks of random chirality. An enantiomer of an enzyme would still work in a mirror image manner; however, the random substitution of its amino acids by their enantiomers would eventually alter the enzyme’s secondary or tertiary structure and thereby completely change or shut down its function. It is therefore generally accepted that homochirality is a basic requirement of life and its emergence is considered to be a fundamental step in prebiotic chemistry. The question remains if homochirality is a necessary precondition or an inevitable result of the emergence of life. Furthermore, is it the result of pure chance that all organisms today utilize L-amino acids and Dsugars; that is, could it as well have been the other way round? Or is there an intrinsic preference for this pair? Was it chance or determinism?

In Chemical Evolution II: From the Origins of Life to Modern Society; Zaikowski, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

135 Despite these many questions being essentially unanswered, most of the discussions of the evolution of biological homochirality evoke a general stepwise model that can be experimentally supported. First, a process of symmetry breaking created a predominance of one enantiomeric form over the other. This imbalance was further enhanced by processes of asymmetric amplification, leading to high enantiomeric excesses in some compounds. These constituted either directly the building blocks for the evolution of life or indirectly by passing on their chirality through further chemical reactions.

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Mirror Symmetry Breaking – is the Universe Really Racemic? If synthesized in the laboratory from achiral or racemic starting materials, left and right-handed molecules of a compound are usually expected to form in equal amounts, a racemate. If enantiomerically pure or enriched substances are to be synthesized, chemists generally draw upon the natural pool of chiral molecules to provide enantiomerically pure building blocks or catalysts. Accordingly, one would expect the early universe to have been racemic along with all the compounds formed within it. Obviously this is not the case on Earth and in this section we will discuss some observations showing even the universe to be non-racemic in parts. A possible explanation for mirror symmetry breaking in the universe comes from the observation of parity violation. This is a phenomenon that violates mirror symmetry in some nuclear processes involving weak interactions. It was first experimentally verified by showing that the radioactive β-decay of 60Co predominantly produces particles with a left-handed spin (9). As a further consequence of parity violation, two enantiomers possess intrinsic differences in energy, thereby no longer being thermodynamically equal. This could explain why L-amino acids and D-sugars evolved to dominance over their enantiomers (10). But the calculated parity-violating energy differences (PVED) are of a very small magnitude, and while some calculations indeed suggest that the natural enantiomers are energetically favoured, others call this into question (11). Because of these tiny and unclear PVED’s, experimental consequences for chemistry are generally ruled out and have never been shown to exist beyond doubt (12). Parity violation is an accepted phenomenon in physics, but the question as to whether there is any connection with biomolecular homochirality on Earth remains open. While the inanimate universe at a large might be racemic, there are observations of local imbalances. In some star-forming regions of the Orion Nebula, circular polarization (CP) has been found in the IR region; in some parts right-handed, in others left-handed CP dominates (13). Photochemical reactions with circularly polarized radiation have been shown to be able to produce small enantioselectivities, often by degrading one enantiomer faster than the other (3). Photolysis of racemic leucine with CP in the UV-region for example produced an ee of 2.5% after degradation of 75% of the material (14). It remains to be shown whether CP in the universe also exists in the UV region. But there is more evidence that an enantiomerical imbalance exists in the universe. In two meteorites, the carbonaceous chondrites Murchison and

In Chemical Evolution II: From the Origins of Life to Modern Society; Zaikowski, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

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136 Murray, several organic compounds have been found including amino acids with significant enantiomeric excesses (ee) of up to 15% (15-17). Most of these do not occur naturally on Earth, eliminating the possibility of contamination with amino acids from Earth. The percentage of low-molecular weight organic matter in meteorites like these is rather small, but accumulation of matter from space over billions of years could have resulted in significant amounts. It is assumed that extraterrestrial sources might have provided half or even more of all organic matter during the formation of the Earth (18, 19). Although the cause for these observations of imbalance in the universe are not fully understood, they might give us an echo from the time our solar system was formed. The universe as a whole might be racemic, but local imbalances have been found. Potentially, they provided the tipping of the balance in favor of L-amino acids and D-sugars when the Earth was formed.

Asymmetric Amplification Once a small imbalance between two enantiomers is established or given, this asymmetry can be further enhanced. Processes to turn low ee’s into high ee’s and possibly into the complete dominance of one enantiomer are called Asymmetric Amplification. Several examples are known, and many work fine under laboratory conditions but would fail under conditions presumed for the primordial Earth (20). Nevertheless, they might give an indication of the processes possible, indicating directions for further experiments on prebiotic chemistry scenarios. Spontaneous Asymmetric Synthesis - Asymmetric Amplification in Autocatalysis In 1953, Frank developed a mathematical model showing that spontaneous asymmetric synthesis is theoretically possible (21). If the chiral product of a catalytic reaction would act as a catalyst for its own formation and at the same time suppress the formation of its enantiomer, a basically enantiopure product could be formed from near-racemic starting materials. About forty years later, Soai and coworkers provided the first experimental proof for this concept of “asymmetric autocatalysis” with the alkylation of pyrimidyl aldehydes with dialkylzinc reagents (Figure 1) (22). N CHO




OH N iPr2 Zn

low ee



high ee

Figure 1. Asymmetric autocatalysis in the Soai reaction. R =H, Me, C≡CtBu.

In Chemical Evolution II: From the Origins of Life to Modern Society; Zaikowski, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

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137 The product alcohol catalyses its own formation and the reaction shows spectacular asymmetric amplification. If small amounts of product with 5% ee are added at the beginning of the reaction, new product is formed with 55% ee. If this product is used as a catalyst in consecutive reactions, nearly enantiopure product is achieved after a few runs. Even starting with completely racemic material, the reaction product is generally produced non-racemic, with stochastically either one or the other enantiomer in excess (23). Other chiral compounds can direct the reaction towards the selective production of one particular enantiomer as well. About any form of chiral template has been shown to induce this effect, from helical hydrocarbons to chiral quartz crystals. The mechanism of this remarkable reaction was deduced with the help of kinetic studies and involves catalytically active homochiral dimers and inactive heterochiral ones (24, 25). To date, this reaction remains the best investigated and most successful example of an asymmetric autocatalytic reaction in full accord with Frank’s model. While its sensitivity to water and limitation to special substrates excludes any involvement in prebiotic chemistry, it clearly shows the practical possibility of spontaneous asymmetric synthesis, and ongoing research might provide us with new discoveries in the future. Very recently, autocatalysis has been found in organocatalytic Mannich reactions with chiral amines that are themselves made by catalysis with the amino acid proline (26). So far, no asymmetric amplification was observed but the stereoselectivity of the reaction catalysed by the enantiopure product was still very high. Like other autocatalytic reactions known where the product formed is of lower ee than the initially present product-catalyst, consecutive cycles of autocatalysis will inevitably lead to an erosion of enantiomeric purity. Let us therefore look at other means of asymmetric amplification that can provide the reverse: from low to high enantiomeric purity. Chiral Crystals and Phase Behaviour The perfect shape of crystals reflects their inner regular construction from a highly ordered array of molecules. The structure of a crystal determines thermodynamic properties and can make the crystal as a whole chiral, even if it is built from achiral components. In this section, some special properties of crystals will be looked at which allow for mirror symmetry breaking or amplification, focussing on phase behaviour studies. Most models discussed here work by unequally distributing enantiomers into different phases. Thus, the net amount of both enantiomers stays constant but enrichment in one phase can provide a local environment of high asymmetry. A simple scenario can be imagined for the case of conglomerates, substances that give a mixture of enantiopure crystals if their racemate is crystallized. Each single crystal contains only the enantiopure substance but in the sum of all crystals it will be racemic. If by wind or water a few of these crystals are physically separated from the others they could by chance contain more crystals of one particular enantiomer. Thus, mirror symmetry would have

In Chemical Evolution II: From the Origins of Life to Modern Society; Zaikowski, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

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138 been broken locally if further transformations would only happen with this crop (27). Even achiral substances like quartz and NaClO3 can crystallize with a chiral crystal structure, but under normal circumstances equal amounts of mirrorimage crystals will be obtained. But if crystallization is performed while stirring, continuous break-up and growth of the very first crystal will generate crystals of nearly uniform handedness (28). Even starting with a batch of racemic crystals, the solid phase can be driven towards chiral purity by utilising glass balls for an abrasion-grinding process that makes one enantiomeric form grow at the expense of the other (29, 30). As sodium chlorate itself is achiral, the achieved homochirality would be lost if it is redissolved. But the same process could also be applied to a chiral amino acid derivative that crystallizes as a conglomerate; under racemising conditions in solution, the solid phase could be driven towards chiral purity (31). Additionally, processes of selective adsorption on chiral crystal surfaces are known that could have transferred the crystal-phase chirality to other compounds (5); for example, stereoselective adsorption of racemic amino acids can occur on chiral quartz or calcite faces, leading to small enantiomeric excesses in the adsorbed substance (32). The majority of chiral substances do not crystallize as a conglomerate but belong to the class of so-called racemic compounds, which prefer to give racemic crystals with the two enantiomers arranged in alternating order (33). If they are crystallized with one enantiomer in excess, the racemic crystals will be mixed with a second type of crystal containing only the excess enantiomer. If to such a mixture of racemic and enantiopure crystals water or any solvent is added, so that saturated solution in equilibrium with excess of both crystal types is gained, the composition in the solution is fixed at a given temperature and pressure (Figure 2). L-enantiomer



racemic crystal enantiomerically pure crystal

solid phase

Figure 2. Common crystal forms of chiral substances and solid-solution equilibrium of an enantiomerically enriched substance crystallising as racemic compound. This fixed composition results from the phase rule and is also called a eutectic point. The enantiomeric composition in solution can be higher or lower than initially employed, depending on the eutectic point. In the solid phase it will be the other way round, as no new enantiomers are made or consumed. For amino acids in water, the whole range from a low to high eutectic point is found: threonine is a conglomerate, which is always racemic at the eutectic point, whereas serine exhibits a eutectic point of >99% ee, being basically

In Chemical Evolution II: From the Origins of Life to Modern Society; Zaikowski, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

139 enantiomerically pure (34). Other amino acids exhibit high eutectic compositions, too, as shown in Figure 3. HN


S H2 N


Isoleucine 52% ee

H2 N


Leucine 88% ee

H 2N


Methionine 85% ee

H 2N


Histidine 94% ee

H 2N


Serine >99% ee

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Figure 3. Enantiomeric composition of selected L-amino acids at the eutectic point in water at 25°C. Data taken from references 34, 35. In contrast to the models discussed above for conglomerates, this time it is the solution phase not the solid that can become enantiomerically enriched, a possibility that had already been pointed out by Morowitz in 1969 (36). From the values shown in Figure 3, it seems at first that only a few selected amino acids allow for high ee’s in solution. But further experiments with amino acids revealed ways to influence the eutectic composition. Valine for example has a medium eutectic of 47% ee in water at 25°C. Addition of fumaric acid, itself achiral, results in a rise of the eutectic to >99% ee (37). As it was shown, fumaric acid forms cocrystals with both racemic and enantiopure valine, strongly decreasing the solubility of racemic valine while not changing that of enantiopure valine much (Figure 4). Valine with fumaric acid eutectic ee: 47% eutectic ee: 99% solution +




fumaric acid

Figure 4: Enhancing the eutectic composition of valine by cocrystallization with an achiral additive. Adapted from reference 37. Several cases of manipulating the eutectic ee by cocrystallization of amino acids with various achiral additives have been found, with ee enhancement as well as reduction. Such cocrystal formation appears to be very likely under prebiotic conditions that would have involved mixtures of different substances. Fumaric acid, for example, has also been found in the above mentioned meteorites containing amino acids. In principle, the phase behaviour models discussed above apply for solidgas phase systems, too (33, 38). True equilibrium behaviour is less easily

In Chemical Evolution II: From the Origins of Life to Modern Society; Zaikowski, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

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140 investigated in this case, but the implications for sublimation processes, i.e. mass transfer, are clear and analogous to solid-solution systems. Accordingly, incomplete sublimation of amino acids in vacuum at elevated temperatures can lead to significant enantioenrichment in the sublimate. Sublimation of serine with an initial ee of 3% yielded sublimates of 68-92% ee (39), similar results have also been obtained with several other amino acids (40). Potentially, such processes could have taken place in the vacuum of space, leading to enantioenriched amino acids which reached the Earth via meteorites, providing a source of enantioenriched molecules. Serine is worthy of mention in this context as it also forms ionized clusters in the gas phase with a strong preference for homochirality and even the potential to selectively include other chiral compounds into these clusters (41). So far, these processes have not been shown to work under non-ionising conditions or in condensed phases, however (42). On Earth itself, solid-solution phase systems of amino acids are not only much more likely than solid-gas phase systems, but have other interesting aspects as well. The fact that we are dealing with states of equilibrium means that asymmetric amplification could have been established over long periods of time, via cycles of rainfall and evaporation. Also, the equilibrium between solid and solution phase provides a “buffer” for slow racemization of the molecules; as long as the two different solid phases are maintained, regardless of their amount, the solution ee will remain at its eutectic value. The solution then sets the stage for another important phase in the evolution of biological homochirality, namely for chemical reactions. Thus, the amplified chirality could have been transferred to entirely new building blocks or improved asymmetric catalysts for such transformations could have been created.

Chirality Transfer and Preservation Amino Acid Catalysis Amino acids are not just building blocks of life but have been shown in recent times to be excellent asymmetric catalysts in synthetic chemistry. Foremost proline, but also other amino acids and derivatives catalyse many organic transformations with high enantiomeric excesses, amongst it the aldol reaction which provides access to another class of biological building blocks, carbohydrates (43). In general, these reactions are performed in organic solvents for synthetic purposes; the performance in water often suffers from reduced efficiency and stereoselectivity. Isovaline, one of the amino acids present in meteorites in enantioenriched form, catalyses the synthesis of tetroses with ee’s up to 11% (44). This modest enantioselectivity is additionally hampered by the modest ee’s of isovaline present in the meteorite. But as discussed above, phase behaviour can provide for enantioenrichment in the solution phase and experiments showed that it can indeed be coupled to chirality transfer by catalysis in a single system. Enantiomerically pure L-serine for example catalyses an aldol reaction with 46% ee; if it is used with only 1% ee and the reaction performed in equilibrium with a

In Chemical Evolution II: From the Origins of Life to Modern Society; Zaikowski, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

141 solid phase of serine, the product is formed with identical stereoselectivity (Figure 5) (34). OH H 2N O


+ H



L-Serine, total: 1% ee O

solution >99% ee



46% ee

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solid phase total: 1% ee

Figure 5: Asymmetric aldol reaction catalysed by L-serine with a total ee of 1% in a solid-solution system giving rise to strong asymmetric amplification. Data from reference 34. The latter experiments were performed in DMF for reasons of efficiency but similar degrees of asymmetric amplification were achieved in water, too. The question that comes to mind is: is there a way to make improved catalysts? Chirality in Macromolecules Organisms do not use single amino acids as biocatalysts, but rather macromolecules comprised of them – enzymes – with nearly perfect selectivities in the functions they perform. But already the combination of just two amino acids to a dipeptide often creates a much better catalyst for the synthesis of carbohydrates under aqueous conditions (45, 46). Alanine for example catalyses the formation of erythrose with 7% ee (44) and the dipeptide L-Ala-L-Ala with 33% ee (46). How exactly peptides evolved under prebiotic conditions is another topic of debate as peptide formation from amino acids in water is thermodynamically not favored, requiring special conditions and activations (47). Yet apart from catalyst evolution, peptide formation might also hold some direct clues to the origin of homochirality. Macromolecules display some spectacular features resulting from their superstructure, such as cooperative effects of the monomers overruling a minority of “wrong” enantiomers in favor of one particular chiral backbone conformation (“majority rules”) (48). Peptides have been shown to be more stable towards hydrolysis when consisting of homochiral monomeric units and to be more reactive towards the uptake of a monomer of like chirality in polymerization reactions. Partial polymerization of leucine-N-carboxyanhydrides with an ee of 31% gave oligopeptides with 45% ee; partial hydrolysis resulted in the remaining polymer having an ee of 55% (49). Synthetic macromolecules have also been shown to be capable of selfreplication, an essential feature of nature’s macromolecules RNA and DNA and

In Chemical Evolution II: From the Origins of Life to Modern Society; Zaikowski, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.


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of life itself. Many studies have been directed towards the creation of relatively simple self-replicating macromolecules that might serve as a model for the ancestors of modern RNA (50, 51). The existence and evolution of such molecules is a central part of the “RNA-world”-hypothesis (52). Self-replication has been shown to work with peptides as well. Ghadiri and coworkers created a homochiral 32-residue polypeptide that could stereoselectively replicate itself from a racemic pool of fragments (Figure 6) (53).

L’ L’’ D’ LL D’’

Figure 6. Schematic representation of chiroselective self-replication of the homochiral peptide LL. Adapted with permission from reference 53. Copyright 2001 Nature Publishing Group. Moreover, it was also resistant towards small errors in the template chain: substitution of one monomeric unit by its enantiomer created a heterochiral template that nevertheless catalysed the formation of the homochiral peptide. The peptide’s homochirality would be preserved this way even if racemization of some of its building blocks occurred. The remarkable features of macromolecules and the necessity to create functional macromolecules as an integral part of living organisms provides clues to how complete homochirality might have been achieved and stabilized. Homochirality is even suggested as an inevitable outcome during the evolution of such functional macromolecules (54). Still, processes of asymmetric amplification as discussed above could have helped to provide a pool of enantiomerically enriched building blocks that made the evolution of homochiral macromolecules much more feasible.

In Chemical Evolution II: From the Origins of Life to Modern Society; Zaikowski, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.


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Conclusions Biological homochirality on Earth is a fact, but the puzzle of its evolution remains unsolved. Yet more and more separate discoveries add to the picture and some of the pieces seem to fit together to create possible scenarios. The universe as a whole might be racemic but some imbalances have been found like meteoritic amino acids with a slight enantiomeric excess. If these were collected by the prebiotic Earth in large amounts, a pool of building blocks would have existed for the first steps towards life and mirror symmetry would have been broken already. Through evaporation in tidal pools or lakes, solid amino acid crusts in equilibrium with saturated solutions could have enriched these pools in the excess enantiomers. Reactions in these solutions could have created peptides which, by their unique properties, could have further enhanced and preserved the achieved chirality, serving as templates for their own production or that of new products like carbohydrates. Some pieces of the puzzle are clearly still missing and other scenarios exist that have not been explained here, like the “RNA-world” model suggesting that RNA was the first carrier of biological information and functional peptides evolved only later (52). But the more of such suggestions and experimental indications we have, the better we will be able to answer the question of how biological homochirality and finally life on Earth might have evolved.

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In Chemical Evolution II: From the Origins of Life to Modern Society; Zaikowski, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

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In Chemical Evolution II: From the Origins of Life to Modern Society; Zaikowski, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.