Original reports of the discoveries (Farber, Eduard ... - ACS Publications

Milestones of modern chemistry: Original reports of the discoveries (Farber, Eduard, ed.) George B. Kauffman. J. Chem. Educ. , 1967, 44 (7), p A609...
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BOOK REVIEWS rwcq of upinim a i u whnr should nn.1 sl.ould nut be iucluded in n text of this type. Nevertheless, i t comes as a surprise that there is no mention of the Boltzmann transport equation; as a consequence, Eq. 8.1, dealing with the effect of external farces on charge carriers, is introduced in an ad hoe manner, justified mainly by the obvious correctness of this relation in two limiting cases. Equally surprising in n text of this type is the absence of a satisfactory derivation of the Fernri-llirae distribution function; this is the more to be regretted since that matter was handled quite well in the second edition. Again, the discussion of effective masses might well have been broadened so as to include the first derivative effective mass, which plays an important role in rerent treatments of transport phenomena. Thermoelectric and thermomagnetic phenomena other than thermal conduotivit3- effects have nut been included. I n the discussion of the energy band structure of solids there is no ment,ion of the pedagogically important Kronig-Penney model. The Kirkendall effect is only referenced as a footnote in the chapter on lattice defects. Some of the most effective illustrations in the second edition pertaining to the role of screw dislocations in crystal growth have been omitted from the current volume. The subject matter on masers, lasers, and quantum electronics is barely touched. The quality of the presentation is oneven. As implied earlier, the first six chapters came np to the standards set by the author in the Preface; in the remainder, detailed explranatians are very often sacrificed in the interests of inclnding more material. As typical examples of topics discussed in a. very cursory fashion one may cite the correlation between crystal st,ruet,ure and band structure; dielectric loss and Q factors; crystal and ligand field effects. The Dimc delta function is introduced without adequate explanation. Despite considerable efforts by the author, the concept of holes is likely to remain mysterious to persons not already acquainted with the topic. Chapter 16 on nuclear. auadruoole.. ferromaenetic. .. . antifrrrona~gwtlc, and pnrsmsgwrr rrronnncc i i cl.ammrd iutn :iR pnge.t.F,oi nhwh approximntrly 13 art. dcvotv.l 11, fipure.~. tables, and unoccupied space. Judging from his cautionary remarks to the reader, the author seems to be quite aware of the problem that in generated by this degree of condensation. In many ways, the layout of the hook with its manv blank soares and r i t h its c e f lhp grey hnckgrou~.di n ,t l:twr frnc.ii~>l. illustr~tiwm,rwml,le.< l n i ~ l .- & ~ d t m t . Thi. i.sn r.+ther n.iwr~nattvrfor wlti~hthe author cannot be faulted, but one comes away with the impression that the makeup of the earlier editions came eonsiderahly closer to the standards of the scholarly writing by the author. The negative commentary is meant t,o bring out the fact that in many areas the discussion does not live up the the aims stated in t,he preface. I t should not abscure the fact that the hook is a n excellent compendium of topics with which every



serious worker and student in the field should be familiar. As such, the book will deservedly find a wide readership and eonsidersble acclaim.

J. M. HONK L i n o l n Laboratory Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lerington

Introduction to Tranrition-Metal Chemistry: Ligand Field Theory


Leslie E. O ~ g e lUniversity , of California, Ssn Diego. 2nd ed. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1966. 186 pp. Figs. and tables. 14.5 X 22.5 em. $5.95. The first edition of this book was the only qualitative introduction to ligand field theory available a t the time of publication (1960) and the fact that it was reprinted four times in less than six years attests to its popularity. While one was earlier forced to overlook several unfavorable features of the book in the absenceof any competition, this is no longer true and Orgel simply has not met the challenge. A comparison with any popular textbook, such as that of Cotton and Wilkinson (second edition), shows that the author is so deficient in keeping up with things that I cannot recommend this book a t d l . Revisions to the first edition have been negligible. The worst feature of this book is that it implies that we have not progressed a t all in the last six years. Chapter 7, on reaction mechanisms, offers a typical example. Aside from some minor rewriting, there are perhaps only two paragraphs of new material inserted. Where are some of the new ideas and results on ligmd replacement reactions, on racemization of optically active compounds, an reactions of coordinated ligmds, and on eleotran transfer reactions? The most recent reference given for the chapter dates from 1962. Where, indeed, is a discussion of contsct shifts in metal complexes (dismissed with a. reference), of optical rotatory dispersion and circular dichroism (not to be found a t dl), of magnetic relaxation in either solids or liquids, of axial ligand fields, of metalmetal bonding? These, and many other topics of current interest, are either ignored or discussed only briefly. Yet, the Jahn-Teller effeot, a very subtle thing, receives 6 pages of discussion, out of all proportion to its importance. Further, much of what is said must be carefully qualified (for example, M. Sturge, Phys. Kev. 140, A880 [1965]). The stated purpose of the revision is to increase the emphasis on molecular orbital theory, which is good, and to correct errors. Why, then, have several errors in the first edition been retained now? For example, Table 5.6.1 consists of logs of stability constants, not the constants themelves (note particularly the negative entries!) The reference to Figure 6.3% is listed s s "in press" in both editions, though the paper has been available since Sept. 1959, and the aTL, s t a t e of Nil+ are still mislabeled in Figure 6.1.3.

Milestones of Modern Chemistry: Original Reports of the Discoveries Edited by Eduard Farber. Basic Books, Inc., Publishers, New York, 1966. ix 237 pp. Figures. 13.5 X 21 em. $5.95.


Today the classics of science, like the Bible and Shakespeare, me more often quoted than read, but this has not always been true. Goethe recognised that "The history of science is science itself," and Kekuld spent much time reading the classics of chemistry before making any scientific contributions of his own. As the volume of chemical literature and the number of journals has grown, however, chemists have come more and more to rely upon reviews and abstmets instead of reading the original papers. I n sharp contrast to the situation in the humanities, the average chemistry major graduating today unfortunately has little understanding or regard for the history of his subject. The earliest and best known systematic effort to make the classics of science readily available to the practicing scientist was made by Wilhelm Ostwald in 1888 with the initiation of his "Klassiker der exctkten Wissenschaften," which featured t,he compnpcrs tclnrlnrccl whrn plv~cn l d or1g11111 nr.rris%ryi 8 . 1 0 Cerwln. k r w p t for tlor sla.r~-livrd twntv-volwnp Alw.hiv (.'11111 Reprint se&, 0s