Orion Research Incorporated

Aunique internalelementsystemfor electrodes has been de- veloped byDr. James W. Ross, considered by many to be the father of ion-selective electrodes...
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TheRoss™pH electrode: A unique internal element system for electrodes has been developed by Dr. James W. Ross, considered by many to be the father of ion-selective electrodes. By replacing the silver chloride or calomel used in conventional electrodes, this system makes possible pH electrodes with extraordinary performance characteristics. Response is fast - readings stable to 0.01 pH are obtained in under 30 seconds even in samples varying from one another by 50°C or more. Over the temperature range of 0 to 100°C using ATC, results are 3 to 5 times more accurate than those obtained with conventional pH electrodes (even the ones we sell!). Drift is virtually unnoticeable at less than 0.002 pH per day, eliminating the need for frequent electrode restandardization. So if you want pH accuracy ... no matter what ... send for more information right away. Orion Research Incorporated, 840 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA 02139, or call (800) 225-1480.

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... and it's still in calibration. See the Ross electrode in action at LABCON '81, Booths 303 & 305. Circle 218 for information