This graph shows you how much better the. Ross electroderesponds than does the best of conventional pH electrodes — even ours. Both electrodes were ...
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MINUTES This graph shows you how much better the Ross electrode responds than does the best of conventional pH electrodes even ours. Both electrodes were taken from a 4.01 buffer solution at 25°C and placed in the same buffer at 75°C. The Ross electrode aTmost immediately reported the correct value of the buffer, pH 4.13, at the new temperature. After three minutes, the conventional electrode had just started to move toward the 4.13 mark. When both electrodes were put back in the 25°C buffer, the Ross electrode read 4.01 again in less than 30 seconds, while the other electrode was considerably in error.


compensates for temperature no matter what electrode is used.

The ORION Model 611 pH meter

simplicity itself because it uses the pH electrode itself, regardless of type, to sense solution temperature and to automatically produce temperature-corrected pH readings. Not only can you ignore is

0.002 pH per day, you hardly ever have to restandardize Ross models are, top to bottom, 81-02 combination pH, 80-05 reference half cell, and 81-01 pH half cell.


you’re measuring pH, there’s a lot that can go wrong. ORION helps make sure the answers you get are right with these unique products;

Electrodes that give you the fastest, most accurate response. Even in the extreme case of samples

varying from one another by 50°C or more, Ross™ electrodes give you readings stable to 0.01 pH in less than 30 seconds. Response is 3 to 5 times more accurate than what you can get with any conventional pH electrode. And because electrode drift is less than

A meter that prevents from happening

temperature variations when measuring pH, but you have one less source of sample carryover, which can adversely affect accuracy. The 611 also lets you read millivolts, temperature, and dissolved oxygen.



It’s a lot harder for you to make a mistake when you use the microprocessorbased Model 811 pH meter. Calibration technique is greatly simplified; you can calibrate the 811 on any two buffers in any order. A warning indicator alerts you if you grab the wrong buffer. At the push of a button, the meter is standardized to the temperature-corrected pH value for your buffer. Also, the 811 tells you when to record the reading and alerts you to any electrode or meter problem.

The acid test in your lab. See tor yourself how well these pH electrodes and meters can handle no your measurement requirements matter what. Call us at 800-225-1480 to arrange a demonstration.


840 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA 02139 Telephone: 800-225-1480, in Massachusetts: 617-864-5400 Circle 156 for I

and a meter that




157 for information.
