How do you run an analysis you've never done before? Running a new (and unfamiliar) analysis can be a real hassle. ... ORION'S Technical Service Group...
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How do you r u n a n analysis you've never done before? Running a new (and unfamiliar) analysis can be a real hassle. Rounding up all the apparatus and reagents you need. Getting results that don't make sense, or won't reproduce. Everything seems to work one day, but not the next. Finding that you can do it, but nobody else in the lab can — or vice versa. At ORION we're working hard to take the aggravation out of running inorganic analyses with new measuring technology that's simple and easy-to-learn. Our Analytical Methods Guide outlines hundreds of analyses with sample


preparation steps, recommended equipment, and literature references. ORION'S Technical Service Group can send you more detailed information on the methods listed in the Guide, and they'll be delighted to help unscramble any problems you may encounter. We've put "Tech Service" as close as your telephone with our toll-free numbers. In the U.S.A. (outside Massachusetts), call 800-225-1480. In Canada, call 800-363-9270. CIRCLE 140 ON READER SERVICE CARD

ONFESEARCH analytical methods guide

This is the new seventh edition of the Guide. For a free copy write: ORION RESEARCH, 380 Putnam Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139.