lished Oronite ALKANE as the one standard of quality, the unduplicated raw material of the detergent industry. ... 200 Bush Street, San Francisco 20, ...
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In just 10 years—with Oronite ALKANE* a 2,000 year custom h a s b e e n washed away For some 2,000 years "washing" meant only " s o a p . " But in the short span of ten years the acceptance of synthetic detergents by the soap industry and consumers has seen detergents almost completely replace soap in the washing machine and dishpan. Oronite is proud to have played a major role in changing an established world-wide custom so quickly and completely. The spectacular success of Oronite ALKANE, as the world's leading detergent raw material, has been due to Oronite's continuous multi-million dollar research, product development a n d manufacturing program coupled with ap-

plication of large-scale continuous processing methods. This program has led to an imposing list of patents and has established Oronite ALKANE as the one standard of quality, the unduplicated raw material of the detergent industry. Marketing the leading detergent raw material also brings a responsibility to the future. As in the past, millions of dollars are being invested in research and manufacturing facilities to assure that "you can expect from Oronite, whatever is new or better in detergent raw materials." For the highest quality detergent raw material, or help on sulfonation processes, contact your nearest Oronite office. 'Trademark for detergent intermediate

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ORONITE CHEMICAL COMPANY EXECUTIVE O F F I C E S 200 Bush Street, San Francisco 20, California SALES O F F I C E S 450 Mission Street, San Francisco 5, California Mercantile Securities Building, Dallas 1, Texas 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, New York Carew Tower, C i n c i n n a t i 2, O h i o 20 N o r t h Wacker D r i v e , C h i c a g o 6 , I l l i n o i s 714 W. O l y m p i c B l v d . , Los A n g e l e s 15, C a l i f . EUROPEAN OFFICE 36, Avenue William-Favre, Geneva, Switzerland For further information, circle number 12 A on Readers' Service Card, page 129 A