ORONITE® a leading supplier of petrochemical products to industry

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ORONITE a leading suppIier of petrochemical products to industry


Description and application The world's leading intermediate for the manufacture of synthetic detergents. Alkane is an alkyl aromatic synthesized from petroleum hydrocarbons and is readily converted to surface active agents, both dry and liquid, of the highest quality and purity. Converting Oronite Alkane into commercial or household detergent products involves the application of standard sulfonation and neutralization reactions, which often can be accomplished with available process equipment. Oronite can supply technical advice and complete information on the building or adapting; of existing plants for the processing of Alkane. This service includes drawings, flow diagrams and suggested plant equipment as well as technical >er\ice on plant operation and product control. Write for technical bulletin giving you the complete -Mkane story.

ALKANE * Detergent Intermediates


Slurry. Paste type detergent i n t e r m e d i a t e resulting from s u l f o n a t i o n of Alkane. Easily processed into liquids or dry detergents in flake, granule, head or powder form. Widely used in paste form as a wetting agent, emulsifier, emulsion breaker and flotation reagent. D-40 and D-60. Dry detergents used "4as is" or with builders for cleaning, wetting, dispersing or foaming. Widely employed in household cleansers, washing products, ρ re-cast concrete products, fire fighting, textile, leather and ore processing, air pollution control and in surface coatings. Oronite D-40 is available in three particle sizes—granules, flakes and powder. Write for comprehensive D-40 "use" bulletin.


Dispersants N l - E — N l - O — N l - W . Nl-E is an oil-soluble, liquid nonionic of the alkylphenyl polyethoxyethanol type used in the formulation of dry clean­ ing detergents and for general emulsification applications where a water-in-oil type emulsifier is required. N I - 0 is slischtlv more hydrophyllic than NT-Ε and has similar application. NÏ-W, also a liquid nonionic, is used for compounding heavy duty h o u s e h o l d and industrial detergents, liquid d i s h w a s h i n g products, metal cleaners, sanitizers, rug cleaning, textile and leather processing compounds, agricultural chemicals, insecticides, polishes and cosmetics. W e t t i n q A g e n t "S". Paste-form surface active agent used in emulsion type weed-killing products. Also effective in washing rugs, upholstery, in processing fruits and vegetables, in preparing liquid cleaners or wherever a paste type product is desired. Qualifies under A.S.T.M. specifications as an air entraining admixture for concrete.

5. c *



The spectacular star on the chemical frontier—: possibly the most important new raw material for the protective coating and plastics industries in the past half century. Already scores of manufacturers have found Tsophthalic offers properties and cost advantages heretofore unobtainable. Oronite Tsophthalic is a white c r y s t a l l i n e product c h e m i c a l l y s i m i l a r to phthalic anhydride but considerably different in physical properties as well as reaction characteristics. It is soluble in acetic acid, slightly soluble in acetone and ethyl alcohol, sparingly soluble in water. Tsophthalic provides outstanding new qualities to industrial, interior and exterior architectural paints and baking finishes. For plastics—polyesters, polyamides, polyester-amides, reinforced plastics of unsaturated polyester type and for plasticizers—Tsophthalic will materially improve products as well as present many opportunities for new products. Ask your resin or paint manufacturer about Tsophthalic, or contact any Oronite office for technical and formulation data. COPYRIGHT 1957 BY ORONITE CHEMICAL COMPANY ALL RIGHTS RESERVED UNDER PAN -AMERICAN COPYRIGHT CONVENTION

of Oronite petrochemical products






Oronite Phenol is a highly pure product that more than meets the standards of the I". S. Pharmacopeia. A white crystalline product derived by the cum· ene process which eliminates the utilization of both chlorine and sulfuric acid. Oronite is the only producer in the U. S. with complete control of raw materials and manufacturing from start to finish—using its own petroleum stocks as raw material. Tank car, tank truck and drum shipments are quickly available from bulk distribution terminals at key consuming points. A basic chemical for p l a s t i c m o l d i n g powders, adhesives for p l y w o o d industry, luhe oil additives, as an intermediate for manufacturing other chem­ icals. Send for Oronite Phenol bulletin. λ high quality dibasic acid anhydride meeting needs of those manufactur­ ing low-color esters. Principal uses of this basic chemical are in making resins for durable protective paints and in the production of plasticizers. You are always assured of a dependable source of supply, since Oronite has complete control of. its phthalic anhydride raw material. Quick delivery of phthalic anhydride, in molten or Make form, is made from bulk storage ter­ minals inclose-by Eastern centers. Why not get an up-to-the-minute story on Oronite Phthalic Anhydride?

Oronite Polybutenes are synthetic polymers, chemically inert liquids nearly water white in color. They are available in seven different grades, varying from moderate to very high viscosity and tackiness. They do not become gummy or waxy and do not harden, darken or change in any essential prop­ erty over long periods o f atmospheric exposure, ideally suited in prepara­ tion of sound deadening;, insulation and calking compounds; as a dielectric in high voltage cables, condensers and capacitors; as an ingredient in the manufacture of pressure sensitive adhesives. Write for technical data: prod­ uct samples are also available.

Meta-Xylene 9 5 % — Para-Xylene 9 8 % — Ortho-Xylene. Oronite was the pioneer and is today the leading producer of xylene isomers—the only source offering all three isomers in commercial quantities. Meta-Xylene offers many opportunities in the production of pharmaceuticals, dyestuffs, polyesters, perfume ingredients and fine chemicals. Para-Xylene is used as an interme­ diate to manufacture synthetic fibers and films. Ortho-Xylene is used a s an intermediate for making phthalic anhydride and other chemicals. Write for further information on properties and data on typical tests.

Oronite manufactures a complete and versatile line of odorants to meet all safety requirements of the natural and liquefied petroleum gas industries, and to cover all types of odorizing needs. Since marketing of the first gas odorant in 1927, Oronite has been a major producer and leader in the field. Oronite odorants include: Calodorant® C9 a completely stable cyclic sulfide odorant ; Calodorant® C Special* blend of Calodorant C and solvent ; Calodorant% Bl, a sulfide odorant at a mereaptan price; Alert® 80, best econ­ omy-priced, quality mereaptan odorant; Ethyl Mereaptan, a high quality pure mereaptan for I P gas: LPG Odorant, tailor-made from a selected mer­ eaptan cut· D o you have a copy of Oronite's new 3 6 page Gas Odorant technical bulletin? Send for one.

Oronite cumene process Acetone is a colorless, fragrant, flammable liquid that more than complies with the A.S.T.M. requirements. I'sed as a vehicle in nitro-cellulose lacquers, varnishes, rubber cements and in the manufacture of rayon, celluloid and cellulose acetate plastics. Also a solvent, cleaning agent and extracting medium. Purity is 9Q.59Î minimum: typically c J9.8*/î.


Oronite is considered by oil marketers and compounders to be the most versatile supplier of lubricating oil additives. Additives are added to aviation, diesel and gasoline engine oils to keep engines clean and reduce engine wear. Oronite will formulate oils to a customer's exact needs and specifications: will provide complete performance formulations: will furnish special performance additives. The various Oronite additives impart many important advantages to base oils: detergent-dispersant action, resistance to oxidation, rust and corrosion protection. In addition, they give reduced engine wear and cleanliness un