oscillating temperatures in reaction kinetics. i. activation energy from

I. ACTIVATION ENERGY FROM STEADY STATE CONCENTRATION. Thomas I. Crowell. J. Phys. Chem. , 1960, 64 (7), pp 902–904. DOI: 10.1021/j100836a020...
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Vol. 64


A simple, reversible reaction with forward and reverse rate constants kl and k - , is maintained alternately at temperatures 2“ and 7‘”. If the alternation frequency is rapid, a steady state is reached. The apparent equilibrium constant for these conditions, K,, is then equal to (?&’ kl”)/(nk...l’ k - I ” ) where n is the ratio of the times spent at T’ and T”. By observing K , as a function of n, the activation energies of the forward and reverse reactions can be evaluated.



s. Equating coefficients gives q = kI’,;k-~’ = K’, r = k-,”,/k-,’ and s = (kl”l:-l’ - 1 ~ ~ ’ k - l ‘ ’’ ) (k-1’)‘ = (K” - K’). Thus Y E X-l”/k-1‘ = aA + bB + . . . . Z e C + dD + (1) k- 1 (k-l”/k-l’)(Kr’ - K’)/(K, - K’), and a plot of n us. 1/(Ks - K’) has an intercept on the l/(KB with forward and reverse rate constants kl’ and k-l’ K’) axis of k-1”/7c-l’, the temperature coefficient of a t the temperature T’, and k,” and k-,“ a t T”. reaction rate for the reverse reaction. The ratio The equilibrium constants at T‘ and T” are given kl“,’kl’ is then evaluated from IC~~’:’I;-~’, K’ and by Intrations [.I],[R], . . . [C], butylamine to form piperonylidene-n-hut.ylamine [D], . . . vi11 change so that the system will be at a,nd water2 equilibrium practically all the time. ki If, howerer, the fluctuation in temperature is ArCHO + n-C4HsSHa1_ .ArCH==NC4Hs+ H20 more rapid, the system will be more sluggish in rek- 1 sponding to the change. A very rapid fluctuation Experimental will lead to constant concentrations of reactants Apparatus.-The reaction vessel was a 10” X l/,” o.d. and products (Fig. 1-4). These steady-state consteel tube fitted with a screw cap and Teflon gasket. centrations are easily calculated without consider- stainless It was situated inside a larger glass tube through which ing the course of the reaction. Suppose for simpli- water was circulated from either of two large thermostat city that the rate equations correspond to the terms baths a t 25 and 50’. The circulating pumps in the rein the stoichiometric equation 1, so that dx/dt = spective baths were alternately actuated by a simple tinier and two-way relay, to give the desired temperature cycle. li1’[,l]“[B]* . . . --Ic-l’[C]c[D]d . . . at T’ and The response inside the reaction vessel was checked xvith a similarly a t T”. Here the reaction variable r has t,hermocouple attached to a Sargent recorder, and is shown the usual meaning.’ Let the system be at T’ for (for n = 5 and At = 1 hour) in Fig. 1C and 1D. A special value ensured the return of the water to the proper the time interval nAt/(l n) and at T” for the in- plunger terval At/(l n ) ,where At is the time of one com- bath. Procedure.-A solution of n-butylamine ( -10 - 3 V), plete heating and cooling cycle and n is the ratio of piperonal (-10-4 M ) and water (5.0 M ) was prepared in a 100-ml. volumet,ric flask at 2 5 O , using reagent, grade meththe times spent at T’ and T” (Fig. 1B). For a steady State, Ir,the change in .r during At, anol as the solvent. About 3 nil. of this solution was placed in each of four reaction tuhes, which were capped and placed must tie zero in the oscillating temperature apparatus for two days. A Consider a chemical equilibrium






+ 1)Az = nki’At[A]“[B]’ ..

2-ml. sample was then withdrawn from each tube at the - ~~_I’A~[C]‘[[D]~ . mid-point of a 25’ interval, diluted to 10 ml. with meth- k-i”A.t[C]c[D]d. . . = 0 ( 2 ) anolic hydrochloric acid, and analyzed spectrophotometrically a t 348 mp for Schiff b a ~ e . 3 ’Because ~ 1 M HZ0 was present in the diluted sample, conversion of piperonal to the acetal was incomplete and necessitated a small corrwtion equilibrium constant for the for absorption of piperonal a t this wave length.

K , is an apparent steady state. It should be noted that the system is never at or near equilibrium except momentarily during the rise and fall of temperature. Equation 3 shows that a determination of K,for a certain n, together with K’ and K”, is sufficient for the calculation of kl”/kl‘. Paradoxically, the activation energy, a quantity pertaining to rates, can thus he obtained from data which are not a function of time, though time is involved in fixing the value of n. More experimental data ran be utilized if K , is measured as a function of n. The expected form of the function is seen from 3 to he ( K 8- q)(n r ) =


(1) A. -4. Frost and R. G . Pearson, “Kinetics and Mechanism,” John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, N. Y.,1953,p. 9.

Results Equilibrium constants for Schiff lime formation were det,ermined a t the two temperatures used. Although the water concentration was practically constant at 5 M , it was included in t,he espression K = [ArCH=IVBu] [H,O],;[ArCHO][RuSH2] to conform with our preceding ~ v o r k . ~The . ~ value obtained at 25”, K’ = 3.10 x lo5,is in fair agrwment, wit,h that found by titratioii (3.18 X 10”). At 50°, K = 0.95 x IO3, though the Tdue used i n the calculations mas obtained diffcreiitly as esplained below. (2) R. L. Hill and T. I. Crowell, J. Am. C”hem. Soc., 7 8 , 2284 i1 %%I). (3) T. I. Crowell and D. W. Peck, ibid., 35, 1075 (1953). (4) C . E. Bell and T. I. Crowell, J. Ory. Cliem., 24, 1159 (1959).

July, 1960



The reaction was then studied with oscillating temperatures as described in the experimental section. The reaction and the oscillation rate were both quite slow; n ranged from 0 (temperature constant a t 50') to 7.09 (7.42 minutes at 50', 52.58 minutes a t 25"). The time for one complete temperature cycle, At, was one hour in every case. The maximum permissible At for a given variation from steady-state concentrations can be calculated from equation 2 if the rate constants are known. A plot of l / ( K ' - K,) is shown in Fig. 2. The straight line through the experimental points follows the equation l/(K' - K,) = 0.478 0.0078n. The n-intercept of -6.14 is multiplied by 1.026 to correct for the change in concentrations when the methanol expands a t SO", so that l ~ - ~ " / k -=~ '6.30. The ratio of the forward rate constants, kl"/kl', is then 6.30 K " / K ' ; the value 1.15 for I