Osol, Arthur; Pratt, Robertson; eds. - ACS Publications - American

The dispensatory of the United States of America. New drug developments volume (Osol, Arthur; Pratt, Robertson; eds.) N. M. Ferguson. J. Chem. Educ. ,...
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BOOK REVIEWS applirat,ions nauld he most v-elconie in a wries E U C ~as hhis. The four remaining chapters are devoted, primarily, to descriptive chemistry, hot a discussion of structures and the applkatian of physical principles are not neglected. Thwe are: "Halidcs and Oxyhalkks of the Elements of Groups Vh and VIh" by John I\'. George; "Some Fluorine Compounds of the Transition Metsls" by R . D. Peacock; "Unusunl Oxidation b t s s of Same Aetinidr and Lant,hsnide element^" by L. B. Aeprcv and B. B. Cunningham, and "\lets1 Alkoxides" hy U. C. B r a d l q . The revim, on fluorine compounds by Prarock i~ notable in that. i t ineludcs a sertion on preparative methods and techniques. I n view of the rapidly expanding arcas in inorganic chemistry i t is becoming increasingly apparent t o all that i t is impossible t o keep abreast with modern dovelapments hy merely making a cssual survey of the literature. Acrordingly eritird revien-s snch ss these are becoming more and more important. A11 persons interested in developments in inorganic chemistry should have access to these rollccted r~orks.

E. CHIRLE~X ~ R S I.niuersity of Pennsyluanio Philadelphia, Pennr~luanin

The Dirpensatory of the United States of America. New Drug Developments Volume

Edited hy Arthur Osol, Philadelphia PlPnCe, College of Pharmacy and ,~ ' Philarldphirt, Pennsylvania and Robertson Pmil, University of Cttliiornia Srhool of Pharmacy. J. B. Lippincott Co., Philnddphia, Pennsylvaninia, 1980. 240 pp. 18 X 26.5 1960 ed. vii cm. $ 9 .



This volume is a x-elcorne addition t o the phsrmxeists' and chemists' shelf as well as t o the teachers' library. The purpose of this volume is t o bring the U.S.D. 25 up t o date with respect t o the U.S.P. S V I , N.F. XI, B.P. 1958, and the International Pharmaropoeia. I n addition t o contitining 209 completely new monographs, the supplement also contains survey articles on various categories of medicinals such as Antibiotics, Antihiotics wit,h Antitumor Activity, Hypoglycemic Sulfonylureas and Biguanides, Psyehothempeutic and Psychotomimetic drugs, and Saluretic Agents. Estensive information is also presented on the manufacture and standardization of antihiotics. The authors have continued t o conCentrate on the actions, uses, doses, and side effects of the drues discussed. This reference work is a. necessary source of information for the chemist as ell as for the pharmacist.


N. hl. FERGUSON Universitg of Houston Houston, Tezas



Journal o f Chemical Education