Our catalyst for urethane foams is so good that its low price may

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Our catalyst for urethane foams is so good that its low price may mislead you. When you're used to paying about $5.00 a pound for catalyst, 650 a pound might sound too good to be true. But it is true. Pennwalt dimethylaminoethanol is a bargain. And it's a better catalyst in several ways. Consider. Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE for short) has controlled activity, so it's easy to get the foam characteristics you want. And it's a liquid, so it's easy to mix and blend. It has little or no odor, and low toxicity. It doesn't stain, fog or migrate, and it's compatible

with the other foam ingredients. You can take advantage of the extensive lab studies we've done using DMAE in rigid, self-skinning and flexible foams. They'll help show you how to use it to replace part or all of your high-priced catalyst. If you're ready to save a lot of money and get a better foam in the bargain, contact us for technical data and a consultation on your formula. Industrial Chemicals Department, Pennwalt Corporation, Three Parkway, Philadelphia, Pa. 19102. (215)587-7151. CHtCU 11 ON RfAMft SHtVKS CAM)