Our greasy kid stuff could take years off the cost of your product

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Our greasy kid stuff could take years off the cost of your product

At 12Cto 190a pound, Ethyl's olefin co-products have prices reminiscent of your youth. N o w all you have to do is find a place to use t h e m ! The possibilities are numerous. These fatty blends tend to have waxy, lubricant-like properties, and they can impart these qualities to endproducts. And "Ethyl" co-products are an economical source of highmolecular-weight, even-numbered olefins, with functionality suitable for many applications. So this has led to consideration as a defoamer, a distillation chaser, and as a neutral oil in fat-liquor applications. Also, as a functional additive which helps cut the cost of many endproducts, such as cosmetics, flame retardants, lube and cutting oils, industrial surfactants, petroleum chemicals,

whale oil replacement, and many more. proprietary ethylene chain growth There are now three different olefin process. So send the coupon for full technical data on our greasy kid stuff. co-products available in commercial quantities. (All contain a blend of vinyl, linear internal, and branched-type • Please send technical data on olefins.) "Ethyl" olefin co-product: C14-26 Olefin-Paraffin. An approx- 1—1C i4_26 Olefin-Paraffin imate 75/25 blend of olefins and • C18_24 Olefin paraffins. Carbon numbers concene n C18+ Olefin trated from Ci4 to C18. Pour point • Please have an "Ethyl" Sales approximately 45°F. Representative contact me. Cis-24 Olefin. Contains approxName imately 90% olefinic material. Carbon Company numbers concentrated at C20 and C22Address__ Pour point approximately 75°F. _State_ _Zip_ City C18+Olefin. Contains approximately 85% olefinic material, with Phone carbon numbers concentrated from Ci8 through C24- Pour point Ethyl Corporation (\^n/i approximately 77°F. Industrial Chemicals DivisionN A continuing, reliable supply is assured by our large plant using our ETHYL TOWER, 4 5 1 FLORIDA, BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA 7 0 8 0 1

Aug. 28, 1978 C&EN