Our Mass Analyzers weren't created in avacuum* Eachone offers you over 150 man-years of practical experience. W e ' v e b e e n in the mass analysis business a long time. O v e r 1,000 units long to be exact. A n d in t h a t time, we've learned a lot. T h a t ' s why today we can offer you a complete line of quadrupole mass analyzers . . . each o n e designed and engineered to provide you with precise solutions to your composition analysis problems . . . w h e t h e r it's residual gas analysis, process monitoring or high pressure gas analysis. U T I A n a l y z e r s are w o r k i n g and working and working . . . world wide. In the last 12 years, we've manufactured precision mass analyzers to provide a wide
range of process solutions in a wide range of industries . . . from sputtering processes to spacecraft. T a k e our 100C Precision Mass Analyzer for instance. It's now an industry standard for R G A applications ranging from 10" 1 4 to 10~ 3 Torr. A n d it's field-proven for stability.
Reliability. A n d reproducibility. O r our S S - 2 0 C Low Pressure Sampling System that's helping provide consistently high yields in sputtering, plasma deposition, plasma etch and o t h e r intermediate to ultra-high vacuum processes. O u r Q - 3 0 C Mass Spectrometer Systems are monitoring levels and compositions of gasses in pressures up to three atmospheres, providing solutions to today's most complex analysis problems. B u t there's m o r e to U T I t h a n just great a n a l y z e r s . W i t h each U T I mass analyzer, comes the best after-sale service and engineering assistance to insure t h a t your instrument will deliver o p t i m u m performance in t h e long run. O u r highly-skilled staff of field-service engineers will assist you in the installation. G u i d e you in proper operation. A n d instruct you in proper m a i n t e n a n c e procedures. All to make sure you receive
consistently meaningful data time a n d time again. W h i c h U T I M a s s A n a l y z e r is best for y o u ? A t UTI, we've got over 150 man-years of design, development and application engineering experience to draw upon. So we're uniquely suited to r e c o m m e n d the precise mass analyzer to solve your particular analysis problem. ^ ^ If we h a v e n ' t already analyzed an application like yours, chances are we've come across one similar to it. If you'd like to k n o w i more about U T I mass analyzers and how we can help you, 4 send for our free booklet "Composition Analysis." O r call us at (408) 7 3 8 - 3 3 0 1 . It's a t h o u s a n d - t o - o n e we already have the answer to your composition analysis problem. U T I , 325 N . Mathilda A v e n u e , Sunnyvale, C A 94086. T W X : 910 339 9306.
UT i