Our reactive acrylates gives you a little more product for your money

Nov 12, 2010 - Our reactive acrylates gives you a little more product for your money. Chem. Eng. News , 1969, 47 (17), p 36. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v047n017...
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Our acrylates react faster. Which means you get a little more product in less time. A little more product for your money, This is the pleasant result of very low inhibitor levels, Only 15 ppm MEHQ in all four major acrylates—melhyl, ethyt, butyl and 2-ethylhexyl. And we also offer a b^^ p u r i t y . 9 9.5% minimum. But we know that, even with

the best possible acrylates, emulsion formulation can be a tricky, complex business. So we provide our customers with a bit of help„ Like basic, useful data. Lots of it. A note on yopr fetterft^ Celanese Chemical Company. Dept. 554D, 245 Park ΛνρηιΐΡ Ν Υ

Our reactive acrylates give you a little more product for your money.



10017, a division of C e l a n e s e ® Corporation-