Our Specialty Gases Department is only 9 years old. Why is it so large

Nov 7, 2010 - facebook · twitter · Email Alerts ... Previous Article · Next Article · Table of Contents. Our Specialty Gases Department is only 9 year...
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Our Specialty Gases Department is only 9 years old. Why is it so large? Because we give you immediate response from any of our 69 company offices whether you need gases, support services, or engineering assistance. Because experienced specialists at each of our locations can help you design your gas-handling systems, assist in building special storage vessels, or simply supply you with extra data relevant to your current project. Because we can give you the highest purities technically possible. In fact we invented the analyzer that detects ppm nitrogen in argon (both inert gases). Because we stock specialty gases at each location to make it easy for you to avoid short supply situations.

And we back up each stocking office with satellite producing facilities. Because we can deliver and pick up in our own trucks from our district offices to spare you cylinder control and shipping problems. Your freight charges are lower, too. Because we deliver in any quantity of any gas you need...every size from glass flasks and lecture bottles to tank trucks and on-site plants. Find out what else our Specialty Gases Department offers you: just call (215) 395-8257 or use the coupon.

Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. Specialty Gases Department 733 West Broad Street Emmaus, Pennsylvania 18049 D Please send complete catalog: Specialty Gases and Equipment. LJ Please have a Specialty Gases representative call. Name Title Company Street City

