Our Term Life Plan Changes with the Times. - C&EN Global Enterprise

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Our Term Life Plan Changes with the Times. As time passes, your financial obligations and needs change. Your Term Life Insurance must be responsive to these changes — if it is to be effective. That is why the ACS-sponsored Term Life program will incorporate two improvements, effective April 1, 1982. First, Term Life premiums are being reduced by 20% for all age groups (dependents too). Second, members under age 65 may now apply for up to $250,000 in Term Life coverage. These two changes represent our willingness to adapt to the changing times. As a matter of fact, since 1966 benefits under this Term Life plan have increased 50%, while premiums have decreased 28% . . . further proof that the ACS-sponsored Term Life plan is always being adjusted to fit your needs.

Tell me more about the changes made to the ACS-sponsored Term Life program. Name Street City State


Mail to: ACS Plan Administrator (N-60) Connecticut General Life Insurance Company Hartford, Connecticut 06152 82023 CIRCLE 5 ON READER SERVICE CARD

April 12, 1982 C&EN