Oxamides Reduce Polypropylene Oxidation - C&EN Global Enterprise

copper catalyzed oxidation of polypropylene, according to scientists at Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill, N.J. Bell scientists find that a...
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Oxamides Reduce Polypropylene Oxidation Oxamide and its derivatives help polypropylene antioxidants keep their effectiveness against copper catalyzed oxidation 139TH




Polymer Chemistry

Oxamide and particularly its derivatives inhibit the copper catalyzed oxidation of polypropylene, according to scientists at Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill, N.J. Bell scientists find that antioxidants retain from 30 to 100% of their effectiveness when derivatives of oxamide are used with them. Without the derivatives, only 1 to 15% of the antioxidants' effectiveness is retained. BelFs Dr. R. H. Hansen and coworkers say that although antioxidants such as phenyl-/2-naphthylamine or

5-n-pentadecylresorcinol inhibit oxidation in polypropylene, the presence of copper greatly reduces their effectiveness. In some cases this reduction may amount to more than 99%?. It's probable, Dr. Hansen says, that copper in the oxidized form catalyzes the oxidation, and antioxidants alone can't stop this process. Even in high concentrations ( 1 . 0 % ) , these antioxidants will not effectively inhibit the oxidation of polypropylene when copper is present. In attempts to reduce the catalytic effect of copper, chelating agents were used to complex the copper and reduce its catalytic effect. Most chelating agents, however, are unsatisfactory for the job, according to Dr. Hansen. Even those that did give some success,

STUDIES VOLATILITY. Dr. Ralph H. Hansen of Bell Telephone Laboratories uses thermogravimetric analysis to study volatility of oxamide inhibitors 76





he adds, had disadvantages. Many were incompatible, water soluble, and volatile. Or they formed highly colored products, or reacted with other components of the polypropylene composition. Oxamide and its derivatives, on the other hand, are highly effective in inhibiting the copper catalyzed oxidation of polypropylene. Oxamide and its derivatives have other advantages, too. They are colorless and form only colorless products, which do not adversely affect dielectric properties. They are also stable at high temperatures, don't affect the processing properties of the polymer, and don't react with antioxidants or other additives such as blowing agents or pigments. Since most oxamides which melt above 200° C. have a low vapor pressure and low water solubility, they remain in the polymer after processing. This makes them especially effective in inhibiting oxidation. Test Oxamide. To test the effectiveness of oxamide and its derivatives, the Bell group mixed an antioxidant, an oxamide derivative, and polypropylene at about 200° C. in an atmosphere of nitrogen. Then they added freshly reduced electrolytic grade copper powder and molded the material into film. Polypropylene was also used for copper wire insulation. After finding that the absorption of 10 cc. of oxygen per gram of polymer completely degraded the polymer, the Bell scientists used this as their standard. They observed the time for this amount of oxidation to take place in polypropylene and regarded it as the induction time. Molded polypropylene containing 0.5% by weight of 4,4'-thiobis-(3methyl-6-fe/f-butylphenol), an antioxidant, had an induction period of 350 to 450 hr. at 140° C , Dr. Hansen says. Adding copper reduced this induction period to 35 to 45 hr. However, 0.5%? by weight of oxamide boosted the induction period to 78 hr. Various oxamide derivatives pushed

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the induction period to 135, 76, 96, 95, 105, and 141 hr. Depending on the antioxidant and the oxamide derivative used, it was possible to maintain from 30 to 100% of the antioxidant's effec­ tiveness. Dr. Hansen says that the less volatile oxamide derivatives show this inhibit­ ing quality best and that the oxamide derivatives appear to work with all antioxidants. Primary use of the ox­ amide derivatives would be in poly­ propylene used as copper wire insula­ tion. Other possibilities would be in molded electrical and electronic parts where copper is present.


Active, Broad Spectrum Fungicide Readied for Market


Hercules gets set to market one member of a new class of fungicide compounds, substituted dithiolones



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• It is highly active, broad spec­ trum, and can be used in seed treat­ ment, in soil, and on foliage. • It can be made from cheap and available materials—cumene ( 10 cents a pound), sulfur (5 cents a pound), chlorine (3 cents a pound), and wa­ ter. • It appears to have low toxicity to mammals (the acute oral LD 5 „ on rats is about 10,000 mg. per kg.). • It appears to have fumigant ac­ tion.




Hercules Powder's agricultural chemi­ cal research program has turned up a new class of fungicides. And one member of the class is now getting ready for market. The new class of compounds is substituted dithiolones; they are heterocyclic materials with two adja­ cent sulfurs in a five-membered ring. The one compound that Hercules is testing for market is 5-chloro-4-phenyl -l,2-dithiol-3-one, which carries the code name Hercules 3944. Dr. William R. DiveJey says that behind the optimism about 3944 are these characteristics:

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fective in controlling damping-off and seed-borne anthracnose of cotton and seed and seedling decay of corn due to Pythium. He and his co-workers, Dr. Arthur D. Lohr and Dr. Karl Brack, get a higher percentage of stands of corn, peas, and peanuts with 3944 than they do with some of the fungicides now on the market. As a soil treatment, 3944 gives higher per­ centage stands of cotton than do other presently used materials and is effec­ tive for a longer time. It is also suc­ cessful against root and stem rot of beans, southern blight on tomatoes, scab and scurf on potatoes, bottom rot of lettuce, and fruit rot on cucumbers. Used to spray foliage, 3944 has caused some foliage injury. But some new formulations have reduced the amount of injury, so Hercules is con­ tinuing to test it as a foliage spray.


Dr. Diveley says 3944 is highly ef­

BRIEFS Two new nylon 6 resins that can sig­ nificantly increase production rates of injection molded parts have been de­ veloped by Spencer Chemical, Kansas City, Mo. Spencer nylon 401A has shown the faster cycle times of the two and is recommended by Spencer for intricate or hard-to-fill molds. Spencer nylon 605A has a higher impact strength and can be used for the pro­ duction of massive and load-bearing parts such as gears and bearings, the company adds. C 1

Pressure-sensitive vinyl plastic tape

designed for continuous operation at 105° C. has been introduced by Min­ nesota Mining and Mfg., St. Paul, Minn. The Scotch No. 66 tape is coated with an adhesive that is re­ sistant to plasticizers, oil, or solvents, the company says. The tape is 11 mils thick, has a tensile strength of 35 lb. per in., an electric strength of 11,000 volts, and an insulation resistance of 1 X 10G megohms. The tape can be used for insulation of bus bars, for in­ sulation and protection of electrical wiring in appliances and equipment, and wherever a noncorrosive barrier is required, 3M says. C 2

High purity zirconium oxide ceramic ;hat is gas tight and can withstand the severe corrosive conditions of nuclear and conventional powered boiler sys-

terns is available from Zirconium Corp. of America, Solon, Ohio. Zirconia insulators have withstood critical water conditions—temperatures over 650° F . and pressures over 2000 p.s.i.—with 5% caustic for prolonged periods and shown no visible or measurable change, according to the company. The zirconia can also be used in the metallurgical, glass, electronic, and missile industries as crucibles, tubes, rods, and custom shapes, Zircoa says. C3

Three urea-formaldehyde concentrates which differ in formaldehyde, urea, and solids content are available from Hercules Powder, Wilmington, Del. The three products, UFC 7626, UFC 7147, and UFC 8545, are designed for the economical manufacture of many types of resins for use in such industries as plywood adhesives, furniture, paper, textile, and protective coatings, Hercules says. C4

Cotton pesticide for control of both insects and mites is available from Stauffer Chemical, New York, N.Y. Methyl Trithion is being used in four formulations in combination with DDT: two emulsifiable concentrates and two dusts. C5


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Acid inhibitor for sulfuric, sulfamic, phosphoric, or citric acids in metal cleaning and pickling has been introduced by Armour Industrial Chemical, Chicago, 111. Armohib 31 is an aliphatic nitrogen compound which will not precipitate or cloud on use or standing, the company says. It is nonstaining and free from objectionable odors, the company adds. C6

Magnesium oxide in

alert you to IMC MgO-a product so

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Nonmigrating vat dyes in many shades are obtainable from Allied Chemical's National Aniline Division, New York, N.Y. These Carbanthrene dyes have been designed to minimize migration of dye particles when cotton or rayon cloth dries after pigmentation. This prevents shading and streaking due to uneven drying, the company says. C 7

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BRIEFS Mervyn Harwell square wave polarographic instrument Mark III is now available from its exclusive U.S. dis­ tributor Instrument Corp. of America, Baltimore, Md. The Polarograph unit is suitable for analysis of trace ele­ ments in the presence of major constit­ uents. Little pretreatment of the sample is required, compared with classical polurography, the company says. Ε2

Seawater battery from Yardney Elec­ tric Corp., New York, N.Y., is expected to find use in torpedoes and such anti­ submarine warfare applications as sonar and sonobuoys. It is a primary (one shot) unit with silver chloride and magnesium duplex electrodes, and is capable of energy outputs up to 30 watt-hr. per lb. and 2.5 watt-hr. per cu. in., Yardney says. Ε3




A new ultrasonic device for sealing tough polyester plastic films without heat is now available from Interna­ tional Ultrasonics, Inc., Cranforcl, N.J. Suggested uses for the device, called Sonoseal, include photographic film, video and audio tape, machinery belts, plastic garments, and food and phar­ maceutical packaging. In operation, the sealing tool im­ parts ultrasonic vibrations to over­ lapping sections of the materials being joined, causes plastic flow and a bond­ ing of molecules of the intersurface layers. According to International Ultra­ sonics, oriented plastics such as Mylar and Cronar are hard to join satis­ factorily by heat or dielectric sealing. These methods disorient the molecu­ lar chains, thus weaken the plastic at the seam, the company says. Ultra­ sonic sealing, on the other hand, gives bonds that retain 90 to 100% of the original strength of the material, the company explains. Ε1


Linear electroplating analyzer is avail­ able from Emil Greiner Co., New York, N.Y. The analyzer cell designed by

the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn affords a means of calculating directly total polarization and current density with linear plate build-up in plating studies. The electrodes are held se­ curely in place by a clear cover so de­ signed that agitation, temperature con­ trol, and measurement can be done easily, the company says. Ε4 Flexible joints providing gimbal and swivel movement for cryogenic piping are available from Barco Manufactur­ ing, Barrington, 111. These Barco Featherweight joints operate at pres­ sures to 200 p.s.i., and can handle most fluid oxidizers and rocket fuels, as well as liquefied gases and chemicals in industry, within the range —325° F. to 275° F., the company says. Prin­ cipal service applications are for pipe expansion or contraction joints, for flexible metal loading arms, and in swivel joints, Barco adds. Ε5

Explosionproof oven has been devel­ oped by Modern Laboratory Equip­ ment Co., New York, N.Y. A safety control system protects the process material from heat destruction. A limiting control is also provided that will shut off the oven in the event of flash fire or if its safety setting is bridged. Rear blowout safety panel is provided for the protection of per­ sonnel. The oven has an upper limit of 260° C. and is accurate to ±0.8° C , the company says. Ε6 Thickness of nonconductive coatings

on aluminum can be rapidly measured by an instrument known as the Permascope Model EC2T4. Developed for Alcoa by Twin City Testing Corp., Tonawanda, N.Y., the instrument has been specifically calibrated to gage nonconductive coatings but can be altered to measure metal coatings on substrates. With minor modifications, the Permascope can also be used for conductivity tests. Calibrations are available so that the instrument can be used with other metals. Ε7 Automatic titrator with automatically controlled magnetic stirring has been introduced by Coleman Instruments, Maywood, 111. The Coleman Titrion has been designed for speed and ac-

curacy and can perform any titration in which the end point is related to a reproducible electrode potential, in­ cluding pH, redox, and conductometric procedures, the company claims. The Titrion provides titrations to within ± 0 . 1 pH with elapsed time of 1 to IV2 niin., Coleman says. Ε8

Rotary evaporator that has a Teflon adaptor that eliminates all vapor con­ tact with metal, grease, or rubber is available from Chemquip Co., Berke­ ley, Calif. A standard 24/40 taper is provided for attaching the flask, and the vacuum seal of Teflon on glass is able to maintain a vacuum of 0.1 mm. H g while the flask is rotating. At the ball-end joint, the evaporator may easily be adapted for continuous addi­

tions, thus serving for both small and large scale evaporations, according to Chemquip. Ε9

Ultrahigh temperature, Series 4500 thermocouples for measurement of temperatures in the range 3000° F. to 6000° F. are available from Propul­ sion Development Laboratories, El Segundo, Calif. These probes come in sizes from 3 / 1 0 in. diameter by 2 in. long, to 1 in. diameter by 3 ft. long. Ε 10

Further useful information on keyed Equipment items men­ tioned is readily available . . .

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