Oxidation of Diallyl, and on the Hexylic Glycol which is Derived from it

about 128 gms of naphthalene are dissolved in a sufficient quantity of crystallizable acetic acid. To this is gradually added, heating slightly, a sol...
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Idem, -Yo. 2 Prepnrution a n d Properties of Cohnltocpmide of Potccssiuin a a d it# Derivatives. r l . h z c A \ . r P s . -- T o an artificially cooled solution of chloride of cobalt is gradually added a cold solution of potassic cyanide, guarding against excebs. h recldi*hbrown precipitate in produced, which i h washed in a cold place with cold water. T h e precipitate M i placed in a yessel arid a slight excess of the above solution of potawic cyanidc i H added, when a dark green precipitate is formed. The crysttls may be maslied with alcohol and kept for some time in this medium, but they have a constant tendency t o change from cobaltocyanide to cwbalticyanide. Several other salts of cobaltocyanhgdric acid were made, but t h e tendency to change with the blightest elevation of temperature has t h u s far precliided an analysis. Curve of YdubUity of Snliclllic and Benzo4c Acids, curves of solubility of these acids in water a t temperatures from '0 t o looo, were determined by a series of careful experiments. As f a r as 35' t h e ciqrves of the t w o acids nearly coincide, and are parabolac, ; above that temperature, in accordance probably with some phyaical modification which takes place in the molecule under the influence of heat, they do not coincide so well, but are modified in a similar manner. At the temperature of 50' the solubility of the two acids is exactly the same and the curves cross. A general law in reference t o the solubility of organic bodies may some time be formulated by the Rtudy of such curves. 0 t h tile


Note upon the Carminaphte of Lazcrent, ANTrroNY GUYARD.-A reliable method of making this mysterious body is an-

nounced. One equivalent, or about 128 gms of naphthalene are dissolved in a sufficient quantity of crystallizable acetic acid. To thin is gradually added, heating elightly, a Rolution of chromic acid diasolved i r i the same way, containing 12 equivalents, or about 600 gins of CrO,, and the mixture is boiled for a few minuteti. By saturating with an alkali and acidulating t h e solution again, a reddish-brown precipitate of carminaphte is thrown down. Oxidntion of DiaUg1. amd on the HexylCc Glycol which is Dericed f r o m dt, €3. S O R O K I S E . - Idiallyl ~ be acted upon by bichroinate of potash and sulphuric acid, the only products of t h e reaction are carbonic anhydride and acetic acid. T h e glycol does