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Oxidation-State-Dependent Vibrational Dynamics Probed with 2D-IR

Mar 30, 2017 - ... solvation dynamics accompanying the substantial decrease in the 2.5 D molecular dipole moment of DPPFCr(I) relative to DPPFCr(0) (7...
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Oxidation-State-Dependent Vibrational Dynamics Probed with 2D-IR Peter A. Eckert and Kevin J. Kubarych* Department of Chemistry, University of Michigan, 930 North University Avenue, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, United States S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: In an effort to examine the role of electronic structure and oxidation states in potentially modifying intramolecular vibrational dynamics and intermolecular solvation, we have used 2D-IR to study two distinct oxidation states of an organometallic complex. The complex, [1,1′bis(diphenylphosphino)ferrocene]tetracarbonyl chromium (DPPFCr), consists of a catalytic diphenylphosphino ferrocene redox-active component as well as a Cr that can be switched from a Cr(0) to a Cr(I) oxidation state using a chemical oxidant in dichloromethane (DCM) solution. The DPPFCr(I) radical cation is sufficiently stable to investigate with 2D-IR spectroscopy, which provides dynamical information such as vibrational relaxation, intramolecular vibrational redistribution, as well as solvation dynamics manifested as spectral diffusion. Our measurements show that the primarily intramolecular dynamical processesvibrational relaxation and redistributiondiffer significantly between the two oxidation states, with faster relaxation in the oxidized DPPFCr(I) radical cation. The primarily intermolecular spectral diffusion dynamics, however, exhibit insignificant oxidation state dependence. We speculate that the low nucleophilicity (i.e., donicity) of the DCM solvent, which is chosen to facilitate the chemical oxidation, masks any potential changes in solvation dynamics accompanying the substantial decrease in the 2.5 D molecular dipole moment of DPPFCr(I) relative to DPPFCr(0) (7.5 D).

INTRODUCTION Although the significant role of the solvent in determining the kinetics and thermodynamics of chemical reactions is wellknown, reaction optimization remains a largely empirical process due to the inability to predict solvent effects.1 Ultrafast spectroscopy has traditionally addressed this problem by studying the solvation dynamics of model dye systems as well as photochemistry and photophysics in a vast array of solvents.2−5 Although polar solvation is relatively well understood in general,3,6 there is currently no practical solution to the challenges faced by chemists in, for example, optimizing chemical reaction conditions.1 In oxidation−reduction, the electrostatics of reacting solute species evolve throughout the reaction, thus contributing significantly to the solvation. Here we adopt a new strategy that isolates the dynamical consequences of making changes in charge distributions without causing substantial geometrical distortions. Using two distinct redox states of the same complex, [1,1′-bis(diphenylphosphino)ferrocene]tetracarbonyl chromium (DPPFCr, Figure 1A−C), we are able to study two different chemical systems whose ground-state electronic structure can be chemically altered without changing the molecular geometry. The DPPF ligand is commonly encountered in organometallic catalysis,7−10 and the carbonyl ligands offer a localized probe with a strong and background-free transition frequency. DPPFCr is not itself a commonly used catalyst, but it offers a good model of a class of common catalysts. Our equilibrium twodimensional infrared (2D-IR) data indicate redox-state-depend© 2017 American Chemical Society

ent time scales for vibrational relaxation and intramolecular vibrational redistribution. We do not, however, find a significant redox state dependence of the solvation dynamics as reported by the spectral diffusion. We speculate that this insensitivity is likely due to an idiosyncrasy of the dichloromethane (DCM) solvent required for the redox chemistry. Previous studies of organometallic complexes by Khalil et al.11 and by Massari et al.12−16 have found various dependencies of spectral dynamics on solvent, as well as on ligand substitution. In particular, their findings, as well as our previous investigations of a rhenium carbonyl photocatalyst system, find a strong influence of either electrophilicity or nucleophilicity characteristics of the solvent. Taken together, we expect a more comprehensive view to emerge regarding the nature of vibrational and solvation dynamics in transition-metal complexes. The role of solvation in modulating or directing chemical reactivity is widely appreciated, though often understood largely at the level of empirical correlations. Some key characteristics, such as polarity, are not even well-defined without resorting to some sort of internal standard, which is itself a molecule with specific structure and specific interactions.17,18 Typically studied with dynamic fluorescence Stokes shifts, solvation dynamics has been difficult to access on a single electronic state. The reliance upon electronic transitions necessarily links the two surfaces’ Received: December 22, 2016 Revised: March 30, 2017 Published: March 30, 2017 2896

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.6b12898 J. Phys. Chem. A 2017, 121, 2896−2902


The Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Figure 1. (A−C) Structural representations of DPPFCr from DFT-optimized structures. The surface rendering illustrates that the carbonyl ligands are somewhat buried within the diphenyl groups. (D) FTIR spectra of the two oxidation states, DPPFCr(0) and DPPFCr(I), with the four bands fit to Gaussians. Note that the wavenumber scales are significantly shifted by nearly 100 cm−1 due to the pronounced change in electronic structure. (E) Mode assignments are based on quantum chemical calculations.

long-standing goal and has been solved by two clever uses of surfaces, either leveraging the attenuated total reflectance mode common in FTIR spectroscopy or as a mirror. The conductive surfaces can serve as electrodes to modulate the local electric field, enabling oxidation and reduction of surface-bound solutes. In work by Hamm et al., CO bound on a metal surface at different electrochemical potentials was found to exhibit a band center shift but not a change in line width or in spectral diffusion dynamics.22 The lack of field dependence implies that both the solvation dynamics and the mapping of local electrostatics to the oscillator’s frequency is not significantly influenced by the electrochemical potential. In the present work, we sought to identify a system where we could modulate the formal charge of a complex by chemical oxidation or reduction and compare the spectral dynamics of the two oxidation states. Ideally, we would choose a molecule where there are only negligible structural changes upon either oxidation or reduction. To this end, we investigate DPPFCr, which can be chemically oxidized from DPPFCr(0) to DPPFCr(I).23 Although there are significant changes in the frequencies of the carbonyl bands as well as their line widths, we do not find a substantial oxidation state dependence for the spectral diffusion dynamics. Interestingly, the intramolecular vibrational redistribution and vibrational energy relaxation do exhibit significant oxidation state dependences. There are several noteworthy similarities between the two oxidation states of DPPFCr and the two electronic states of ReCl(CO)3bpy, such as the change in dipole moment and the mode-specific frequency shifts due to ligand-specific changes in partial charges among the carbonyl units. Nevertheless, we do not recapitulate the change in spectral diffusion dynamics, though the solvent that we must use, DCM, is particularly weakly coordinating (i.e., low donicity), and we have previously found donicity to be a key factor determining the time scale for spectral diffusion.

dynamics, making it difficult to track dynamics on either one independently. Equilibrium and transient 2D-IR spectroscopy accesses much of the same solvation dynamics but can be used on specific, individual electronic states, even single excited states. We have recently examined the equilibrium solvation dynamics of a rhenium(I) transition-metal complex that photocatalyzes the reduction of CO2, [Re(CO)3(bpy)]Cl. Using transient two-dimensional infrared (2D-IR) spectroscopy, we found the vibrational spectral diffusiona measure largely of solvation dynamicsto be electronic state-dependent.19 The spectral diffusion of the CO stretch vibrations is roughly 3-fold slower in the triplet charge-transfer (3MLCT) state than it is in the singlet ground state. For these measurements, we used the solvent tetrahydrofuran (THF), which is commonly used in CO2 photocatalysis. We attributed the slowdown in spectral diffusion to the substantial reduction in the molecular dipole moment, from 14.1 D in the ground state to 5.8 D in the 3MLCT state. Using simple arguments based on dielectric friction using the Nee−Zwanzig description, we found qualitative agreement with previous analyses of fluorescence Stokes shift results by Maroncelli et al.2 The decreased dipole moment of the excited state leads to reduced coupling to the solvent dielectric continuum, resulting in reduced drag and a slowing down of sampling of available microscopic configurations that comprise the inhomogeneously broadened band. To test the molecular dipole dependence, we altered the substituents on the aromatic bipyridine ligand but found no change regardless of the electron-withdrawing or -donating character of the substituted functional groups.20 We concluded that the relevant changes in electrostatics are those local to the CO ligands rather than due to charge redistribution on the whole complex. In parallel to our work on photoinduced intramolecular charge transfer, others have been implementing electrochemical cells compatible with ultrafast 2D-IR spectroscopy.21,22 This is a 2897

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Figure 2. (A) Normalized peak amplitude mode 1 in CH2Cl2 for DPPFCr(0) and DPPFCr(I). Data were fit to a sum of two exponentials, and vibrational lifetimes given by the fits are listed in the figure. (B) 2D-IR nonrephasing spectrum of DPPFCr(I), in CH2Cl2, 3.7 ps after excitation. Detection is tuned to select the mode 1 emission. (C) Ratio of the amplitudes of the (ωexcite = mode 2, ωdetect = mode 1) cross peak and the diagonal mode 1 peak in CH2Cl2. The time scales for intramolecular vibrational randomization for DPPFCr(0) and DPPFCr(I) are given as 11.2 ± 2 and 4.6 ± 2 ps, respectively. (D) Spectral diffusion data for mode 1 of DPPFCr(0) and DPPFCr(I) in CH2Cl2, with respective time constants of 2.5 ± 0.7 and 2.9 ± 0.8 ps.

Computational Methods. All computations were performed with the Gaussian 09 software, using the B3LYP functional and the all-electron 6-31G(d,p) basis set. Frequency calculations were performed to verify that geometric optimizations were completed with respect to all degrees of freedom. Natural population analysis (NPA) was performed with Gaussian 09.25

EXPERIMENTAL AND COMPUTATIONAL METHODS 2D-IR Spectrometer. The 2D-IR spectrometer has been described in detail elsewhere.24 Briefly, 1 mJ, 100 fs pulses of 800 nm light from a regeneratively amplified Ti:sapphire laser system and a white-light continuum seeding two independent β-barium borate (BBO) optical parametric amplifiers (OPAs). The signal and idler from each OPA are mixed in separate 1 mm GaSe crystals, generating a difference frequency of ∼2000 cm−1. The output from each GaSe crystal is split into two ∼500 nJ beams, and three of these are mixed on the sample in a box geometry, causing the resultant signal field to radiate in background-free direction. The fourth beam serves as a local oscillator, which is collinearly overlapped with the signal, and the signal and local oscillator are then upconverted into the visible spectrum using a chirped pulse from the regenerative amplifier centered at 800 nm. The upconverted signal and local oscillator are detected on a charge coupled device array (PI Acton, PIXIS). A sample cell with two 3 mm thick CaF2 windows and a ∼100 μm Teflon spacer are used in all experiments. All of the pulses generated by mixing the OPA output on GaSe crystals are vertically polarized and are vertically polarized when mixed on the sample cell. FTIR Spectra. Infrared spectra were acquired using a Jasco FT/IR-4100 spectrometer and the CaF2 sample cell. Sample Preparation. All reagents were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich and used as received except the CH2Cl2, which was distilled and stored over molecular sieves prior to use. All sample preparation was performed in a glovebox under a N2 atmosphere. Samples were prepared according to the literature procedure,23 except that SbCl6− was used as a counteranion instead of PF6−. Sample concentrations were prepared at >10 mM and a slight excess of oxidant.

RESULTS For ease of reference, we designate the molecule DPPFCr in its neutral, closed-shell state as DPPFCr(0) and the same molecule as a cation radical as DPPFCr(I). The carbonyl stretching spectrum of DPPFCr(0) is shown in Figure 1D, with fits to identify overlapping bands. There are four carbonyl stretching bands, corresponding from highest to lowest frequency with an in-phase symmetric stretch of all four carbonyls, an out-of-phase symmetric stretch of all four carbonyls, an out-of-phase stretch of the equatorial pair, and an out-of-phase stretch of the axial pair. We refer to these modes as modes 1−4, respectively, and illustrate them in Figure 1E. This DFT-based assignment of vibrational modes recapitulates the assignments made for the same molecule by Cotton et al.26 The peak frequencies and widths found by fitting the FTIR are tabulated in the Supporting Information (Table S1). The infrared spectrum of DPPFCr(I) is shown in Figure 1D. A blue shift of all four carbonyl modes is apparent, but the degree of blue shifting is nonuniform among the four modes, as shown in a comparison of modes 1 and 3, which blue shift ∼60 and 120 cm−1, respectively. Oxidation also causes modes 1 and 3 to broaden significantly. Blue shifting of the carbonyl vibrational frequencies is a typical signature of molecular oxidation.27 Carbon monoxide is a strongly π-accepting and a σ-donating ligand and donates 2898

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The Journal of Physical Chemistry A electron density to the metal through its HOMO, which has σcharacter while receiving electron density into its π*antibonding LUMO through π-backbonding with a metal atom. A reduction of electron density on the metal atom correspondingly reduces the metal−carbonyl backbonding and strengthens the carbonyl bond, causing a blue shift of the carbonyl vibrational frequency, while σ-bonding affects the carbonyl stretching frequency only negligibly.28 Blue shifts of ∼60 cm−1 are frequently reported for oxidations of metal carbonyls.23 The nonuniform effects of oxidation among the four carbonyl modes is not necessarily expected but likely reflects the underlying spatial distribution of the electron density changes. Molecular oxidation frequently induces geometric distortions in the oxidized compound. The chemical and electrochemical reversibility of the oxidation of DPPFCr support the hypothesis of minimal geometric alteration upon oxidation, but these criteria may be misleading and are not comprehensive. To investigate the geometric effect of oxidation, we performed quantum chemical calculations for DPPFCr(0) and DPPFCr(I). The calculations indicate that oxidation does not significantly affect the geometry of DPPFCr and that many vibrational modes of both oxidation states, though shifted in frequency, are directly comparable. Significantly, the relative carbonyl displacements of the CO stretching modes of DPPFCr are not modified by the oxidation. Because the symmetries and displacements of the carbonyl stretching modes are independent of oxidation state, 2D-IR is ideally suited to compare directly the vibrational dynamics of the carbonyl stretching mode in both species. 2D-IR spreads the spectral signatures over two dimensions by distinguishing between and correlating excitation and detection frequencies, allowing unambiguous identification of vibrational coupling and anharmonicities. Experimental time resolution on a picosecond time scale allows extraction of many dynamical molecular time scales, such as vibrational lifetimes,29−31 intramolecular vibrational randomization (IVR) rates,32−34 and spectral diffusion.35−37 The vibrational lifetime of mode 1 was found by fitting the waiting time dependent nonprephasing peak amplidtude to a biexponential function for both oxidation states (Figure 2A), yielding time constants of 3.8 ± 0.8 and 29.3 ± 2.9 ps for the neutral complex and 2.4 ± 1.5 and 16.1 ± 2.3 ps for the oxidized complex. Fast diagonal decays are generally due to the IVR between that mode and all other modes. It is also possible that orientational dynamics can add a dynamical time scale to the peak decays, but this molecule is very large and would have an orientational diffusion time of hundreds of ps or more.38 The vibrational lifetime measured for DPPFCr(0) is comparable to measurements performed in previous experiments on metal carbonyl phosphines.39 IVR time scales are obtained using the cross peaks in the 2D spectra, of which an example is shown in Figure 2B. Cross peaks in a 2D-IR spectrum correspond to excitation of one vibrational mode and subsequent detection of vibrational excitation of a different mode. Cross peak amplitudes can grow due to IVR between two or more modes, but all peaks decay ultimately due to vibrational relaxation. The common vibrational relaxation of a diagonal peak and the cross peak detected at the same frequency may be canceled out by taking the ratio of the two peak amplitudes, which isolates the time scale of intramolecular vibrational redistribution among the two vibrational modes.32 Figure 2C shows the IVR signatures in the cross peak between

mode 1 and mode 2 for DPPFCr(0) and DPPFCr(I). Both measurements are well fit by a single exponential function, and the time constant for IVR decreases by a factor of roughly 2.5 upon oxidation, going from 11.2 ± 2 ps in DPPFCr(0) to 4.6 ± 2 ps in DPPFCr(I). Using 2D-IR it is possible to extract the dynamical inhomogeneity, which is proportional to the frequency fluctuation correlation function (FFCF), C(t) = ⟨δω(0)δω(t)⟩, where δω is the instantaneous fluctuation of the frequency from the average ⟨ω⟩. The decay of the correlation function gives the time scale for a vibrational mode to sample all of the microscopic configurations that comprise the inhomogeneity, a process referred to as spectral diffusion. In this work, the dynamical inhomogeneity was extracted using the inhomogeneity index defined by Roberts et al.40 The inhomogeneity index (II) is obtained from the amplitudes of the rephasing (AR, kR = −k1 + k2 + k3) and nonrephasing (AN, kN = k1 − k2 + k3) pulse orderings as I = (AR − AN)/(AR + AN); the normalized FFCF is computed from the inhomogeneity index according to C(t) = sin[πI(t)/2]. Figure 2D shows the FFCF’s mode 1 for DPPFCr(0) and DPPFCr(I); the spectral diffusion of DPPFCr(I) is slightly slower than that of DPPFCr(0), but this difference is marginal and the two time scales are within error. This result clearly is different from what we found previously in the rhenium bipyridyl complexes when comparing the S0 ground and 3MLCT excited states, where the excited state was 2−3 times slower than the ground state.19,41

DISCUSSION As previously detailed, the observed blue shift of vibrational frequencies indicates a strengthening of the CO bond and a corresponding decrease in the π-backbonding between the metal and the carbonyl ligand. Blue shifting of the carbonyl vibrational frequencies is thus an expected result of a Crlocalized molecular oxidation. However, there are two transition metal atoms within DPPFCr, a Cr and an Fe, and delocalization of the oxidation is possible. To further determine the electronic effect of oxidation, NPA was performed for DPPFCr(0) and DPPFCr(I), and the change in natural population was found for each atom. These are shown in Figure 3 and indicate that the electronic effect of oxidation is

Figure 3. Changes in the partial charges on various atoms and groups in DPPFCr(0) upon oxidation to DPPFCr(I). Charge changes for functional groups were found by averaging the change in atomic partial charge for all atoms within the functional group. All charges become more positive because there is net loss of one electron on the complex. The Cr charge changes the most, followed by the equatorial and the axial carbonyls, respectively. The population decrease of the equatorial carbonyls is responsible for the larger frequency shifts of the modes involving these ligands. 2899

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sides of the metal center is occupied by bulky, flexible phenyl rings. These side groups significantly restrict solvent accessibility of the metal center. The second contributing factor is the donicity of the solvent. The nucleophilicity of a solvent is related to a parameter known as the donor number, which is defined as the enthalpy of complex formation between SbCl5 and the molecule of interest in a dilute solution of dichloroethane. A high donor number signifies the presence of strong complexation, and a low donor number signifies weak complexation. The donor number of a solvent has been shown to directly correlate with the time scale of spectral diffusion for carbonyl modes in derivatives of [Re(CO)3(bpy)]Cl.20 The solvent used in this study, DCM, has a donor number of 1 kcal/mol, much lower than the donor numbers of other common organic solvents like acetonitrile and THF, which are 14 and 20 kcal/mol, respectively.44 In light of the low basicity of DCM, the oxidation insensitivity of the spectral diffusion time scales in both oxidation states may be a reflection of the idiosyncratically noninteracting nature of the solvent. The overall picture that emerges from our data is that of a strongly metal-centered oxidation that does not significantly alter the total molecular geometry but does induce changes in intramolecular vibrational coupling, revealed primarily by the change in IVR time scale. The insensitivity of the spectral diffusion to the oxidation suggests either that the carbonyls are shielded by the phenyl side groups or that the local solvation environment is insignificantly altered by the oxidation. DCM was used as the solvent specifically because it does not form complexes with most cation radical transition-metal complexes in the same way that other coordinating polar solvents like acetonitrile are known to do; therefore, some degree of solvent insensitivity to the change caused by oxidation is not wholly surprising. Recent studies of electronically excited molecular catalysts provide an interesting comparison to our ground electronic state results. In the studies of molecular catalysts, the molecule is photoexcited to the first triplet excited state and its vibrational dynamics are probed in the excited state and compared to those in the ground state. While in the excited state, a triplet MLCT causes the formation of a transient positive charge on the metal atom and a corresponding negative charge on the organic ligand. Several studies on derivatives of [Re(CO)3(bpy)]Cl and of Ru(bpy)2(NCS)2 report a significantly faster vibrational relaxation of the CO and NCS ligands (respectively) in the 3MLCT state than in the ground electronic state.45,46 The accelerated vibrational relaxation is solvent-insensitive in the case of [Re(CO)3(bpy)]Cl derivatives, an effect attributed to enhanced intramolecular vibrational couplings; similar solvent studies have not been reported for Ru(bpy)2(NCS)2.46 Measurements of spectral diffusion for [Re(CO)3(bpy)]Cl have been performed largely in nucleophilic solvents such as THF, acetonitrile, and DMSO.20,41 A comparison of spectral diffusion trends between [Re(CO)3(bpy)]Cl in the 3MLCT state and DPPFCr(I) is complicated by a significant difference in solvent nucleophilicities and by the steric hindrance to solvent accessibility in DPPFCr; no similar side groups are present in [Re(CO)3(bpy)]Cl. Both DPPFCr and the [Re(CO)3(bpy)]Cl derivatives are minimally distorted, and both show accelerated vibrational relaxation upon oxidation and electronic excitation, respectively. The two molecules are chemically distinct, but a commonality for both is the reduction of electron density on

localized on the Cr atom and, to some degree, the carbonyls. The DPPF ligand is relatively unaffected by the oxidation. This finding is in good agreement with the change in experimental frequencies. NPA also indicates that the equatorial carbonyls are more oxidized than the axial carbonyls, and frequency analysis predicts a larger blue shift for the stretching frequency of mode 3, the equatorial pair of carbonyls, than for any other carbonyl mode. This relative blue shift changes the frequency ordering of the vibrational modes, as shown in Figure 1. This relative shift is consistent with the experimental data: the second highest frequency mode of DPPFCr(I) in the experimental spectrum, predicted to be the stretching of the equatorial pair of carbonyls, is much weaker and more broadened than the band assigned to the stretching of the axial carbonyls. Similar changes in the frequency ordering of metal carbonyl vibrational modes have been reported in photoexcited MLCT complexes.42 We attribute this preferential oxidation of the equatorial carbonyls to a trans-ligand effect. Phosphine ligands are also πaccepting, and competition for electron density between the carbonyls and phosphine ligands in the equatorial plane of the molecule may result in an uneven effect of oxidation between the axial and equatorial carbonyls. When oxidized, the vibrational relaxation of the carbonyl modes in DPPFCr is accelerated roughly 2-fold. Vibrational relaxation of the carbonyl modes may occur through energy transfer to phonon modes of the solvent or by cascading intramolecularly through lower-frequency vibrational modes. The lack of oxidation-state-dependent spectral diffusion does not support a significant change in the local solvation environment for the carbonyl groups. The accelerated rate of IVR between modes 1 and 2 in DPPFCr(I) supports the hypothesis of increased intramolecular coupling and vibrational energy transfer. The spectral diffusion of a vibrational mode is caused by fluctuations in a mode’s potential, and solvent−solute interactions exert a noticeable influence on the FFCF of solvent-accessible carbonyl ligands. Changes in the solute’s dipole moment could reasonably be expected to modify the solvent−solute interactions and thus influence the spectral diffusion. Oxidation does induce a 3-fold change in DPPFCr’s dipole moment, reducing it from 7.5 to 2.5 D, but the time scale of spectral diffusion for the carbonyl ligands is only slightly affected. Our recent work has shown that the carbonyl ligands in [Re(CO)3(bpy)]Cl derivatives are insensitive to the dipole moment of the entire complex and suggested that the CO stretching modes primarily report the dynamics of the immediately adjacent solvation environment.20 In DPPFCr, where the effect of oxidation is localized on the carbonyl ligands and the metal to which they are bonded, any change in the solvation environment is expected to be greatest in the solvent adjacent to the carbonyl groups. However, the experimentally measured time scales of spectral diffusion are similar for both oxidation states. We hypothesize that two contributions, steric hindrance and solvent nucleophilicity, contribute to the redox state insensitivity of the carbonyl modes of DPPFCr. In a set of experiments on derivatives of Mo(CO)4(phenanthroline), the presence of side groups on the 2 and 9 positions significantly reduced the rate of reactions with acetonitrile, indicating that even slight steric bulk near the metal center in the equatorial plane of the complex significantly impedes crucial intermolecular interactions.43 In DPPFCr, the equatorial plane on both 2900

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the transition metal to which the carbonyls are bonded. It has been previously suggested that a change in electron density of the transition-metal atom induces electrostatic interactions between the oxidized metal center and the carbonyl group that enhance coupling of the low-frequency metal−C and highfrequency CO stretches and accelerate the vibrational relaxation of the carbonyl stretching modes.45 Although oxidation in the ground electronic state and formation of a 3MLCT state are very different phenomena, they result in similar changes to the electronic structure. Observation of similar trends in IVR and vibrational lifetimes for the carbonyl ligands in both states suggests that these aspects of the vibrational dynamics of carbonyl ligands are driven largely by intramolecular couplings, which is consistent with standard descriptions.47 The absence of oxidation-state-dependent solvation dynamics, however, is unexpected, especially in light of the large molecular dipole moment change. Nevertheless, we have previously found a lack of dependence on the overall molecular dipole moment change in the rhenium bipyridyl complexes, though in that study the partial charges on the CO ligands were essentially unchanged by chemical substitution. Here, the CO ligands do exhibit changes in partial charge; therefore, we might have expected some influence on spectral diffusion dynamics. The changes in partial charge are almost twice as large as the changes computed for the S0 and 3MLCT states of Re(CO)3(bpy)Cl. Thus, we speculate that the very low donicity of the DCM solvent idiosyncratically determines the solvation, and were we able to prepare both stable oxidation states in a higher donicity solvent, we would expect a dynamical consequence of the oxidation state. This hypothesis will be investigated in future work and perhaps will be accessible using novel spectroelectrochemical approaches.


Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. ORCID

Kevin J. Kubarych: 0000-0003-1152-4734 Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by the National Science Foundation (CHE-1300239, and CHE-1565795) and by the Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation.


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CONCLUSIONS We report an investigation of the effects of chemical oxidation of a molecular catalyst using 2D-IR spectroscopy. With electronic structure calculations and by comparing vibrational modes that are structurally unaltered by the oxidation, we find enhanced intramolecular coupling in the cation radical, whereas we see no significant change in spectral diffusion dynamics. We hypothesize that the insensitivity of the FFCF to molecular oxidation is due to a combination of low solvent nucleophilicity and the steric effect of large side groups, both of which dampen the coupling between the solvent and solute. The trends in vibrational lifetime and IVR in the cation radical resemble those observed in excited 3MLCT states of other transition-metal complexes. This work shows how electronic structure changes and charge redistribution initiated by electronic absorption can be modeled to some extent using ground-state species in conjunction with chemical modifications. Using oxidation and reduction to alter solute−solvent coupling will likely become a powerful tool for studying structure and dynamics as well as chemical reactivity.



S Supporting Information *

The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.6b12898. Coordinates for the optimized geometries of the two oxidation states of DPPFCr studied here and a table of the fit values for the FTIR spectra (PDF) 2901

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.6b12898 J. Phys. Chem. A 2017, 121, 2896−2902


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DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.6b12898 J. Phys. Chem. A 2017, 121, 2896−2902