J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1953, 75 (5), pp 1261–1261. DOI: 10.1021/ja01101a523. Publication Date: March 1953. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:J. Am. Chem. S...
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March 5 , 1953

COMMUNICATIONS T O T H E EDITOR 25 vol. % of the product analyzed as follows: noctane lo%, 3-methylheptane 40-50%, 3,4-dimethylThe simplest method of converting low molecular hexane 30%; other paraffins and possibly olefins weight paraffins into higher molecular ones would 10-20%. Thus with each butane the three expected ocbe a one-step synthesis consisting in the oxidative coupling of two paraffin molecules by means of tanes were produced. They were also the only molecular oxygen, in line with the over-all equation octanes observed, with the exception of 2,2-dimethylhexane. This abnormal octane is perhaps 2CnH2n+z ' / 2 0 2 +C2nH4n+2 f HzO (1) due to isomerization "in statu nascendi." The Unfortunately, all known methods of oxidation amount of water found is also in agreement with of paraffins lead, a t best,l to oxidation products of equation 1. The data presented indicate that under the conthe original paraffin containing the same number of carbon atoms. It was anticipated, however, ditions given the usual oxidation paths, although that if paraffin molecules are pressed so tight that not eliminated, are sufficiently restricted so that they cannot orient themselves and are forced to the coupling reaction can be readily observed. No react with deficient amounts of oxygen in such close attempt to discuss possible mechanisms of this proximity to each other that successive oxidation reaction will be made a t this time. The effect of highly restricted geometrical condiof the same molecule would become highly improbable, simply because of restrictions of geometry, tions, due to high pressure, on reaction paths, is, of oxidative coupling of two close-lying paraffin mole- course, not limited to paraffins and can be expected cules might occur. Under ideal coupling condi- to yield interesting results with other types of comtions the oxygen is forced to react with hydrogen pounds. atoms in its immediate vicinity and equal reactiviAcknowledgment is due to the Standard Oil ties for primary and tertiary C-H-bonds are to be Development Company for the support of this expected. Thus isobutane would couple to yield project and to Drs. R. F. Robey and B. E. Hudonly: 2,5-dimethylhexane, 2,2,4-trimethylpentane son, Jr., for mass and infrared analyses and to J. and 2,2,3,3-tetramethylbutane,while n-butane Snyder for some preliminary experiments. would give only : n-octane, 3-methylheptane and THERESEARCH INSTITUTE OF TEMPLE UNIVERSITY 3,4-dimethylhexane. Iso- and n-butane were chosen PHILADELPHIA, PA. A. V. GR055E for our experiments because any likely reaction RECEIVED DECEMBER 31, 1962 products can be easily analyzed; furthermore they can be readily compressed to desired loading densities. It was assumed that favorable coupling MECHANISM OF ENZYMATIC OXIDATIVE conditions might prevail a t pressures over 20,000 DECARBOXYLATION OF PYRUVATE p.s.i. and a t 300-350", ;.e., below their thermal Sir : cracking range. The generation of active acetate (acetyl CoA') Isobutane (99.5+oj0) containing 4.4 mole % from pyruvate by purified pyruvate oxidase prepdissolved 02,was heated in a 30-cc. Aminco Super- arations from bacterial3 and animal4l6sources has pressure reactor a t 325 f 5" and a t 23,000 p.s.i. been formulated as shown in reaction 1. T P N + pressure for 20-24 hours. It was found that over will not replace DPN+ in this r e a ~ t i o n . ~ 80% of the 0 2 reacted, forming only traces of COZ and CO; HzO was formed in amounts correspond- Pyruvate + D P N + CoA + Acetyl CoA DPNH +COZ H+ (1) ing to one-fourth of the 0 2 consumed. Sixteen Studies6 with soluble pyruvate apooxidase prepidentical experiments yielded 9.0 g. of reaction products (b.p. > isobutane). They were divided arations from an Escherichia coli mutant which into : (a) normal oxidation products of isobutane = cannot synthesize LTPP' reveal that reaction 1 S 75 vol. yoand (b) coupling products = 25 vol. $7,. (a) consisted of ~ 7 vol. 5 $7, t-butanol and 25 vol. does not proceed in the absence of 1)LTPP. S % of its degradation products, acetone and methAn analysis of the role of this coenzyme, employing anol. (b) consisted of octanes, after removal of olefin (1) The following abbreviations are used: CoA or Cox-SH = cotraces. Microanalysis gave: 81.55y0 C, 15.17y0 enzyme A; D P N + , DPNH and TPN*, TPNH = oxidized and reH, or CH2.22(calcd. for CsHls = 2.25, for CeHls = duced diphospho- and triphosphopyridine nucleotides, respectively; 2.00). Infrared and mass spectra identified the s1 >TPP and H Y % T P P = oxidized and reduced lipothiamide pyroHS following in vol. yoof (b) 2,5-dimethyZhexane 40%, S phosphate (LTPP),Z respectively; TPP = thiamine pyrophosphate. 2,2,4-trimethylpentane 38y0,2,2-dimethylhexane S%, (2) ( a ) L. J. Reed and B. G. DeBusk, THIS JOURNAL, '74, 3964 2,2,3,3-tetramethylbutane present, other octanes and (1952); (b) J. B i d . Chem., 199, 881 (1952). octanes-possible traces. No masses above oc(3) S. Korkes, el at., ibid., 19S, 721 (1951). (4) J. W. Littlefield and D. R. Sanadi, ibid., 199,65 (1952). tanes were observed in the spectrum. (5) R. S. Schweet and K. Cheslock, i b i d . , 199,1749 (1952). Identical conditions were used with n-butane;




(1) Usually complete breakdown to CO, COz and HzO takes place.



(6) L. J. Reed and B. G. DeBusk, unpublished results. (7) L. J. Reed and B,G. DeBusk, T H I S JOURNAL,74,:4727 (1952).