Oxidative Delignification Chemistry - American Chemical Society

Basidiomycetic white-rot fungi is the best known group of efficiently ligninolytic ... that at least the initial lignin degradation is carried out by ...
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Chapter 29

Cellobiose Dehydrogenase as a Ligninase G. Henriksson1, L. Hildén1-3, P.Ljungquist4,P.Ander3,and B. Pettersson Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA on June 9, 2016 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: March 26, 2001 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2001-0785.ch029



Department of Pulp and Paper Chemistry and Technology, Royal Institute of Technology, 100-44, Stockholm, Sweden Department of Biochemistry, University of Uppsala, Box 576, 75123 Uppsala, Sweden Department of Wood Science, Swedish University Agricultural Science, Uppsala, Sweden STFI, Box 5604, 114-66, Stockholm, Sweden




Cellobiose dehydrogenase is an extracellular fungal enzyme that can indirectly generate hydroxyl radicals by reduction of Fe to Fe and O to H O under oxidation of cellobiose. We have studied the effects of such a C D H system on lignin model compounds using GC-MS as the analytical method. The results indicate the following effects on lignin: 1) Lignin can be depolymerized by cleavage of β-aryl­ -ether-linkages. 2) Non-phenolic lignin structures can be converted to phenolic lignin groups by demethylation and possibly hydroxylation. Phenolic lignin structures can be oxidized by the manganese peroxidase (MnP) system. We demonstrate that the MnP system can oxidize a non-phenolic compound that had been modified by the CDH system, suggesting that CDH and MnP form an extracellular pathway in lignin biodegradation. We also demonstrated that CDH can depolymerize synthetic lignin to some extent. 3+






© 2001 American Chemical Society Argyropoulos; Oxidative Delignification Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.

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457 Lignin is a polymer of phenyl propanoic! units and is unusual among biomolecules due to its complex and racemic structure. The monomers are connected with several different types of ether and carbon - carbon linkages. The aromatic β-Ο-4 ether is the most common (/). In woody tissues the lignin is deposited in the middle lamellae, where it is the dominant compound, and also in the primary and secondary cell walls. The lignin increases the hydrophobicity, incompressibility and rigidity of wood and makes a lignified cell wall impermeable to enzymes (2). Thus, the lignin acts as an obstacle to microbial degradation of woody tissues, and efficient lignin biodégradation is limited to some filamentous fungi and some groups of bacteria (3-5). The ligninolytic system of Basidiomycetic white-rot fungi is the best known group of efficiently ligninolytic organisms, although brown-rot and softrot fungi can degrade lignin to some extent (3-5). Since extracellular enzymes can not come into direct contact with the lignin (with the exception of lignin on surfaces), it is believed that at least the initial lignin degradation is carried out by low molecular weight compounds, redox mediators, that are activated by extracellular redox enzymes and possibly also by the fungal mycelium (4,6,7). Mn(III), various aromatic radicals and Ο Η · , Ο " ' and other activated oxygen species have been suggested to work as redox mediators (3-5,7). Mn(III) in particular can be generated by the hydrogen peroxide-dependent oxidation of Mn(II) (complexed with, for instance, oxalic acid) by the extracellular heme-enzyme manganese peroxidase (MnP, E C (8) (Figure 1). This enzyme is widespread among white-rot fungi and it has been suggested to be a key enzyme in lignin biodégradation. However, native lignin consists of a mixture of phenolic and nonphenolic structures, where the latter are the most abundant (1), and Mn(III) can not in general oxidize the non-phenolic lignin structures directly (9). Other enzymes or cofactors are thus probably involved. The presence of unsaturated fatty acids seems to allow the MnP system to also oxidize also non-phenolic structures (10). Another extracellular peroxidase from white-rot fungi, lignin peroxidase (LP, EC, can directly oxidize nonphenolic lignin model compounds and a cofactor to the enzyme produced by the fungus, veratryl alcohol, has been suggested to work as a redox mediator in the form of a phenoxyradical (11,12). However, the lifetime of this radical is so short that it is 2

Argyropoulos; Oxidative Delignification Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.

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458 questionable whether it can work efficiently as a redox mediator (13) . Laccase is a copper-containing oxidase that is secreted by many fungi. In the white-rot fungi Pycnoporus cinnabarinus it has been suggested to use the fungal metabolite 3-hydroxyanthranilate as redox mediator in lignin degradation (7) and in the white-rot fungus Trametes versicolor other substances have been suggested (14) . Generally, laccases are too weak oxidants to directly oxidize non-phenolic lignin structures (7,15), Cellobiose dehydrogenase (CDH) is another enzyme produced by many wood-degrading fungi. The enzyme was earlier called cellobiose oxidase (EC This extracellular flavocytochrome is a ping-pong type redox enzyme that oxidizes cellobiose, a product of enzymatic cellulose degradation, to cellobionolactone and can reduce a large number of electron acceptors, including complexed F e , 0 (to H 0 , the reaction is slow), quinones and phenoxy radicals (16-20). The enzyme has been suggested to be involved in lignin biodégradation by reducing the reaction products of ligninolytic peroxidases (21). It is however unclear how these reactions should promote lignin degradation, since C D H just catalyzes the opposite reaction to lignin peroxidase and laccase. Inhibition of polymerization of phenoxy-radicals can be one answer (21). Another suggestion is that the function of CDH is to generate F e and possibly H 0 that later can react in a Fenton type reaction forming hydroxyl radicals (18). The hydrogen peroxide may also be produced by for instance glyoxal oxidase (22). Since both H 0 and F e , chelated with for instance acetic acid, are small and can easily diffuse, ΟΗ· can be formed far away from the C D H inside narrow pores that enzymes can not penetrate. In this work we summarize our studies of the possible lignin depolymerizing and modifying effects of C D H generated hydroxyl radicals. We have shown that C D H , in the presence of ferri acetate, cellobiose and hydrogen peroxide, can depolymerize synthetic lignin to some extent (23). Furthermore, recent studies with CDH and non-phenolic lignin model compounds suggest that C D H may cleave β-Ο-4 ethers and perform demethoxylation in non-phenolic lignin under simultaneous introduction of hydroxyl groups (2 4). This modification "activates" the lignin allowing the modified structure to be oxidized by Mn(IlI) generated by MnP (25). These data suggest a 3 +




2 +





Argyropoulos; Oxidative Delignification Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.


459 role for CDH in conjugation with the MnP system in initial lignin biodégradation.




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Enzymes CDH was purified from a cellulolytic culture filtrate of the white-rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium strain K3 {26,27) as described in (28). MnP from P. chrysosporium was obtained from Tienzyme Inc. (USA). Both proteins were homogeneous in SDS PAGE analysis.






l 4

Radioactive (ring - U - C ) synthetic lignin with a molecular weight of 4 000 - 10 000 Da was prepared as described earlier (5,23). The specific activity was 277 kBq/mg. Samples of 833 Bq were incubated in 3 ml with 92 n M C D H , 0.2 mM ferri acetate 0.5 mM cellobiose and 0.5 mM hydrogen peroxide, for 16h at 30°C in 50 mM ammonium acetate buffer, pH 4. Various control mixtures where one or several of the ingredients had been omitted were incubated in parallel. The samples were filtered through new ultrafiltration membranes with a cut-off of 500 Da. The radioactivities of the filtrates were measured in a Tri-Carb liquid-scintillation analyzer model 1600 C A from Packard.


of Model


0.39 μΜ CDH was incubated in 50 mM ammonium acetate buffer, pH 4.0 at 35°C with 8 mM of a non-phenolic lignin model compound (3,4-dimethoxyphenyl glycol (veratrylglycol)) and 5 μΜ ferri acetate for 24 h in a final volume of 1 ml. Amounts of 2 μπιοίε cellobiose and 1 μιηοίε hydrogen peroxide were added every 8th hour. The samples were filtered on a Nanosepp 10 kD cut off membrane and the supernatants were freeze dried. Samples were

Argyropoulos; Oxidative Delignification Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.

460 analyzed with gas chromatography coupled to mass spectroscopy (after silylation) or HPLC, or subjected to treatment with MnP, Various control mixtures where one or several of the ingredients had been omitted were incubated in parallel and one with 1 mM desferrioxamine mesylate (that prevents reduction of F e by CDH (7 7)) included in the compete mixture. The treatment with MnP was carried out as follows: Mixtures containing 8 mM model compound 0.2 u/ml MnP and 0.1 mM Mn(II)oxalate, were incubated in 10 m M ammonium acetate buffer, pH 5 at 35°C. Hydrogen peroxide was added in 30 portions of 0.1 μπιοίε separated by 15 minutes (to protect MnP from inactivation). Samples of a non-phenolic model compound (veratrylglycol), with or without pretreatment with the C D H system, and a phenolic lignin model compound (a-methylsyringyl alcohol), were subjected to this treatment. The material was filtered through a Nanosepp membrane and freeze dried as described above, and analyzed with HPLC, GC/MS and spectroscopic analysis as described bellow.

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The active species in the MnP system, Mn(III)oxalate, has an absorbance maximum close to 500 nm (2 9). If MnP, Mn(II)oxalate and hydrogen peroxide are mixed in a cuvette an increase in absorbance at 500 nm is obtained. After some seconds the absorbance stabilizes at an approximately constant level due to disproportionation of Mn(III) to Mn(II) and Mn(IV). If a molecule that can be oxidized by Mn(III) is added to the system, the increase of absorbance at 500 nm is inhibited. Thus, it is possible to determine if a compound is oxidisable for the MnP-system with a simple spectrometric test (3 0). The test was carried out as follows: MnP (0.15 u/ml), Mn(II)oxalate (1.6 mM), the substance that should be tested (to 1 mM) and hydrogen peroxide (0.1 mM - added as the last component). The final volume was 500 μ!. Absorbance at 500 nm is recorded in a time scan mode. The non-phenolic model compound was tested with and without pretreatment with the CDH system. As a positive control, the phenolic lignin model compound α-methylsyringyl alcohol was also tested.

Argyropoulos; Oxidative Delignification Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.


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GC/MS Samples for mass spectroscopy (MS) were silylated as follows: Dried material was dissolved in anhydrous pyridine at a concentration of 8 mg/ml. Eight mg of Silylation kit (Ν,Οbis(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide + trimethylchlorosilane (BSTFA + TMCS), 99:1) were added and the sample was incubated at 70°C for 1 h. The sample was then dried under nitrogen and dissolved in dried dichloromethane. The analysis was carried out on a Hewlett Packard 5S90A gas chromatograph (GC), linked to a V G 70-250SE high resolution spectrophotometer. High purity helium was used as carrier gas at a flow of 2 ml/min. For the GC separations a fused silica capillary column (CP SIL 8CB/MS, 60 m) was used. The column had an inner diameter of 0.32 mm and a film thickness of 0.25 mm. In all GC-analyses the temperature was 50°C for 2 minutes. Thereafter it was increased by 5°C per minute until the temperature reached 310°C. This temperature was held for 6 minutes. The MS interface temperature was 290°C. A sample volume of 1 ml was injected splitless. The MS instrument was operated in the electron ionization (EI) mode using an electron energy of 70 eV. The resolution was set to 1000 and the ion source temperature was held at 180°C. A scan range of 40 - 700 m/z and a scan rate of 1 scans/s were used in the study.

RP H P L C Reverse phase (RP) HPLC separations were carried out on a HICHROM 5C-18 column (4.6 χ 140 mm) at a flow rate of 1 ml/min. Samples of untreated or enzyme treated model compounds were dissolved in a water-methanol mixture (50/50) and a volume of 30 ml was injected into the column. The system was washed with water containing 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid for 0.5 minutes and then with an increasing linear gradient of methanol with 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid (0 to 100%) for 5 minutes and eventually with methanol with 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid. Absorbance at 280 nm was monitored.

Argyropoulos; Oxidative Delignification Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.


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To investigate whether C D H could depolymerize lignin, samples of synthetic radioactive lignin were incubated with CDH in the presence of hydrogen peroxide, ferri acetate and cellobiose. The mixture was thereafter filtered through a membrane with a molecular weight cut-off of 500 and the amount of radioactivity that had passed through the membrane was measured. Controls, in which specific components of the reaction mixture had been omitted, were incubated in parallel with the sample. The result is presented in Table I (25).




of Synthetic


Incubation mixture

Fraction of synthetic lignin passing through a 500 cut off membrane (percentage) Only acetate buffer 3.60 hydrogen peroxide 3.77 hydrogen peroxide, ferri acetate 4.35 CDH, cellobiose, ferri acetate 5.40 CDH, cellobiose, ferri acetate, hydrogen peroxide 6.60 Experiment carried out as described in Materials and Methods. Results are from (2 3). This result is a typical result from several repeats with membranes of different cut off.

Samples that had been incubated with the intact CDH system (CDH, cellobiose, ferri acetate and hydrogen peroxide) could pass through the membrane to a significantly higher extent than the controls (Table I). Note the fact that lignin depolymerization seemed to occur even without added hydrogen peroxide. This is probably as a result of hydrogen peroxide formation by CDH itself during the oxidation of cellobiose (16,17). It appears that CDH can depolymerize synthetic lignin by generation of hydroxyl radicals, although formation of other radicals can not be totally excluded. The sample that had been incubated with only ferri acetate and hydrogen peroxide might also have been somewhat depolymerized.

Argyropoulos; Oxidative Delignification Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.

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463 This can be due to a slow spontaneous formation of ΟΗ· (or other radicals) by this system. Although this depolymerization of lignin by CDH is most likely dependent on hydroxyl radicals, the exact mechanism of the reaction is not known and neither which lignin structures that are attacked. Therefore, we performed an experiment with a simple model compound for non-phenolic lignin, veratrylglycol (3,4 dimethoxyphenyl glycol) (Figure 1) (23). The model compound was incubated with C D H in the presence of cellobiose, ferri acetate and hydrogen peroxide as above. After incubation the mixtures were filtered through a 10 kDa cut off membrane to remove CDH and analyzed with GC/MS. This analysis indicated that a product had been created where the model compound had been demethylated (or rather been demethoxylated and hydroxylated) by the CDH system (Figure 2). A small amount of a didemethylated product was also detected. Control experiments in which specific components of the reaction mixture had been omitted showed that the same reaction products, although in smaller amounts, were formed by a mixture where hydrogen peroxide had been omitted. This is probably because CDH itself can form hydrogen peroxide. Traces were also detected in the control without CDH. The latter can be explained by spontaneous formation of ΟΗ· in an H 0 system as discussed above. 2


In Figure 1 a possible mechanism for the demethylation of veratryl glycol by C D H formed hydroxyl radicals, is shown. If the CDH system reacts with lignin in a similar way, the biopolymer will be attacked at aromatic ether linkages by the CDH system. This reaction can be responsible for the lignin depolymerization in the above experiment (Table I). Note that this system can attack nonphenolic lignin structures in contrast to the MnP system, that alone can only attack phenolic lignin structures. According to the mechanism suggested in Figure 1, both ether links between lignin monomer residues and demethoxylations can be the effect of the reaction between the aromatic rings in lignin and CDH-generated ΟΗ·; depending on where the hydroxyl radical reacts. In both cases a hydroxyl group is introduced, i.e., non-phenolic lignin is converted to phenolic lignin, that can be oxidized by Mn(III) generated by MnP. To test this possibility we treated the nonphenolic model compound with the CDH system followed by the MnP system (25). The results were analyzed with GC/MS and HPLC.

Argyropoulos; Oxidative Delignification Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.

464 H COK

Reactions in the CDH system


H C — OH

Hydroxyl radicals are generated as follows: Cellobiose* + 2 Fe





Product identified I by GC/MS

Cellobionolactone + 2 Fe



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Cellobiose + 0 H




F e 2 + i £ £


o H







F e 3 +

Reactions in the MnP system \ , . I Polymerization [ products? n










H J C O ^ i ^ OCK


Η ε ο





H CO 3

Phenolic Phenolic model model compound



yf HoCOK H C - OH









OH Product identified by GC/MS MnP

Mn(II) + H 0 + 2 H 2




2 Mn(III) + 2 H 0 2

Figure J. Suggested mechanism for CDH/MnP modification of model compounds . ^Cellobiose is the main product of enzymatic cellulose degradation. + The electron in this step comes directly from the reduced flavin in the enzyme. CDH is known to quickly reduce this type of radicals (21). ÎThat substances too heavy for detection with our GC/MS system have been created are supported by two facts: Firstly, new peaks were created late in the RP HPLC chromatogram. Secondly, a brown color was developed.

Argyropoulos; Oxidative Delignification Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.

465 G C - c u r v e for C D H - t r e a t e d m o d e l 100%-j









400 440 480 S20 S60 βΟΟ 640

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G C - c u r v e for C D H 100%- I I 00-

a n d MnP-treated model






i 400

440 480




560 βΟΟ


M a s s s p e c t r u m o f peak, i i i

80 60 40 20 Ο

.· .




.... 200

...JL.r. «


«20Ο0 -

a w .

Mas O ()

Figure 2. GC/MS data from enzymatic treated model compound. Experiment performed as described in Ref 25. Peak ii corresponds to silylated, unmodified veratryl glycol. Peak i is probably incompletely silylated veratryl glycol. The mass spectrum of iii indicates that it is a demethylated version of the model compound (Figure I). Peak iv is the didemethylated product (Figure I). Peaks ν and vi are unidentified products, likely residual carbohydrates.

We also subjected C D H treated model compound to the spectrophotometric test described in Materials and Methods. This test indicated that the CDH-treated non-phenolic model compound consumed Mn(III), i.e., that the modified model compound was modified by this species (Figure 3). The non-phenolic model

Argyropoulos; Oxidative Delignification Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.

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466 compound that had not been subjected to pretreatment with the CDH system did not consume any Mn(III), whereas a phenolic model compound gave a result similar to the C D H treated non-phenolic model compound (Figure 3). GC/MS and HPLC analysis both showed that the "new" peaks produced by the C D H treatment were consumed during the MnP treatment (Figure 2, Figure 4). We were, however, not able to identify the reaction products of this oxidation. GC/MS and H P L C analysis of non-phenolic model compound treated with the MnP system without previous C D H treatment showed no difference to the non-treated veratryl glycol (Figure 4), In contrast to this GC/MS analysis (not shown) of the phenolic model compound treated with the MnP-system suggested that the α-carbon was oxidized to a carbonyl (Figure 1).






















Time (s)

Figure 3. Spectroscopic analysis of model compound treated with the MnP system. Mn(III) oxalate has absorbance at 500 nm. It is therefore possible to determine the ability of model compounds to be oxidize by the MnP system by a spectrophotometric test (30). Data are from Ref 25.. VG, veratryl glycol; CDH-blank, treatment with ferri acetate and H 0 ; MSA, a-methylsyringyl alcohol 2


In spite of that the structure of the products of the treatment with CDH followed by the MnP-system could not be identified, the results above strongly indicate that the MnP system can oxidize phenolic structures created by the CDH-system on originally nonphenolic lignin (25) (Figure 1). It shall be underlined that our studies are done with artificial model compounds and synthetic

Argyropoulos; Oxidative Delignification Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.

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8 00







Eîution time (min.) Figure 4. RP HPLC on enzymatic treated model compound. Experiment performed as described in Ref 25. A) Unmodified model compound (veratryl glycol). B) Veratryl glycol treated with the MnP system. C) Veratryl glycol treated with the CDH system. D) Veratryl glycol treated with the CDH system, and thereafter with the MnP system.

lignin instead of natural lignin. The reason is that this material is easier to analyze. Therefore the results need to be conformed on real lignin. It is possible that the CDH system and the MnP system form an extracellular pathway in fungal lignin biodégradation, where the CDH generated hydroxyl radicals perform an initial depolymerization and introduction of phenols in non-phenolic lignins, and the Mn(III) generated by MnP oxidize these phenolic structures to allow further depolymerization. For both these enzyme systems, the active species, chelated Mn(III) in the case of MnP and chelated F e and hydrogen peroxide for CDH. are small and can penetrate pores in the cell wall too small for enzymes (CDH is a 89 - 111 kDa protein (5 7) and MnP have a molecular weight of approximately 43 kDa). Microscopic investigations of wood attacked by the white-rot fungus Ceriporiopsis subvermispora show that the structure of the woody cell wall is modified in such a way that large molecules as proteins can penetrate the cell wall (2). This means that in a later stage of lignin degradation direct contact between lignin and ligninases may be possible. In a recent work, Johjima et al (52) showed that LP 2+

Argyropoulos; Oxidative Delignification Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.


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has affinity for, and can directly oxidize lignin polymers introducing a cation radical, that can lead to various depolymerizations on lignin. Maybe LP plays a role in the degradation of condensed and other resistant lignin structures? A pathway for the different ligninases should then be as in figure 5.

Figure 5. Suggested pathway for enzymatic lignin biodégradation. CDH performs the initial attack causing depolymerization and hydroxyl ation. The MnP system oxidizes the phenolic lignin structures giving further depolymerization. Lignin peroxidase (LP) oxidize partly soluble lignin oligomers.

MnP and CDH seem to be widely spread among white-rot fungi and might thus be important in the lignin degrading system of these basidiomycetes. Soft rot fungi and brown-rot fungi can also modify and partly degrade lignin ( 5 ) . It is not known with certainty if these organisms produce MnP or LP, but CDH is widely produced at least by soft-rot fungi (31,33) and might thus be one of the enzymes responsible for this effect. The brown-rot modified lignin displays the modifications that can be expected after OH* degradation, i.e., demethylations (34). OH- have also been detected during the growth of white- and brown-rot fungi (35,36). However, whilst Kirk et al (3 7) suggested that hydroxyl radicals are not involved in lignin biodégradation by white-rot fungi, this may not be the case. This assertion was based on studies with non-phenolic model compound, that was incubated with LP or a standard Fenton's reaction ( F e + H 0 ) . The latter gave a different type of degradation pattern than white-rot fungi. 2+



Argyropoulos; Oxidative Delignification Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.

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469 However, one can raise two objections against this conclusion. Firstly, a standard Fenton's reaction is not a simple ΟΗ· generating system; other reactive species than ΟΗ· such as highly oxidized iron and various activated oxygen species are produced, which can give a complex reaction pattern (38). Secondly, the initial reaction products formed by the ΟΗ·, i.e., phenolic structures, can be oxidized by the MnP system as described above, which "hide" the traces of the hydroxyl radical (25,39). There is interest in using ligninolytic enzymes in the pulp and paper industry as environmentally mild bleaching agents (40). It is reported that the presence of CDH stimulates the bleaching effect of LP and MnP on kraft pulp (41). This effect may be due to hydroxylations, demethoxylations and depolymerization made by hydroxyl radicals generated by CDH, that increase the solubility of the residual lignin and create attack points for Mn(II). Other explanations such as reductions of colored quinones might also be possible. CDH generated ΟΗ· may cause depolymerization of the cellulose in the pulp giving a weaker paper (23,42). Whether the CDH- generated hydroxyl radicals show some preference for any wood components, cellulose or lignin, is an open question. Use of CDH in bleaching probably requires anyway a careful balance of the dosage in order to obtain the desired effect without too much loss of paper properties. A c k n o w l e d g m e n t ' s The authors thank Josef Gierer for fruitful discussions and the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Royal Institute of Technology for economical support. References 1.

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Argyropoulos; Oxidative Delignification Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.



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Argyropoulos; Oxidative Delignification Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.