Ozone Kills Phenols in Waste * - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

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Ozone Kills Phenols inisz~ Waste o,ηττο n e o f tthe he data n o » s h o « « ^ X ^ T J r i a l effective agents for oxidizing ptien< And it turns ont to b e far cheaper


rX, The new data on chemu frorn a astcs earn f phenol w tioiv . »-W c irst t i ^ e , to nioitt people. been .Ί



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If the presence of phenolic compounds in industrial wastes i s op robfem to you and your community, low-cost, efficient Welsbach Ozone can b e the solution to that p r o b l e m . . . as proved b y the investigations directed b y the Ohio River Val/ey W a t e r Sanitation Commission. In addition to its low cost, Welsbach Ozone offers dependable, automatic chemical oxidation which requires no full time supervision or labor. With the oxidant being generated at the point of use^ there a r e no procurement, storage or handling problems. And . . . operating costs are constant and predictable—a most important advantage? with chemical costs going up and up, every day.


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The record—as shown by the findings of the Commission—proves that Welsbach Ozone should be the oxidant of choice i n solving your phenol problem. Welsbach's "know-how" . . . based on years o"f pioneering in continuing ozone research . . . is a t your service. Write or phone for further information.

Ozone Kills Phenols hi Waste, Chemical Er.Sineerir,g,Vol.>8,No9 September, 1951. «*«/>/«" reprints of this article are available.)

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