P-Chem Crossword Puzzle Solution to Puzzle on p. 158

+Ares. DOWN. 2. Quantify derived fmm the Seeand Law. ofThermodynamics. 3. Symbol for chemical potential. 4. Process in which t h ~ maximum possible...
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P-Chem Crossword Puzzle ACROSS I. Quantity derived fmm the Zemth Law of Thermodynamics. 8. Defined s l S T S 9. Symbol lor freroquency. 10. Ei.ermmegnetic radiation t h a t causs vibrational excitation in molecules. 11. Enerpv per mole assaiated with one uibralional degree of freedom. 12. Biliionelectmn v o i t ~ . 13. Total d e g r e e of freedom for a iriaiomic mob~de. 14. Afypeof slectriealeurrent. 15. A typeof msmefir resonance. 16. Equals 23,aSl eal/mole. 18. Absolute unit of fluidity. 19. constsnt fPmpsrature pmceas. 21. The valua of any state function is zero whentsk~naroundone. U.Mechanism of enzyme artion ia sometime3 described as lock and-action. 15. Bodenatein's e1aaaic etudies on gas ohaae eauiiibrium invoivad this subItsnee. n. He devaloped s technique for crystal strUcturD aneiysia. 29. A th~oryofmultiiaycrga%adsomiion. 29. Anofher ward for nn irrevenible p m -

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31. Bovle referred to orsaavre a8 the " s ~ r i n c of the-." 32. A unit ofprssaure. 34. Enorgy per moiscvle assaciated with onevihrationai degree ofiroedom. 36. Fome = 38. Ensrm required to rsmove an eiectmn fr"magaP.o"satam (Abhrev.1 10. Height of eoiumn packing c q u d to one thlorefi~ald a t e . 41. See 16.aem~s 12. Pressure = +Ares

Solution to Puzzle on p. 158



Journal of Chemical Education

DOWN 2. Quantify derived fmm the Seeand Law ofThermodynamics.

3. Symbol for chemical potential. ~ possible 4. Process in which t h maximum work is done. 5. Experiments on fhia ~uhatancepave an early confirmation of the Third Law of The~modynamie%. 6. Quantity derived fmm the F i n t Law of Thermodynamics. 7. A type01 speefmscopie souma. 10. A so1vtion with zem heat of mirin. and zerovolumeof miring. 11. A" average vs1wity. 12. He firs, applied quantum conditions to an atomicpmhism. 15. Symbol for mmotie pressure. 17. Inatrumenf used for msaauring elecfrieal pofcntiah(Abhrev.i. 10. Aprocessin whichno hesf now oeeun. 21. T ~ general P ahspe for a type of symmstli" top moleeul~. 22. Agenerd typeof crysfslsfruefuro. 23. Hsst absoihedat constant preravre. 24. A thmry which explain. many of t h e omoertiea of matter on the basis of the particles heingin motion. 26. Cga unit ofenergy. 30. Maximum number of phases t h a t can exist in squilibrivm for s pure sub-

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33. The output of sn deefrochemieal cell.

35. Aunitofaiscfricaleonductsnce. 37. Atomicorbitai. 39. Energy possessed by a body by virtue of ilse~nfignr~fi~nOreondition.

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Claybourne C. Snead

Gallaudet College Washington, D.C. 20002