Pacific Scientific - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

May 29, 2012 - Pacific Scientific. Anal. Chem. ... Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's first page. Click to increase image size Free f...
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Pacific Scientific covers the spectrum in scanning-type NIR instrumentation.

Only Pacific Scientific makes a full line of scanning-type NIR spectrophotometers. They deliver the continuous spectral coverage you need for high-level math analysis. And high-level curves—as you know—provide the best means to reduce physical sample errors and re-calibration. Take the second-derivative curve above. It has "normalized o u t " such routine sample variations as particle size and packing density. The result? Far faster,more accurate constituent measurement without the usual need for close sample controls.

Only scanning-type spectrophotometers produce this type of easy-touse results. That's why all users of Pacific Scientific NIR instruments enjoy greater accuracy, productivity and reliability, whether on the research bench, in the quality control lab, or on-line.

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Pacific Scientific makes a complete line of NIR research instru-




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