Packaging and Materials Handling - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Packaging Institute. A Packaging and Materials Handling Institute is being planned in connection with the fourth annual Exposition of the Society of I...
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Fatty Amines WITH ACIDS by Dr. M. R. McCurkle, Use Research and Development Laboratory, Armour and Company

New uses are being sought for the large number nf organic acids of various types that aïr i n o w available. Perhaps one answer w il b e found in the reaction products of th >se acids with f a t t y amines. The fatty ariines offer an excellent means of introducing long alkyl chains into compounds containing acid groups. F a t t y amines react w i t h almost all acids, organic or inorganic. T h e y bring to the product normal aliphatic hydrocarbon chains from 8 to 18 carbon a t o m s in length. Unsaturated hydrocarbon radicals can be incorporated by the use of unsaturated f a t t y amines. Where heavy fat-loading is required, the secondary fatty amines carrying two fatty alkyl chains per molecule are used. The Armeens offer a wide range of fatty amines for this purpose. Reactions The neutralization reaction of fatty amines with acids yields substituted ammonium salts. X H -f- R N H , RNH.,X X H + R2NH -> R , N H 2 X acid-hfatty amine—>alkylammonium salt The alkyl ammonium salts show m a n y interesting properties in themselves. M a n y are cation active and t h e y are water a n d / o r oil-soluble depending on the acid and f a t t y amine used. The above neutralization products, if of organic carboxylic acids, may be dehydrated by heating to produce N-alkyl acid amides. Heat R-NH3OCOX

-R-N(H)-COX -H20 Heat


—> R , - N - C O X -H20 a l k y l a m m o n m r n VTN „n,„i , W .;J „ ^ : ^ Λ carboxylic acid s * l t - * - a l k y l a c l d a m l d e The N-alkyl acid amides are neutral, water-insoluble, oily or waxy products. Syn ttaet iν Μ 'axes A good example of the above type of reaction is the use of fatty amines t o produce synthetic waxes. For this purpose solid acids and rngh molecular weight saturated fatty amines are used. The acid and a m i n e are merely mixed at a temperature above the melting point of the product t o give the alkylamrnonium salt. Heating the salt at 220°C results i n dehydration t o the corresponding N-alkyl amide. Write for free booklet, "Armeens, RNH·,, Organic Alkalis From Pats," showing the Armeens available to you. Also available free is the booklet, "Chemistry of Fatty Amines."

ARMOUR Armour and Company 11355 West 31st Street · Chicago 9, Illinois


Packaging and Materials Handling Packaging


A Packaging and Materials Handling Institute is being planned in connection with the fourth annual Exposition of the Society of Industrial Packaging and Materials Handling Engineers. Wayne University, Detroit, will cooperate in the conduct of the institute, and classes will begin Oct. 2 at Rackham Memorial Building. "Refresher courses" in pack­ aging and materials handling are to be conducted during the coming school year at Wayne, Temple University, and the University of Southern California.



Ampoules are safeguarded against breakage by a carton being introduced by Winthrop-Stearns, Inc. The newpackage is known as the Rondo carton. It was so named because of the rounded and undulated form of the paperboard. which holds the glass ampoules firmly suspended above an air pocket for pro­ tection in transit and in storage. The individual and locking compartments for each ampoule are attached to a sleeve which slides in and out of the outer box for convenience in use. The Rondo carton was developed about a year ago in Switzerland by Alfred Bossi, who has now established the American Rondo Co. to manufacture them. Sales are being handled b y the National Folding Box Co., Inc., New Haven, Conn.


Fenkell Avenue, Detroit 21, Mich. I t is first applied to a scale for cranes and chain iioists and is identified as Hydroscale. Permanently sealed, without mov­ ing parts, unaffected by temperature, independently laboratory tested, Hydroscale is claimed to be accurate within 0.59c. It holds great promise in material handling for it automatically scales as the load is lifted, which makes accurate weighing a routine matter in innumer­ able applications. This was previously thought impractical. Hydroscale should eliminate much conveying in conjunction with weighing in shipping and receiving departments.

for Light


The Jervis B. Webb Co. "junior" con­ veyor is claimed by the producer to moot the need for a small, 1OWT cost overhead conveyor for light jobs. It travels on a three-inch I-beam held by bolted brackets; these are attached either to supporting angles or tie-rods. T h e entire structure is very light am! can be hung from the average plant ceil­ ing. T h e bolted hanger assembly is so simple that the purchaser's shop crew can easily install it. Trolleys, chain and attachments are strong but light, simple, and inexpensive.

Weighing without Springs or Levers A new basic theory for weighing that includes no springs or levers but in­ volves the static pressure principle is described b y Hydroway Scales, Inc., 7632


Steel Stacking


Corrugated all-steel welded stacking boxes, wTith a four-way entrance, have been announced by Palmer-Shile Co., 12611 Mansfield Ave., Detroit 27, Mich., manufacturers of materials handling

equipment. The boxes also have corru­ gated bottoms. Crane lugs, stacking brackets, and channel runners are optional according to customer specifications. The boxe's* are built to required dimensions, includ­ ing underneath clearance. Load ca­ pacity, and color of paint desired, may also be specified.

Safe Handling of β-Naph thylamine The Manufacturing Chemists' Asso­ ciation announces the publication of Chemical Safety Data Sheet SD-32 on β-naphthylamine. The manual sets forth clearly the im­ portant physical and chemical properties; usual shipping containers and methods for their unloading and emptying; con­ tainer storage and handling, and recom­ mended personal protective equipment. It is available at 20 cents per copy from the association at 246 Woodward Build­ ing, Washington 5, D . C.