Packaging and Materials Handling - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

The spring meetings of the Manufacturing Chemists Association technical container ... The day spent at the Forest Products Laboratory of the U. S. Dep...
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sisting of any combination of letters or figures up to one inch in length or on cither flat or curved surfaces. This mark Ci\n he

RICHARD \\. LAHEY Spring q / MCA

Meetings Committees

The spring meetings of the Manufactur­ ing Chemists Association technical con­ tainer commit tecs were held (.luring the week of April δ at Madison and Milwau­ kee, Wis. The day spent at the Forest Products Laboratory of the Γ . S. Depart­ ment of Agriculture, Madison, included an inspection trip through the laboratory with particular emphasis on the container test­ ing sect ion. Part of the time was devoted t o talks on container testing and develop­ ment by the laboratory staff, followed by discussions on technical aspects of wood and paper containers. The Milwaukee plant of the Pressed Steel Tank Co. was visited on April 9 by the metal packages committee which wit­ nessed the manufacture of heavy drums and cylinders. This company fabricates the well-known two-piece drawn steel

drums and seamless cylinders a s well as beer barrels. The miscellaneous packages committee met on April 5 and the glass and wood packages committee on April 6, both at the Hotel Lorainc in Madison. T h e metal packages committee met on April 8 at the Hotel Sthroeder in Milwaukee.

Automatic Marking

Code Machine

A new code- or contents-marking ma­ chine that automatically imprints im­ pressed labels on bare surfaces of hot ties, tins, canisters, and cartons as they travel on a labcllcr or other production machine, is announced by Adolph Ciottscho, Inc., New York. T h e new machine is designed to eliminate both the labor cost involved in hand-stamping and the elements of error and waste involved in preprinting labels. It makes a sharp clean impression con­


Keg Truck for Industrial


A lightweight keg truck has been de­ veloped by the Palmer-Shi le Co., J>etroit, Mich. For indus^ trial users of* kegs, "~f b a r r e l s , or* a n y ,| wooden, rouitd conii tail ier, the truck ί (weighing 2 2 lb. ji with metal -wheels If or 15 lb. with rubber if tires) can he picked iJL up with one hand. W --^*ΐ^Μ Push it any -**&œr™3^r ι(#lin

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