Packaging and Materials Handling - Chemical & Engineering News

Nov 5, 2010 - Eng. News Archives ... The report is available at an annual subscription rate of 60 cents from the Superintendent of Documents, Washingt...
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Centigrade and orange for Fahrenheit thermometer scales. Thermometers are packed in lots of three or six to a box A series of durability and mailing teste showed the new package provides improved package protection, manufacturers claim. Information on A.S.T.M. and standard grade thermometers mav be obtained by writing Tag Corp

Packaging and Materials Handling Industry


High level business operations are expected to continue in. the containers and packaging industry for the rest of the year, according to a Containers and Packaging Industry Report recently issued by the Department of Commerce's Office of Domestic Commerce. The predictions are based on a return to prewar seasonal business patterns, unexpected sustained consumer demand, and unusually early holiday and Christmas ordering. Tht; report contains a special feature giving the results of a nationwide .--Mrvey of the plastic and transparent riexible packaging segment of the industry. The report is available at an annual subscription rate of 60 cents from the Superintendent of Documents, Washington 25, D. C , or any Department of Commerce field office.




To simplify mounting of parts, reduce weight, and eliminate vibration, the body and base of the new Tite-Cap are now fabricated from sheet metal and welded together in one complete light weight assembly. Doors at front and rear provide access to the motor and drive unit as well as to the other operating parts now shielded from dust and dirt. Because of the greater strength of the welded design, manufacturers say it has been possible to reduce the number of cast parts formerly required as supporting members for the body structure. The new design allows installation of rotating transfer disks at either intake or discharge end for handling of odd-shaped containers or for operating the capper at right angles to other bottling equipment to save space. The automatic cap feed hopper is now equipped with individual motor drive and larger cap pick-up dial. Changeover parts have been redesigned and simplified. This single-head fully automatic screw capper is manufactured b3r the Tite-Cap Machine Co.. Inc., Franklin Square, New York 7, N . Y.

New Dow/lake



A new package for glass thermometers designed to reduce breakage, simplify inspection and testing, and speed identification of contents, has been introduced by the C. J. Tagliabue Corp. (N. J.), subsidiary of the Weston Electrical Instrument Corp., 614 Frelinghuyson Ave., Newark 5, N . J. Thermometers shipped in these boxes are held in place by cardboard spacers which eliminate wrapping each individual instrument. Specifications of thermometers are printed on labels attached to the end of each box—blue for





All bottle labeling machines may be made into fully automatic coding machines through use of the Hampden label coder, a newly developed device, according to Holyoke Production Machine Corp. of Holyoke, Mass., the manufacturer. An easily adjustable arm carries the numbers to the stack of labels in the machine in the interval between successive swings of the gumraer fingers. It is a quick motion which makes sure identification of the mix or batch from which every bottle is filled and gives full control of product to the processor of food or beverage who packages in bottles. Chief claim for the marhine is that its simplicity puts it beyond necessity for frequent inspection and adjustment. A squirt of special ink twice a day puts the roller in condition to keep fresh ink on code numbers as they are printed on the back of labels.

new w r i n k l e in ion exchange



NCH 2 CH 2 N N HOOCCHa 7 CH 2 COOH available as technically pure ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid and its crystalline di- and tri- sodium salts . • . commercial chemicals you should know more about whether your business is cold rubber dyestuffs • .

, • wine making . • , liquid soap pharmaceuticals • • . weed killers or what have you.

Samples and following literafurm available on request: • Technical bulletin: * 2,4-D formulation with organic Sequestrene 22pp. sequestrants. • Organic sequestrants* their use • Effect of Sequestrene on soap in textile processing. detergency. * Organic sequestrantst their use in soap products.



Dow Chemical Co. is now shipping Dowflake calcium chloride in a new improved bag. This product demands a heavy duty, moistureproof package. The bag is Dow-produced for packaging Dow chemicals. VOLUME

The bag is made from 55-lb. kraft paper. This paper is treated with a coating of asphalt adhesive t o which a mesh of strong cord is added. The treated paper is then joined with another sheet of 55-pound kraft paper and run through roll presses. This laminated sheet is then machined into a tube and the ends are sealed by stitching and taping operations.



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