Packard Instrument Company

ting isotopes. Provides the most simple and convenient method for precise counting of beta sam- ples that go into solution with liquid phosphors. Aque...
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H Liquid Scintillation Spectrometers

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% Automatic Fraction Collectors % Windowless and Flo-Window Counters TRI-CARB LIQUID SCINTILLATION SPECTROMETERS For counting Tritium, Carbon-14 and other beta emit­ ting isotopes. Provides the most simple and convenient method for precise counting of beta sam­ ples that go into solution with liquid phosphors. Aqueous samples of vari­ ous types may also be readily counted. Certain materials that are not soluble in liquid phos­ phors may be counted in suspensions.

Request Bulletin 314


The most exacting needs of laboratories throughout the world are most eminently and successfully met by Vitreosil ware (pure fused silica) produced to the high­ est standards of quality.


Basic to Dependable Lab Ware-VITREOSIL®

For precise column chroma­ tography. Provides both time and drop counting. Can be fur­ nished for time o p e r a t i o n only a t commensurately low­ er cost. Drops from column fall di­ rectly into test tubes. There are no intermediate collect­ ing vessels, glass arms, or funnels to cause mixing, contamination, evaporation, etc. This is important where accurate separations are required or where radioactive tracers are used.

Request Bulletin 230

WINDOWLESS AND FLO-WINDOW COUNTERS Both types can be used for Geiger and proportional op­ eration. Windowless Flow Counter, Model 200A, provides m a x i m u m sensitivity for counting solid sam­ ples which emit very soft radiations. Has essentially unlimited life. Physi­ cal arrangement of sample in cham­ ber makes it possible to achieve full 2 /i" geometry. Flo-Window Counter, Model 210, features a very thin metalized window of Du Pont Mylar which offers a mini­ mum of obstruction to low energy radiation. Isolates counting chamber from sample. Eliminates static charge, vapor effects, accidental contamination, etc.

Chemical purity, high re­ sistance to heat shock, un­ usual electrical resistivity, best ultra-violet transmis­ sion (in transparent quali­ ty) and low initial cost com­ pared to platinum are some features of Vitreosil fused quartz. In addition to our unusually large stock of transparent and opaque, including glazed and unglazed cruci­ bles, evaporating dishes, beakers, tubing and rods in all diameters and sizes, we offer prompt fabrication of special items. Write today, giving full details of your re­ quirements or ask for illustrated bulletin. THERMAL AMERICAN FUSED QUARTZ C O . , INC. 18-20 Salem Street, Dover, N e w Jersey

Request Bulletin 200

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