Page 1 WENDELL H. SLABAUGH Oregon State University Corvallis

like, approached two early arrivals with the query,. "Are you Dr. Phelps?". One replied, "No madam,. I'm sorry, I'm not he," and another hastily retor...
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WENDELL H. SLABAUGH Oregon State University Corvallis. 97331

Mistaken Identity William Lyons Phelps once recalled an incident in connection with a receotion for him hv a hiahstanding socialite. The hostess, eager to greet Ker famous guest hut not exactlv sure what he looked u like, approached two early arrivals with the query, "Are you Dr. Phelps?". One replied, "No madam, I'm sorry, I'm not he," and another hastily retorted. "Hell. When arrived - no!" ~ ~ ~ the real Dr. P h e l ~ s the hostess related her experience with the earlier arrivals. wonderine" whv " there should he such contrasting'responses. "That's quite understandable," explained Dr. Phelps. "One of those fellows has read one of my hooks."


Descriptive Chemistry In recent times, as more modern topics have crowded out the traditional kinds of chemistry, unpredictable incidents occur. One professor relates the event of a graduate student who had awaited the arrival of a specially ordered chemical. After several weeks the chemical arrived, the student Readers 01the Journal ar? cordially invited to submit their contrihutions to this feature. Hopefully, the sharing of your chemical anecdotes, puzzles, cartmns, and such will enable all of us to he hetter