Pall announces a new membrane disc filter too tough to give you a

Nov 7, 2010 - ... 57 (22), p 25. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v057n022.p025. Publication Date: May 28, 1979. Copyright © 1979 American Chemical Society. ACS Chem...
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Pall announces a new membrane disc filter too tough to give you a break. The new Ultipor® N M membrane disc filter. It's m a d e of Nylon 66 for strength in h a n d l i n g , strength d u r i n g filtration, strength in autoclaving a n d in-situ sterilizing, strength for compatibility with a wide variety of fluids. Strength that k e e p s it from breaking. Strength that few other m e m b r a n e filter discs can give you. A n d the n e w Ultipor® N M m e m ­ brane disc filter h a s the lowest extractables level of any commercially available m e m b r a n e disc filter. Plus all t h e filtration p e r f o r m a n c e you d e m a n d from delicate m e m b r a n e s , in absolute ratings of 0 . 2 p m a n d 0.45 p m . The n e w Ultipor N M m e m b r a n e disc filter gives you even more: Ease of u s e : They're tough, require no special h a n ­ dling, resist d a m a g e caused by flexing a n d — because they're inherently hydrophilic — they wet instantly They are bidirectional so you can install them either side u p . The Ultipor N M trademark — its distinctive identification tab — tells you at a glance it's a n o t h e r quality filter from Pall. Economy: The Pall Ultipor N M m e m b r a n e disc fil­ ter lasts longer,* d o e s n ' t break apart with normal h a n ­ dling. Because it's m a d e w i t h o u t wetting a g e n t s , you

d o n ' t h a v e to pre-rinse. A n d even after autoclaving, its flow w o n ' t decrease. Safety: The Ultipor N M has passed the Systemic Toxicity Test, Implantation Test, a n d Intracutaneous Test. It complies with C u r r e n t G o o d Manufacturing Practices (CGMPs) for d r u g p r o d u c t s for parenteral injection in h u m a n s . The filter is m a d e of 100 percent Nylon 66 polyamide resin. Efficacy: Two p e r m a n e n t l y joined layers, each ca­ pable of 100% bacteria retention, deliver double p r o ­ tection — only Pall gives you this. Rigid quality control s t a n d a r d s g u a r a n t e e reliable p e r f o r m a n c e . Ultipor N M discs can be i n t e g r i t y - t e s t e d by the Forward Flow Test m e t h o d or t h e visible Bubble Point tech­ nique. Service: Pall's force of highly qualified scientists a n d engineers, its technical sales a n d field personnel, on call 24 h o u r s a day, s u p p o r t Pall's w o r l d - w i d e r e p u ­ tation for quality a n d performance, and s u p p o r t you in your filtration work. For full information a n d samples, use this c o u p o n . Tough filters, b u t p u s h o v e r s to find out about. ™ The shape of this filter disc identities it as a Pall product and is a trademark of Pall Corporation. It is vour kev to reliable filtration.



Pall Trinity Micro Corporation, >ALI_: Cortland, New York 13045 [J Please have a Pall filtration specialist call. [J Please send me literature. I J Please send me some samples for testing. Removal Rating Π 0.2pm Π 0.45pm Diameter Π 47mm Π 90mm Π 142mm Π 293mm Π 293 multiple plate NAME TITLE . COMPANY. ADDRESS __ CITY/STATE/ZIP_ APPLICATION— international offices and plants: Pall Europe Ltd., Portsmouth; Pall Gmbîî, Sprendlingen; Pall France SA, Le Vesinet; Pall Italia SRL, Milan; Pall (Canada) Ltd., Brockville; Marusho Industrial Ltd., Tokyo, Japan. CIRCLE 46 O N READER SERVICE CARD